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Avatars of War now Supporting 9th Age!

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Mierce Miniatures (makers of the really good Banelegions and Banebeasts models) are also supporting 9th age with a 15% discount coupon in case anyone didn't see it.




I've bought lots of their stuff before (minotaur and monster models) and they are excellent quality resin models. What I find funny is that both AoW and Mierce have their own game systems... maybe they balance quantity of models sold over supporting competing systems!

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I've bought lots of their stuff before (minotaur and monster models) and they are excellent quality resin models. What I find funny is that both AoW and Mierce have their own game systems... maybe they balance quantity of models sold over supporting competing systems!


I think Gabe of Thorns said it best:



I'm just overjoyed to see the immediate restructuring of Avatars of War's page to The Ninth Age. This is a shift that I think will benefit every miniature company that takes part in it. Mini companies don't have big budgets, and cutting out the need to write rules and advertise them to get people to play their game that almost nobody plays. Avatars of War had a game called Warthrone. Nobody played that. Everyone just bought their models to play Warhammer, and they made their models for people to play Warhammer, but they could never actually say that. Now they can. It helps them to be able to officially say what their miniatures are produced for (The Ninth Age... not "Warhammer") and it helps The Ninth Age to have a larger, respected, and growing miniature company officially endorsing the project. And Avatars isn't the first, they're just the biggest so far.


The independent gaming idea is no new concept, and it's really only been recently that gaming has been so tightly controlled by the "One Game- One Company" model. The Ninth Age has opened it back up, and it's exploding outward. And it's not wrecking anybody. Miniature companies are still making money. People are buying GW, Mantic, Avatars of War, Titan Forge, Reaper, Shieldwolf, Mierce, Fireforge, and Wyrd just to name a few off the top of my head that I saw all over Southern Assault last weekend. People are buying armies. Like, entire freaking armies! They're buying them based on all kinds of factors ranging from price (Mantic and Reaper Bones are excellent options if you're on a budget) to "Holy-[big bad swear word]-WOW factor" (Titan Forge and Mierce can make you crap your allowance out but you'll make it back in pure awesomeness) and that's the beauty of it. A lot of these players were exposed to these companies through The Ninth Age site and player community.

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