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New 40k edition? Not so fast...


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PENDING 40k Rumors - May 2016
Sad Panda wrote:
New edition won't arrive in 2016.

But they will (and kinda already do) move the story forward.

PENDING 40k Rumors - May 2016
There is a new edition of 40K in the works.

It's also correct that GW doesn't bother re-doing old Codex books, basically since Tau, as they consider 7th a lame duck rule set (there will still be rules for new miniatures, incl. campaigns, Codex Deathwatch, etc..).

Just that the timeline is off and the new edition further away ... at least 2017 ... according to my information (which has been good so far, but a new edition of 40K is the most secretive topic you could find in GW).

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Don't read into it too much.  But 7th had to happen because 6th Edition was killing their game.


As for an 8th Edition, I mean...another edition is inevitable because thats just wargaming for you.  Having said that, it seems they are pouring so much into new material that its tough to imagine them really focusing in on an 8th edition Maybe it will happen but that seems ambitious to me given the blizzard of things they are doing in the general sense.

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I never played 6th - what was wrong with it?


I can't see a new edition right away. They've released such a huge volume of supplements recently, any company would want some time to earn back the investment from development of that material. However, by next year I'd happy to see a new edition - 7th feels very, very cumbersome to me. That of course assumes a new edition would streamline rather than simply revise!

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I never played 6th - what was wrong with it?


I can't see a new edition right away. They've released such a huge volume of supplements recently, any company would want some time to earn back the investment from development of that material. However, by next year I'd happy to see a new edition - 7th feels very, very cumbersome to me. That of course assumes a new edition would streamline rather than simply revise!

6th edition was an enormous rewrite of the rules, without the benefit of foreseeing the insane combinations it would encourage.  Some will say the same of 7E, but 6E was just insane and it had many missteps which caused an exodus which nearly cut their stock price in half.  


Clearly they went into emergency mode and about a year into it they were already rushing to fix it and publish a 7th Edition.  6th laster like just under two years, and half of that was spent just waiting for the process of correcting and republishing!  


So 7th is what 6th Edition thought it would be.  The fault in 7E lies more in the individual army drops.  Wulfen for example is straight up broken.  I don't have much patience normally for that kind of talk.  I get bored pretty fast when people start telling me how bad this or that is, or how good this or that is.  envy is an ugly thing and so is the level some people take their dislike of losing.  But the Wulfen kind of encapsulate what I mean:  the Space Marines, the Eldar and the Wulfen (just more Space Marines) have all risen to kind of their OWN level without bringing the rest along with them and while this is not stopping anyone from winning on its own, what I am trying to get at here is that it is THIS material more than 7E, that concerns me.  


the Forge world move was a mistake as well (in my opinion, though there will be plenty who dont feel that way).  They are a model company and for reasons having nothing to do with balance, they started making Forge World actually mainstream, going so far as to include them in now official Codex supplements and destroying the dividing wall.  Here again this isn't really an Edition issue but more of a Codex issue.


And that was really where we left 5th edition off right?  The game itself played well and everyone liked 5th pretty much.  But some codex's came along, first Eldar andf then Grey Knights and Tau, that kind of ushered in the need for some new core assumptions (and Grey Knights were pretty obviously a more balanced codex in 7E than in 6E).


So everyone has an opinion on this and rarely do they perfectly coincide, but for my part, 6E Allies Matrix and the Battle Brothers thing turned the game absurd.  The 7E rules do a FAR better job of handling many of the issues.  People will bitch about anything.  But I think in the case of 6E they actually had a pretty good reason to bitch.  


I am personally happy with 7E.  As more things have dropped, balance has become easier to find.  Even the WraithKnight at least has some kind of answer (though a better answer would be to add about 75 points to its cost.  =))

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I never played 6th - what was wrong with it?


It had a lot of issues- changes to mission design meant that the game was often very static and uninteresting, especially in combination with the codex releases. It also was the start of the upswing of power levels in the game thanks to things like the Wave Serpent, Grimoire of True Names, and ally shenanigans. I think I might personally argue that 6E was really no more degenerate than 7E currently is in terms of list design and such, but 6E was definitely the beginning of things; it was the first time that the community as a whole really accepted that certain rules in the game needed to be changed in order for things to remain at all enjoyable, especially with 2+ rerollable saves and the release of Escalation.

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+1 to AP.


6th was when you got that sinking feeling that things were starting to go off the rails. As someone who has been playing since Gorkamorka, there have always been unbalanced and overpowerd things in the game. Blood angel rhino rush, 4th ed mechdar, the 4th ed chaos book (chaos gods rest it's soul), and more. But 6th was the first time that the game itself, on a fundamental level felt like it was out of control. It wasnt a single book, it was the core rules.

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I never played 6th - what was wrong with it?


I can't see a new edition right away. They've released such a huge volume of supplements recently, any company would want some time to earn back the investment from development of that material. However, by next year I'd happy to see a new edition - 7th feels very, very cumbersome to me. That of course assumes a new edition would streamline rather than simply revise!

Most of my experience with the game started with the release of 6th edition.


What was wrong with it?


Well from an Ork players perspective...overwatch.It seems from that point on assault armies have been hosed.


Bring on the new addition please!

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As I recall, the main issue of 6th was that Escalation was just an expansion that wasn't selling very well, while 7th made it clear that super-heavies were part of the base game and all players were *required* to buy super heavies....


Again, one of those "GW is here to sell models" decisions more than anything, I think.

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As I recall, the main issue of 6th was that Escalation was just an expansion that wasn't selling very well, while 7th made it clear that super-heavies were part of the base game and all players were *required* to buy super heavies....


Again, one of those "GW is here to sell models" decisions more than anything, I think.


I feel it was a more of that 40k players are dorks and are not allowing super heavies or forge world. Mainly because 40k players are the worst and think 40k has ever been or will be balanced.

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I feel it was a more of that 40k players are dorks and are not allowing super heavies or forge world. Mainly because 40k players are the worst and think 40k has ever been or will be balanced.

More or less, true. Though I do think players that started in 5th were exposed to the most tournament friendly 40k incarnation that has ever been.


Never understand why GW seems compelled to constantly create new editions. I mean, isn't a gradual update better for the sales of models, than entire changes of editions?

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Never understand why GW seems compelled to constantly create new editions. I mean, isn't a gradual update better for the sales of models, than entire changes of editions?

How many editions have you gone through? Each time a player gets a new codex, new supplement or new edition, that means updates to their army, new models to buy, etc. That's a big boost in sales and movement each time.

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8th in a year is the news then?  - I have a year to pare down my armies to 3 or maybe just one.  And then sell off what remains and whats unbuilt except for the mini rulebook.  With so many great games out there (skirmish for the win) I am thinking I'm merely collecting eldar at this point for collecting sake.  



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Yeah, prob in 2017.


A bit early to start selling off. It may be th best thing since sliced bread.


last time I played 40k - OFCC last year.  I am not doing OFCC 40k this year... so not really going to get many games in before 2017 lol.

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How many editions have you gone through? Each time a player gets a new codex, new supplement or new edition, that means updates to their army, new models to buy, etc. That's a big boost in sales and movement each time.

Maybe you and others, but I'm buying new stuff all the time and create my own sales needs....


Presently I'm painting up an all/mostly metal DA army, while slowly collecting enough tyranids for an entirely metal and armorcast tyranid army. They'll be amazing.

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