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Doom of Mymeara rules allowed at OFCC? (Corsairs)


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I took my Corsairs list last year. I had wanted to paint an Eldar army for aeons, and was working on Corsair-themed Eldar with Dark Eldar allies when the Doom of Mymeara book dropped. I switched to that list because, frankly, the army is thematically cool as all get out. To address  the power level, I scaled the power level back, tried things out, and scaled the power level back some more. The list was accepted, but further playtesting had me still worried later. I ended up deciding not to use the move-after-shooting power on overwatch for any of the units, and that helped a bit. I definitely won't be taking them back to the OFCC (I found myself missing my CSM / Nurgle Daemon list), but I was glad to finish and show off the army.


Short answer: Corsairs are the coolest of the Eldar lists, and you should definitely take one. Eldar and Corsair players just have to be extra careful with list building.


I'd love to see what you do with them!

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Eldar, at this point, you have to be pretty careful with, because it's pretty easy to end up with something very strong almost by accident, even when just going on the basis of "Ooh, shiny!". That said, the Corsairs from Doom of Meowmeow don't seem to me to require any more care in that regard than regular Craftworld Eldar, and I don't see them getting any kind of blanket ban.

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(Thanks Torg, I messaged you)


Question - Eldar Craftworld Outcasts.  Can you take up to three Eldar Elite or Fast Attack choices as your Elites?  Can they ride in a Corsair dedicated transport from another squad (as I'm not seeing where you can take a Falcon or Venom as it's own unit)?  Would they start the game in said Corsair transport or need to start on foot.

Pretty much asking if Banshees can be put in Corsair Venoms.  

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