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Everything posted by lustriangod2

  1. I have a metal one. New in box and unassembled. What do you have I. Trade in WHF or Hordes?
  2. What models or armies are you currently working on? I'm working on Tetto, amd a Death Dealer Slann Also finally putting my COR on DE Coldones. 15 to be exact along with repaint
  3. So, does anyone know or have had any success with modeling realistic lightning coming from a model?
  4. I had my boys birthday party that day and family events in the evening. I agree, lets get this going. It will take some time to get this to be a regular showing, but also are you guys In for a tournament in January? I am going to help set it up and Roy will run it. But I need to see how many will be interested and a good date so we can get people there. Probably on a Saturday.
  5. Ok, I'm just saying that we need to really help stores that don't get the large amount of foot traffic like other stores tend to get.
  6. My little boy has his 7th birthday party today. Depending on what is going on I might be able to sneek down for a bit. Also I thought we were doing the painting models at Dice Age every 3rd Saturday of the month. It will help people to get their armies painted up and perhaps share painting and converting tips. I do agree, that the fantasy portion of Warhammer is fading again. With so much new stuff coming and so much new ideas for themes arising. Well, let's get this going. Also, I think that we should all make Dice Age Games the official Warhammer fantasy store that we all buy our stuff from ( unless your in Salem or Seattle or far far away) Here's why I think this. Guardian Games is a big store that really does not need your fantasy business. They have loads of other things going on there from Pokemon, Magic, Warmahorde, to 40K. Roy could use the boost and it will keep more tournaments coming to that store. We need to show that we are committed to making one store a dedicated source of one game. We all could help by showing support for Dice Age. if he sees more of us buying from him he will bring in more supply. So, what do you guys think? Also Dice Age supports Ordo, and the OFCC every year. So if we could commit this would be great, thanks to everyone.
  7. Yes it was Sean who was on our team. He built that thing really good.
  8. I come for the painted armies and conversions and to catch up with old friends that are spread across the map. Great event Ordo bros.
  9. Man I knew I should have held off a few more days on buying my ticket
  10. So does my little girl. Hours just watching them on YouTube.
  11. Drak, are you ready to take on my dreaded Saurian. That's the beast the old ones blessed my army with, to crush your hopes and dreams.
  12. Oh, my daughter is dying for those as well. If you bring a couple more I can also make it worth your while.
  13. I am pretty sure that I will get them done.My Scar-Vets would be done if I was putting them on condones. My skink priest would be done if I didn't make a new model for him. My skinks are getting new paint schemes, and my old blood was done but then I converted a new one and bought the carny kit. Dreaded is almost done. So I am still confident that I can achieve this goal.
  14. So with 8 days from today. OFCC will begin its much anticipated multi game program. This is going to be a very exciting weekend. I am looking forward to seeing players and friends I haven't seen in quite some time. I love looking at everyone's models and conversions. I really don't know where all my time went to get my things in order. That's life I guess. So with this in mind. What time crunch projects are you guys all having to work on. Myself, here is my list. Old blood Scar-vet1 Scar-vet2 Skink priest Skinks 5 movement trays The Dreaded Saurian Ordo Open Chariot 1 Chariot 2 Chimera So with all of this, I still think I can get it all done. So let us know if you guys are as strapped with work as I am.
  15. We accept your challenge Dimensional cascade forum.
  16. I'm a go for the WHF open. Just bought the dang ticket
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