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Everything posted by thatdave

  1. Isn't that the same thing? I guess I am missing the distinction......
  2. DMBz Nut Punch all made it home safely. Quite a drive (and flight for Ian!), but worth it. Every year. Thanks all!
  3. The jacket was secured by Ordo and the parties have been in contact to arrange the safe return of said item. Big thanks to all responders and to Bryan specifically. Thanks!
  4. The jacket was secured by Ordo and the parties have been in contact to arrange the safe return of said item. Big thanks to all responders and to Bryan specifically. Thanks!
  5. The jacket was secured by Ordo and the parties have been in contact to arrange the safe return of said item. Big thanks to all responders and to Bryan specifically. Thanks!
  6. The jacket was secured by Ordo and the parties have been in contact to arrange the safe return of said item. Big thanks to all responders and to Bryan specifically. Thanks!
  7. The way I see it: There will be three teams consisting of 4 players each for a 12 player pool. We, the captains, will look to make the most suitable matchup we can from the pool. 12 players=6 games. It could be that it ends up in a 2 players from each team face 2 from each other team. There are a number of possibilities. I suspect once the 3 captains get together we will be able to sort it out fairly quickly.
  8. Is the multi-team match ups going to carry over to day two? Just curious.
  9. I have a small mob (all bare plastic), roughly: Battle wagon Trukk Boyz (20 or 40 - I'll check) Nobz (5) Deffcoptas (3) Warboss If you're interested I will bring them with me to the OFCC.
  10. If you don't get one I have a painted one you could borrow. Not real pretty, but functional.
  11. I'm hoping everyone remembers to bring this information. As per the rules - if someone forgets this information and/or fails to provide a printed copy to their opponents they are not allowed to use the models in question.
  12. That worked, didn't it. I think we need to require anyone with something not in the normal army books to have a copy of the relevant rules for their opponents, be it the book itself or even better a copy of the page(s) the opponents can have for referrence. This is an open list event and lists are exchanged before every game. In particular I'm thinking Monstrous Arcanum, Tamarkhan and Storm of Magic. Not everyone has these books and some of the models have unusual rules.
  13. Giant Stonehorn 2 yhetees 6 trappers Trapper unit fillers I think that's it. :-\ If I get that done I'll try to do my Leadbelcher conversions. Not likely though.
  14. PBR will accept your challenge, no matter what your mothers might smell like!
  15. Do you need the crew or just the catapult. I have a pair of catapults, but no crew (at least not near the catapults).
  16. DMBz: NP has 1 open slot. We are currently booked with Not Appearing and Ordo Alpha.
  17. Yeah, I don't think it will fit on a chariot base. I think Talapas is on the right track and would say the Soulgrinder base is a good starting point at a minimum. I've not seen one in person, but the Dreaded Saurian looks enormous.
  18. Scarydog, Can you please send me a copy of the graphic you used on our name tags? I seem to have misplaced mine. Thanks! Dave
  19. He has indeed gotten back to me. Thanks to anyone who aided me in this inquiry, I greatly appreciate it!
  20. I have indeed. A couple in fact. I will gladly PM my contact info if necessary, but I figured this would be a good place to catch him first. If you could point him in my direction I'd be greatly appreciative.
  21. Threadomancy I know, but I need Scarydog to contact me RE: some name tags. Please. If anyone knows him please point him my way. Thanks!
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