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Everything posted by thatdave

  1. I think the list is good, but I am curious about the lores.
  2. What are your lores BTW? Death does make the list a bit tougher, but I suspect the Vampire Lord is on LoV. What say you, Mark?
  3. I started my harassment yesterday. :)
  4. Especially with their balllistic skill, against Skirmishers, and at range....
  5. PMed you RE: the Blood Throne of Khorne ;).
  6. Challenge accepted from Team Ordo Alpha!
  7. See this thread for info: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/21535-team-challenges/
  8. This is the place to call out and/or accept challenges between teams. This challenge can stem from any number of reasons: getting a game with an old friend whom you only see at the OFCC, renewing a rivalry or even kindling a new one. Raindog has decreed that day 1 of the OFCC will be for challenges between teams and day 2 will be matched based on day 1 results. So throw down your gauntlet, or pick up one cast in your direction! I will start the festivities with a call out of Team Flaming Battle Kittens. If they're up for it....
  9. I will start a new thread wherein the gauntlets shall be cast!
  10. I do not recall whether or not we have this settled, or even discussed it much yet, but I am wondering: Are we having Challenge Rounds this year? If so, I have a few teams to call out!
  11. I don't have my book handy either, but both their rule sets are in Storm of Magic.
  12. I was thinking the Spined Beast or the Giant Spawn.
  13. I don't mind agreeing with Talapas, especially when he is correct!
  14. No need to be bummed rundra34, there ARE two Shaggoths!
  15. Cool models/conversions/'counts as' has never been rejected at the OFCC (unless the list was excessive, which in my experience hasn't happened). If you want to do a cool conversion army with an awesome theme, then by all means go for it - just count them as Boyz instead of Savage Orcs and BAM!...problem solved. If someone is more interested in the modeling then don't use them as the power unit, go for something tamer.
  16. @Swan-of-War/Yarb: These are exactly my thoughts and why I am bringing not one but two Hunters in my list instead of two Ironblasters (which I have shamefully played with). And Yhetees too!
  17. I thought I once heard of a doubles tourney - is this off the table/in the works/a figment of my imagination?
  18. The two above posts have it spot on: the increased armor save and mounted parry make the IF more valuable than a few extra attacks. And two units of three will prove more effective and versatile than a single unit of six.
  19. There are plenty of endorsements above so it is unnecessary, but I too vouch for LoF and would invite him onto my team if I was all-full-up already. Glad to see you back and look forward to catching up!
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