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WULFEN RULES! In German...
Special rules:
Know no Fear
Curse of the Wulfen
Sharp senses
Feel no Pain

Todesraserei/Deathfrenzy: If a modell in this unit is killed it can move up and attack at the end of the current initiative step. This even applies if the model already has attacked.”

Weite Sprünge/Leaping Bounds: This unit can run and attack. It also rerolls failed charge rolls.
May contain up to 5 more Wulfen…. 30p/m
Each model may take a salvo grenade launcher 2p/m
Each model may take one of the following:
Two Handed Frost Axe 8p/m
Two Wolf Claws 12p/m
Thunderhammer and Stormshield 20p/m
One Wulfen can be upgraded to Wulfen-Pack Leader with two Frost Claws 20p
This unit may take a stormwolf as a dedicated transport.

A Second Translation: Two are always better than one and they seem to match up. Thank you for sending this in.
I can more or less confirm the translation on spikeybits and elsewhere, and here is my own crack at it:

(? marks indicate areas where I found it difficult to read the image I found)

Rough paraphrases:
"When a model dies in the Assault phase, it can at the end of the current Initiative step advance/move/pile in and attack. It can do this even if it already attacked.”
They can “run and assault” and “re-roll” (I think it translates to “charge moves”)

"Hand Weapon” - could mean either Claws or Close Combat Weapon.

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know No Fear
Curse of the Wulfen
Feel No Pain.
(Can’t read the rest)

Wargear Options:
Take 5 extra Wulfen - 30pts/model
Can take a “Stormsplitter” weapon option at 2pts/model - I’ve read elsewhere it is some sort of grenade launcher
Two-handed frost axe - 8?pts/model
Two Frostclaws - 12?pts/model
Thunderhammer/Stormshield - 20pts/model
One model can become a Wulfen Pack Leader with two Frostclaws for 20pts
Can take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport

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Interested to see what the Daemon formations are.


Wulfen look... eh. Not bad, but a 30pt model with 4+ armor is a bit of a tall order, even with FNP. Cramming them into Drop Pods seems like a necessity, since they're not otherwise gonna make it across the field. Getting a bonus swing for being killed is actually pretty strong, but relying on Rending for their damage output is kinda rough.

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Interested to see what the Daemon formations are.


Wulfen look... eh. Not bad, but a 30pt model with 4+ armor is a bit of a tall order, even with FNP. Cramming them into Drop Pods seems like a necessity, since they're not otherwise gonna make it across the field. Getting a bonus swing for being killed is actually pretty strong, but relying on Rending for their damage output is kinda rough.

They don't get DP (you can borrow, of course); they do get stormwolves. They can buy weapons to give them more killy power and I think that you get all your swings when you are killed.

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They don't get DP (you can borrow, of course); they do get stormwolves. They can buy weapons to give them more killy power and I think that you get all your swings when you are killed.


Ah, I missed that it was every guy in the squad and not just one per five or whatever. Due to the way their thing works I expect that making sure they strike at initiative (rather than taking Unwieldy weapons) is a superior choice. The Stormwolf is an interesting option, though it puts a minimum squad nearing 400pts; it'd be a hell of a counter-assault threat, though. SW can already get FA slot Drop Pods, so sticking them into one is no harder than doing so for Centurions or whatnot.


I'm thinking an amusing combo would be to use them as extra wounds for Iron Priests on TWC and WGBL on TWC.


They would slow the Priest to 6" movement, though, and wouldn't be able to Run + Charge with him in the squad. Since they can get smashy weapons on their own, I feel like he's less needed there.

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According to a poster who has seen the german WD leaks (I haven't) the Frost Axe is Ap2 S+3 and when you charge (you have counter-attack with Wulfen, too, so always) it let's you attack with normal Initiative in the first round of combat and afterwards it gets unwieldy.


Edit: It is a two-handed weapon


Edit: I am not sure about the restrictions, it could be that anyone in the unit can take the weapons listed including the Leader. It depends on how you read the leader upgrade






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Hi Guys,

I hold the WD in hands, I dont know if someone mentioned the daemon rules that are included in this campaign set.

So they will get 10 new formations, 6 Datasheets for units, Warlord traits, Psychic powers(along new datacards) and relics

To see in the white dwarf are 2 Khorne Formations in a very little picture so I just can estimate what the rules are.

1. Murderhorde:

1 Skulltaker or Herald of Khorne
and 6? of the following - Bloodletters of khorne, Flesh hounds of khorne or Bloodcrushers
Formation have 2 special rules but its too small even under photo shop zoom. Something that effects in 12" range, I would guess no scatter via deep strike.

2. Gorethunder Battery

1 Herald and 3 Skull Cannons. Herald can be upgraded with skull throne or juggernaut.
3 Special rules. First is Warbringer of Khorne (no explaining text)
The Cannons get an upgraded weapon profile same as before but with an apocalyptic blast when they shoot together.
And a third rule that is absolutely not readable for me.

Hope this is new information for you guys

In the WD are the Weapon profiles and special wulfen rule table included are you guys interested in pictures of that?

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On the start of the players turn after reserve, every non vehicle space wolves unit inside 6" of at least one Wulfen unit is affected by the curse. In combat compare with the kill Chart, out of combat with the hunt Chart.

12" for Blood Claws, Sky Claws and Swift Claws, 3" for Long Fangs.

Roll 1 D6 for all affected units

units of Servitors, Wulfen, Fenrisian Wolves and Units that are inside a Transporter at the start of the Players turn are not affected at all.

The curse lasts until the start of your next players turn

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