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Everything posted by Romans832

  1. That is going to be hard to get someone to agree to. Barrage means they get no cover unless they're in cover, why would I agree to that if it's not listed as a barrage weapon?
  2. When you get pics please let me know, I live in Tacoma but visit Vancouver semi regularly
  3. Ah, that's what I get for not knowing the new rules.Does that mean there's no longer critical explosion? Or super nuclear etc
  4. Does that mean they can't be exploded?
  5. I'm sorry I had to miss overtime, but I was done with my treadmill walk. :(
  6. WOW, that's simple way to understand, thank you!
  7. Hmm.... Sounds like Ender's Game all over again...
  8. My Security Officer has been saying this at my office for the last year or two. It would seem length is far more important than complexity these days... Someone else would have to explain in better details the why.
  9. Oblivion - 9/10 I had a friend "warn" me that it was a mind trip. Holy cow he wasn't joking. Good movie! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1483013/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  10. I'm going to the WarHamsters' 1250 tourney this weekend and I'm thinking of playing with a fun list, Iyanden style. If I understand correctly I can take up-to 5 SpiritSeers per 1 HQ Slot. I'm allowed to choose one of them or one of my Wraithlords as the Warlord, right? This is fun playing with only 1250 and seeing what I can take.
  11. Tacoma promoted their Gent and brought in a lady and she sure brings in the business. Amy is very nice and helpful. I don't go in enough to make any more than those observations.
  12. My oh my, that was incredible!
  13. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat930001a&prodId=prod2250080a ROFL Found this model quite amusing!
  14. They have sails?? I don't remember sails in much of that series... R U sure you know what you're saying?
  15. Praying for you man. Thanks for setting your priorities straight. We all can learn from you.
  16. Fast & Furious 5 - Love the racing, it's a great brain turn offer Fast & Furious 6 - Got to love how long that runway was. Could it have gotten any longer? Spider Man - Hey that was really good. Now maybe I'm ready for the sequel this year!
  17. How far from the 250# you need for free shipping?
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