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Everything posted by Romans832

  1. Either way, I LOVE the tiering idea!
  2. Need more ships to that Armada ;) Oh wait... Not what you were asking... Looks great man!
  3. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/986826251/fallen-frontiers?ref=discovery
  4. Has anyone played this board game? I've not heard of it... what's it like?
  5. I've been saying for years our Congressmen need to be wearing NASCAR advertisements!
  6. Way to go RD! Grats Agent P
  7. Anyone notice the Ork Kodex isn't posted for pre-sale?
  8. Aww snap! For all y'all Munchkin lovers https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crazybricks/munchkin-bricks-accessories-for-your-miniature-fig
  9. This is awesome RD!
  10. Just further pigeon holes Eldar and not being able to cast anything while embarked
  11. I'm frustrated with DoL. I spent a month e-mailing them getting a quote for customized Coug plates... only to get a letter saying your short $20. I made 2 calls. Neither lady would show me where the missing $20 came from nor itemize so I could see where my miss understanding was. That just pisses me off.
  12. Cities of Death Battlemat (still in tube) Size, price, pic?
  13. Not a Kickstarter, but WOW http://omaze.com/starwars
  14. Why can humans use all psyker powers, but Eldar can't use 3? I'm confused especially by no to Telekinesis.
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