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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. I like the mantic model line for Chaos Dwarves. It is the one line that keeps pulling me back to look at it. I never cared for the big hats of old CD, and the new FW ones are very nice...but way too expensive. So if I wanted to collect an army now, you bet it would be Mantic's. None of their models really compete with GW in terms of quality. But they I don't think they warrant words like 'trash'.
  2. So what about allies? I took up AB and figured out how many points I could squeeze out of my MT units, and came up with 1000pts. So are allies allowed in this league I hope? Otherwise I'll have to do a different army.
  3. Wait, so even Troop choices are limited to one? Yeesh. p.s. I'm in...hopefully with Militarum Tempestus
  4. Just seeing if anyone out there has some Tau to get rid of. Looking for almost anything.
  5. My toys aren't meant for a chop shop. If you are looking for NIB, you should state that. Since you didn't, I noted mine as used. But there is no way I'm selling any of them just so that they can be mined for bits.
  6. I can actually say that I've played a handful of KoW games, and it is not only a fairly quick system, but it was fun. The best part was that there was no fear of "meta combo" action going on. Characters were not gods. The biggest threat was pretty much warmachines...and then only to small units. The odds of them hitting I think are only 33% or less most of the time. If anyone wants to give it a whirl, let me know and we can get in a game.
  7. I have a ton of 80s gi joe. All played with stuff though.
  8. If I get sucked in, it will be for the abyssal dwarfs. Those guys look cool.
  9. You are so weird at times....
  10. Space wolves, Tau, Militarum Tempestus, hmmmmm I have about 13 different armies that I collect...so let me know what your trade stock is and I'm sure we can work something out. The first three 40K guys are my latest armies, so they are pretty small.
  11. So I own KoW v1 and I like it. It does not have the same depth that fantasy has, but it also doesn't have the same BS that fantasy has. It is more straight up, my units versus your units, lets roll some dice. Well now the v2 kickstarter has popped up, which with Mantic, normally means crazy deals. But I find myself a bit hesitant to jump in. I don't really need models...so the $50 book entry looks good...but I fear if I do that, that I won't be able to stop myself from getting more models anyways. Is this on anyone's radar?
  12. I haz some. Looks like 29, no command though. I also have some old saurus as well, but they are pretty beat up and are lacking shields.
  13. why not just a tablet for now?
  14. I want a new model, the Carnifex Rex! Three times the size of a normal Carnifex!
  15. So looking for various codices: Space Wolves, Tau, Militarum Tempestus, and Imperial Knights. I have stuff to trade, let me know.
  16. I just met a Portlander looking for a place to pop in and throw down some 40K. I told him about WoW on Tuesdays, and thought there was a league at Guardian, but I can't say I've seen anything more on that. Can someone who is in the know post up the information?
  17. Oh, and the poor carnifex...that thing has just gotten shafted. It used to be the bomb..now its just sort of meh...
  18. Just replace those with gummy worms....
  19. X-men days of future past: just bought this and watched it again. I think it stands out as one of the best X-men movies in that franchise. I think X-men 2 still holds the top spot, but this one comes in second, and then First class as third. I think a big reason for this one's jump is that it resets the franchise letting them correct the horrible mistake of X-men 3. :) Will be interesting to see where this goes next. Actually looking forward to the next one because of this movie.
  20. Pricing Update: Nid army $200 Marine army $200 Prussian army $50 Maybe that might appeal to some better. Who knows at this point....
  21. Oh yeah, and then show them my Rogue Trader post and they can buy my stuff. :)
  22. Do it under the guise of a themed campaign. You can come up with your own missions (and thus limitations on army building) in order to force a more friendly meta. Small team games are great for breaking down that total fear of losing. For whatever reason, it seems to give you hope to play with someone else on your side. :) You could even make it more narrative. Say for instance, you allow them 250pts for an HQ choice, and two troops, but no vehicles. The mission is that they have to investigate some ruins trying to recover blah blah blah. You then DM the other side with something like nids or necrons or the like to try and hinder them. In the end, they should win the objective. Basically, create an environment that they are more comfortable with. The current 40K is fairly different from back when I started long ago...and it is overwhelming at times. There is no reason to jump into that right from the start. Show them a version of the game that they are more used to. Introduce the new aspects of it slowly. At least you'll be playing.
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