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Ravenguard? A good Formation? FOR REALS!?!??!


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Translation via Bolter & Chainsword user Imeran


2-4 Scout Squads

1-3 Vanguard Veteran Squads


All Vanguard Veteran Squads in this formation have to have Jumppacks equipped.

At the right time…:

Instead of rolling for Reserves for any of the Vanguard Veteran Squads in this formation, you may decide if the roll succeeds or fails automatically.

…In the right place:

Vanguard Veteran Squads from this formation may assault in the turn they arrive via Deepstrike. Additionally, Vanguard Veteran Squads don’t scatter while deepstriking if the first model of the unit is placed within 9″ of at least two Scout Squads from this formation.

I can’t read the fluff text. Cursive be cursed

Wow! Looks like the Raven Guard will be scouting and deepstriking with the best of them. And on top of that they will be tossing out Ignores Cover to units as well. Although, maybe not at the same time… But still both of those formations seem pretty solid. Corax should be proud! Or at least a little less mopey…


YAY.  Finally a [big bad swear word]ing reason to take Ravenguard outside of style.  


Scouts not having Ob Sec is sad face, but having shrouded (and I'd go for the cloaks for stealth) first turn means they should be alive to help bring in the van vets.  

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You could even outflank the scouts, and then deepstrike the vets if I'm reading that right. That would mean you could avoid first turn shooting and still have 6" + 9" + 2d6" of actual threat range. Take them at their cheapest option then.... Playing in Hammer and Anvil, that means almost complete coverage from one side to the other (15" + average of 7" is 22", table is only 48" wide at that point).


The only danger becomes rolling sides for outflank. But with three units, you are guaranteed two units on the same side, and a pretty good chance of them being the side you prefer.

Edit: Disregard mostly. I misread that only the vanguard vets auto pass/fail their rolls. It could still work, but much more risky.

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You could even outflank the scouts, and then deepstrike the vets if I'm reading that right. That would mean you could avoid first turn shooting and still have 6" + 9" + 2d6" of actual threat range. Take them at their cheapest option then.... Playing in Hammer and Anvil, that means almost complete coverage from one side to the other (15" + average of 7" is 22", table is only 48" wide at that point).


The only danger becomes rolling sides for outflank. But with three units, you are guaranteed two units on the same side, and a pretty good chance of them being the side you prefer.


Edit: Disregard mostly. I misread that only the vanguard vets auto pass/fail their rolls. It could still work, but much more risky.

Well, a couple things. You need something on the board to not auto-lose turn one.


Also, there's still a probability of rolling the wrong side for all three.

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Seems like you could leverage this with skyhammer pretty well as well.  

I don't know that it has any inherent benefits with Skyhammer unless you can get homers with Scouts.


Although! You could take Skyhammer, assault/drop turn 1. Reserve your scouts and VVS and come in turn 2 to assault again.

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As well, if you had the points (not sure if it's possible), to have a really rugged force, you could go for a turn 2 super drop since Skyhammer and this formation both let you come in on turn 2 with no rolls.  Perhaps something based on the scouts in cover and hidden?  

I'll have to play around with it, but that could be a freaking RIDICULOUS turn 2 drop.  

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Threw this together for 2k points. 


AP was talking to me about Raptors CT working well with Centurions as it makes their Hurricane Bolters have the option to fire with rending but at Heavy 1 (or 3 in the case of Hurricanes). 


CAD:  Raptors CT

Techmarine: 65

5 Scouts:  55 + 50
  LS Storm:  Multimelta

5 Scouts:  55 + 50
  LS Storm:  Multimelta

10 Sternguard:  260 + 45
  4 Combi-meltas
  Drop Pod:  Locator Beacon

1 Drop Pod:  45
  Locator Beacon

1 Drop Pod:  45
  Locator Beacon

3 Centurion Devastators:  250
  Grav Cannons

3 Centurion Devastators:  250
  Grav Cannons

Shadowstrike Kill Team:  Raven Guard CT

5 Scouts:  65

5 Scouts:  65

10 Vanguard Vets:  233
  3 Lightning Claws, 2 Power Mauls, 2 Power Axes, Jump Packs

10 Vanguard Vets:  233
  3 Lightning Claws, 2 Power Mauls, 2 Power Axes, Jump Packs

10 Vanguard Vets:  233
  3 Lightning Claws, 2 Power Mauls, 2 Power Axes, Jump Packs


1999 pts. 

