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Everything posted by Koyote

  1. Jim has been married for ages, so his situation is understandable, but Sherbert??? He must be newly single. ;) I won't be out tomorrow, but I hope to be there on the 21st. The Adepticon SAGA tournament is at the end of March, so I really need to get in some additional practice games. Sherbet or Joey, SAGA next week?
  2. Once my nifty new bases arrive, I can get to work on painting my pirates. .
  3. Anyone interested in play a game or two of SAGA?
  4. I enjoyed everything about the board game except for the nipple pinching. Ouch. Not-fun.
  5. Now I need to figure out what to do for the yards, sails, and rigging.
  6. Here's yesterday's progress on the sloop. The hull, mast, bowsprit, and metal bits are part of the kit. The rest, I added. As you can see, I have a lot more work to do.
  7. Shiver me timbers! Looky what arrived today, my Black Scorpion Miniatures pirates and Aintsy Casting sloop.
  8. Now that Joey's mini campaign is coming to a close, I'd like to gauge the interest in continuing the adventure in the benighted city. Joey's original plan was to use the mini-campaign to kick off some form of league play, but our diminishing numbers make me wonder if this will happen. I know that some people have expressed interest in Blood Bowl, Sherbert wants to start up another Vroom-Vroom campaign, and others just want to play something different. Personally, I'd like to play some Frostgrave and SAGA. I suppose we have a number of options. Those who are interested could continue playing Mordheim pick-up games here and there. We could make one Tuesday a month Mordheim night. Or we can take a break and pick up the campaign where we left off a few months down the road. I'd be willing to run a campaign this Spring for the veteran warbands from Joey's campaign. If there's interest in a Spring Mordheim veterans' campaign, I'd like to cap the warbands that will participate in the Spring to 12 games. This way most of the warbands will start off at roughly the same experience level. Warbands wouldn't be required to have 12 games under their belt(s) to participate, it'd just be a suggestion. One could start a brand new warband for the Spring and rack up the Underdog points. If a player's warband has not played 12 games and wants to start the Spring campaign , that player could use the next few months to work towards his warband's 12 game cap. Thoughts?
  9. Sadly, I won't make it. If anyone else can't make it tonight, I'd be happy to play a make up game next week.
  10. I've finished the last of my THMiniatures terrain. Time to get to work on my tower.
  11. I'd like to ask you to join the The Sons of Averheim in a moment of silence to honor the dearly departed Bergjaeger, Otto (pictured left). He was a hero in the truest sense (Bergjaegers are found under the Heroes section of the Averlander warband rules). Otto was struck down on Turn 1 by an Orc crossbow bolt and died of his injuries during the campaign phase of the game. As the good book of Sigmar reads, he who lives by the crossbow shall die by the crossbow. Let this be a lesson to Bergjaegers everywhere, stick to longbows. Otto is survived by his older brother and fellow Bergjaeger, Oswald (pictured right) and his younger brother, Ott, a novice Bergjaeger and the newest member of the Sons of Averheim.
  12. GW's Dreadstone Blight ruined tower is my next terrain project. It will make a nice centerpiece for my Mordheim table. My modifications are are fairly simple. I added to the third floor some additional rubble to create cover on three sides. I can see getting this model painted and then accidentally breaking off the third floor, so I added a vertical support to strengthen GW's poor design. I also added a ladder. Down on the bottom floor I covered up the shallow pit to make the floor a bit more level. Tippy Model Syndrome in pain in the @ss. I also created a 28mm man-sized breach on the backside of tower to let more light in and to give models an additional entrance/exit.
  13. You must be a Western grad. It's ok. It's not your fault. You are the product of sub-standard professors.
  14. A few weeks ago someone pointed out that my Mordheim terrain could use some wooden walkways to connect some of the buildings to one another. After a bit of searching I found some terrific, pre-painted resin cast walkways made by the UK company, Apocalypse Miniatures. And yes, I know, walkways are simple to make and paint, but I would rather spend my hobby time elsewhere. Plus, they are painted quite nicely. I like that the planks vary in colors.
  15. The high point of last night's games, and probably the whole campaign, was the capture and ransoming of one of Jim Graham's witch hunters. After a hard fought game that saw my Road Warden taken out of action (for the very first time), Jim rolled a 61 on the Heroes Serious Injury Chart for the hero Witch Hunter, Matthias Lieberstein. Since my warband includes an actual witch, who the witch hunters had tried to kill, you can imagine my delight at the thought of taking a witch hunter prisoner. Hmm? ...What to do? What to do? My Road Warden (and his horse) recovered from their wounds and the Elf Ranger who shot my hired sword in the back died from a blunderbuss blast (go Marksman!), so I was in a generous mood (truth be told, its hard not to be in a generous mood when playing Jim, he's so damn amiable). During negotiations for Lieberstein's life, Jim tore off a piece of paper and scribbled a note. As you can see from the photo, the note was an offer from the Witch Hunter Captain, Hieronymus Black, to wed Matthias Lieberstein to my witch, in exchange for Matthias' freedom. Also, the Witch Hunter Captain has declared that Old Witch is "defintly [sic] not a witch." How could a girl crone say no to that? Needless to say, after a quick shotgun blunderbuss wedding, Matthias was released. The post game campaign phase ended with me replacing my only casualty, a newbie Mountainguard, with a war-monkey (counts-as warhound), and naming the monkey Lil' Matthias. Good times.
  16. I still have more scatter terrain left to paint, but I managed to get a dozen pieces painted in time for tonight's gaming. I got a pretty good haul (and a lousy availability roll) from my last scenario, so I've hired some green henchmen, including a Marksman armed with a blunderbuss. If this fella looks pensive, it's because he knows he has only one shot per game.
  17. Thanks. :) I purchased some scatter terrain from THMiniatures. After some trial and error, I think I've settled on a paint scheme.
  18. Below is a photo of Joey's sneaky Ostlanders ambushing my Averlanders. The Ostlander's initial charge took out Tomas, my Youngblood, and knocked Hugo the Halfling on his butt. On the my following turn, pictured below, my Captain and Scout counter-charged the drunken hillbillies, and Hugo crawled up into the cart to get above the fray.
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