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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. Might not make it. Rolled my ankle severely the other day. Not sure if I'm up for going out and standing a lot. I did blog though. :)
  2. Few things: 1) I updated my blog, go check it out for week 3. 2) what happens if you have a unit touch the tower during their own movement. 3) does the tower teleport ethereal units.
  3. Well for future reference, if you don't want to part it out, state that specifically. It wasn't clear by your original post that you are looking for a straight army swap. If you change your mind, I have over 100 small bugs that I'd gladly trade for some of your necrons.
  4. I am fairly certain the rules for KoW are still available online. I also have the book and would be fine to bring it in on Sunday. It does not have the same depth as WFB has, but it is still an enjoyable wargame of pushing minis around a table and rolling dice. It will not fix the above complaints. :)
  5. I have tons of small bugs that you can have for necrons.
  6. why bother running through the WM. I would think the wraiths would have an easy time killing them in melee.
  7. Those are just the haters Lion. Can you blame them for wanting to report you for too much awesome?
  8. It was an interesting night, that is for sure. Despite having two matchups that did not seem to be in my favor (deamons and then skaven with plenty of magic weapons + poison) the scenario let me pull in some decent points. I'm sure had they been stand up fights, I'd not have done nearly as well. Oh, and I have to pin my bone giant again...in new spots as it broke in half despite being in a foam case, and then the head popped off. Although he did pretty poorly the whole night, only ever getting one extra attack. Meh.
  9. well it's not the video card or the memory cards RAM whatever. At this point is either the motherboard or the power supply.
  10. The only thing that was happening before this was that catalyst control center kept crashing. However the system would run fine. I have been trying to use the windows repair tool....sometimes it tries to run, sometimes it crashes just after loading it. Once, it told me it could read memory at a certain location when it tried to do a restore. Basically though, the system keeps rebooting within 60 seconds of starting.
  11. So I entered my office this morning and my PC was showing "run Window's repair tool?" Crap. So I did, and basically my PC keeps shutting down. Heck, I even went into the Bios to just look at things, and it rebooted from there as well. I have no idea what is going on. I did try to start windows as normal, got all the way to entering my password...but as the background screen came up, it lasted only a few seconds before rebooting again. Part of me thinks it might be a temp problem, which is why I went into bios. It showed the temp of the CPU to be 30C, well in the normal range. I'm clueless here. What in the world would cause the PC to shutdown while sitting in the bios? What would let it run for only a minute or two before rebooting? How can I troubleshoot this?
  12. or is the real moral of this story, "don't throw out your mother *bleeping* authenticator!" :)
  13. And then his frozen nipples fell off....
  14. Wow, Fury is one of those movies that is really hard to describe. It was brutal and raw. The first word that popped out of my mouth at the end of it was "intense". The problem I have with it though is that I wasn't sure how to answer my wife when she asked me if I had liked it. I was interested in it, I was enthralled while I watched it, and it definitely had me on the edge of my seat. But at the same time, there was little in the way of emotional response. I got more emotional reading the interview of an actual WWII infantryman on Warlord's site. I suppose my reaction to the film is mature. This was not a film that glorified combat, nor was it some propaganda piece. In fact, most of the time, I felt ashamed of how some of the soldiers were acting. But it always came with the grim realization that it was probably very accurate. There were no heroes to root for. I don't know if I'll own this film. I'm simply not sure of the point of it. It was watching the horrible truth of war and now that I have seen it, do I really need to see it again? As a movie, it was amazing. It completely drew me in. The acting was good and the effects were phenomenal. The pacing was good. My only criticism would be the validity of the final battle. But it is a movie, so they have leeway. It left me shell-shocked. I don't think I am still quite over the experience. If you like World War II films, then I have to recommend it.
  15. for that horrible excuse of a model, the bone giant. Jesus [big bad swear word]ing christ, can they not really design a model that can actually be assembled?? I really hate that crap.
  16. Wanted to toss out this idea and see what people thought of it. I have both the old black knight models and the new ones. The old ones have bare skeleton mounts with an armored rider on top. The new ones have barded steeds and armored riders. I was thinking of using the old black knights to represent TK skeleton horsemen. They get armor and use spears, and they ride unarmored mounts. Basically, the new Black Knights are great models, and I still have these older ones lying around and am trying to find a way to use them in my new undead army (which is more VC flavored than TK). Or would they be too confusing?
  17. Updated. Carnies are gone, as are the warriors and swarms.
  18. So I'm painting up my dire wolves and these guys are elevated above the base. So I'm going to need something to level out the platform they are on. I used to use vallejo coarse pumice paste from Bridgetown. I don't know if guardian carries it. Anyone have other suggestions?
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