I like the elite feel of it, like the scouts are calling in the big boys to some critical part of the battle field, and, like true Raven Guard they are going to smash it. 


If I go first I can come in hot and heavy with infiltrating/scout moves and then drop in the Cents to tear up...something...  Then the Van Vets show up and start doing work. 


I'm sure it's not perfect, but I like some of this, though I could see going with something more similar to what I came up with before and doing this differently.  Not sure. 


Anyway, gotta wait until I see this formation in English! 

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I would try and find points for more Scouts in the formation- it only works if you have two Scout units near each other (and alive), so...


If I'm reading the translation right, the only thing that matters for the scouts in the formation is the no scatter part (which is covered by the locator beacons on the drop pods).  Again, we'll wait 'til we see the formation in English. 



Take a Librarian over a Techmarine. Also, scrape up 5pts for that Auspex.


Why libby over techmarine?  I really like bolster defenses and I don't think a single caster is going to be all that useful, no? 

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If I'm reading the translation right, the only thing that matters for the scouts in the formation is the no scatter part (which is covered by the locator beacons on the drop pods).  Again, we'll wait 'til we see the formation in English. 


Okay right there, that's BS.  Since when does the internetz "Wait til we see the actual rules" before reacting strongly in every direction?  FREAKING NEVER.  So i dont wanna hear any of this "we'll wait 'til we see the formation in English" crap.  



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Why libby over techmarine?  I really like bolster defenses and I don't think a single caster is going to be all that useful, no? 


None of your Scouts are really gonna be sitting back in your deployment zone, so Bolster is gonna have pretty limited effectiveness.


A single psyker can cast Invisibility, Shriek, Prescience, Misfortune, Perfect Timing, etc, etc. They're gonna do way more for you than a guy with a Flamer and Plasma Pistol will.

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Translation via Bolter & Chainsword user Imeran


2-4 Scout Squads

1-3 Vanguard Veteran Squads


All Vanguard Veteran Squads in this formation have to have Jumppacks equipped.

At the right time…:

Instead of rolling for Reserves for any of the Vanguard Veteran Squads in this formation, you may decide if the roll succeeds or fails automatically.

…In the right place:

Vanguard Veteran Squads from this formation may assault in the turn they arrive via Deepstrike. Additionally, Vanguard Veteran Squads don’t scatter while deepstriking if the first model of the unit is placed within 9″ of at least two Scout Squads from this formation.

I can’t read the fluff text. Cursive be cursed

Wow! Looks like the Raven Guard will be scouting and deepstriking with the best of them. And on top of that they will be tossing out Ignores Cover to units as well. Although, maybe not at the same time… But still both of those formations seem pretty solid. Corax should be proud! Or at least a little less mopey…


YAY.  Finally a [big bad swear word]ing reason to take Ravenguard outside of style.  


Scouts not having Ob Sec is sad face, but having shrouded (and I'd go for the cloaks for stealth) first turn means they should be alive to help bring in the van vets.  



That seems fair to you?


And simply put, that you want all of the benefits of deep striking and none of the negatives is hilarious to me. rofl

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I see no personal attack.  I saw a new formation that allows for Pinpoint Precision Deepstriking at your Whim that allows for Assault from the deep strike and thought, "Wow, that's a bit OTT."  And honestly, what you said, fit what I was thinking.  I found irony in it.  Still chuckling at my desk.  Had to remind myself, formations don't have to have drawbacks for taking them. 

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