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Tyranid Draft FAQ


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SOme one the Tyranid hive pointed this out.


Independent Characters can join a units in a T-Cyte...Hive Tyrant's join Tyrant Guard exactly like Independent Characters...Hive Tyrant and it's Guard can go in the same T-Cyte?


The new faq says the can leave now as well. So Tyrants for Hive Guard are IC now.

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Most of the questions are kinda bland clarifications of things that didn't need to be asked (HOW MANY PSYCHIC POWERS DO I KNOW) or of relatively simple stuff, but a couple of these really stick out. ObSec on spawns is... not terribly logical at all, but whatever, not like Tervigons have been good since 5th edition. All of the "go back to reserve when you die" formations being forced to walk on is pretty backbreaking for them, though- the Sporefield in particular is virtually worthless if it can't ever Deep Strike, since Spore Mines are so incredibly slow anyways. The Tyrannocyte having 'firing arcs" is also rather obnoxious, although not out of line with what a lot of people thought it "should" be.


Honestly, none of this is particularly ruinous to Tyranids as a faction. Anything that doesn't directly impact Flyrants is basically irrelevant to their tournament performance, since the whole army is basically living off of that one unit right now (with token help from Mawlocs, etc.)

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Most of the questions are kinda bland clarifications of things that didn't need to be asked (HOW MANY PSYCHIC POWERS DO I KNOW) or of relatively simple stuff, but a couple of these really stick out. ObSec on spawns is... not terribly logical at all, but whatever, not like Tervigons have been good since 5th edition. All of the "go back to reserve when you die" formations being forced to walk on is pretty backbreaking for them, though- the Sporefield in particular is virtually worthless if it can't ever Deep Strike, since Spore Mines are so incredibly slow anyways. The Tyrannocyte having 'firing arcs" is also rather obnoxious, although not out of line with what a lot of people thought it "should" be.


Honestly, none of this is particularly ruinous to Tyranids as a faction. Anything that doesn't directly impact Flyrants is basically irrelevant to their tournament performance, since the whole army is basically living off of that one unit right now (with token help from Mawlocs, etc.)

I thought it was one of their better FAQs. Nothing groundbreaking, but it resolves some debates I've seen in the past. This is what FAQs should be, just clarity on the existing rules, not massive changes to how the game is played.


As for tournaments, only time will tell if this has any impact. I agree that so long as flyer bug lists remain dominate at tournaments, this FAQ will likely have no impact on tournaments for tyranids.

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Being able to have Tyrant leave Tyrant guard is a nice buff. I never caught that change from the last book to be honest. They are a solid back field unit that you can have your flyrants hide in now. That's not to shabby.


a 2 wound t6 3 attack base with rending, feed that's scores sound good to me.


The Tyrant Guard are a decent unit, if a bit too expensive for what they do (though not by a lot.) Their problem is that they don't really bring anything useful to the "standard" Tyranid army these days- and, in fact, they are reliant on hanging out with a walking Tyrant, who is essentially a stone around the neck of any list these days.

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The no deep strike rule from ongoing reserves is going to hurt any bug list. Not being able to bring your gargoyles back onto objectives or your spores back is going to hinder lists greatly. Hopefully they change that ruling before the final draft.

Cannot find my rulebook, but I recall the deep strike mishap table often sending units into ongoing reserves. Are we not allowed a second attempt to land on target?
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The Tyrant Guard are a decent unit, if a bit too expensive for what they do (though not by a lot.) Their problem is that they don't really bring anything useful to the "standard" Tyranid army these days- and, in fact, they are reliant on hanging out with a walking Tyrant, who is essentially a stone around the neck of any list these days.

A unit of one has no issues hiding in back and 50 points for a 2w t6 model with decent attack stats is goo. I would take it over a lictor.


You don't have to attach it to a flyrant endless you want some extra protection from getting seized on. Other wise the model is easy to hide and with feed it has no issue with leadership. I like it better for scoring then a ripper swarm. It has issues with grave but what doesn't. Hide behind a wall and only come out to play with something nice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Although obvious, they should have included a note regarding Shadows in the Warp and Stubborn, as the two obviously interact and this is a very general FAQ forcused on clarification. My DA psykers get to ignore negative modifiers to Leadership for the purposes of Morale and Pinning tests. So for their example, the Librarian does not stop providing Ld 10 to the tactical squad if the faction is Dark Angels. The Librarian is still leadership 7 for any other leadership purposes. 

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Although obvious, they should have included a note regarding Shadows in the Warp and Stubborn, as the two obviously interact and this is a very general FAQ forcused on clarification. My DA psykers get to ignore negative modifiers to Leadership for the purposes of Morale and Pinning tests. So for their example, the Librarian does not stop providing Ld 10 to the tactical squad if the faction is Dark Angels. The Librarian is still leadership 7 for any other leadership purposes.

The only time this becomes a issue is with the warlord command trait that makes you use the units lowest Leadership.

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Even with the FAQ, the one I still can't figure out is if the spore pods, not being dedicated transports or requiring a slot, are able to consider themselves part of any detachment, since they are not really part of any of the listed units. 

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