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Space Marines FAQ


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Why only a little?  I think this is clear now that you CAN'T gain CT benefits in mixed units.  The argument that you could always seemed really stupid IMO.  

It's only a little because the nastiest version mostly leans on DA/SW stuff, which isn't affected by this.


More generally, other than the Drop Pod stuff, which is just idiotic and opens up some ludicrous MFA shenanigans plus makes them even better as Objective Campers, I really like this bunch.

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So, I'm looking at the machine spirit FAQ here and in the rulebook one from these drafts. Seems very much to be the FAQ of intended rules. I'm fine with these rulings, but I really wish the rule itself was written so I didn't need the FAQ to make sense of their intentions.

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First ruling on page 1 about Techmarines with enough bonuses auto-repairing flies in the face of "a 'one' always fails" from the main rule book, but whatevz


"A 1 always fails" is not a universal rule- it specifically applies to armor saves, to-hit rolls, to-wound rolls, and reserve rolls. Other types of rolls can pass or fail on a '1' based on their individual rules, and it so happens that repair rolls are allowed to pass on a natural '1'.

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So, I'm looking at the machine spirit FAQ here and in the rulebook one from these drafts. Seems very much to be the FAQ of intended rules. I'm fine with these rulings, but I really wish the rule itself was written so I didn't need the FAQ to make sense of their intentions.

So Say We All.

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So does this mean I can put my DP horizontally with the doors closed? No rules on this.....and then if I were to place them 3-5 across with doors closed.....hmmmmm I like where this is going. Thank you GW for making the rules even more watered down.....yipee!

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If the doors are part of the footprint, does that mean it has to keep moving until it has enough room to put the doors down? IE it can't squeeze in a 6" circle?

The door thing combined with the clarification to off the table mishaps should limit the idiocy but you never know... You don't reduce scatter if any part goes off the board.


Edit: As you place the model then scatter I'd press my opponent to decide door status before scatter, but allow them to spin it at the final position should curb most abuse as if you change the shape of the thing (ie door status) you didn't have a model from the unit placed...

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Well, I know how I am going to be playing my pods. They will deepstrike in with the doors closed, scatter, and then land. My marines will disembark, standing on the ramps of the doors the way The Emperor intended. I will measure from the hull, and not from the petal doors. If my opponent does any of the shananigans that are presented on all the websites on how to "make drop pods OP" then I will pack my army up and move on. And if my opponent doesn't like the way I do it, then fine. I don't feel the need to eek out every single thing to pull off a win with my little plastic dudebros.


If you need me, I'll be at the bar with all the other players that allowed Shrike to join before the FAQ, dislike formations, and still lament the loss of the 3rd edition Chaos Codex.

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