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Everything posted by andy

  1. Remember, Primaris are just closer to the camera.
  2. Good tips. I end up mashing them against the bottle or the model.
  3. I've tried the "glue loopers" and still have a few in my toolbox. They work well but are incredibly fragile (thus need frequent replacement), and the need to dip them into the glue led me to some pretty reckless glue-bottle behavior 😄 IME, a cool idea that's great in theory but rough in practice.
  4. I've given up on "liquid" putties. I've tried GW and Vallejo brands, and they shrink so much they need two or three applications to fill even the smallest hole/gap.
  5. Oof. Yeah, that's pretty complex. I suspect that supporting that kind of cascade would require a LOT of work on both the Battlescribe side, and on the data files. Hopefully the move to 'Warhammer Legends' will make it easier for them... if less-good for us.
  6. Hunh. So the Windows version doesn't have some thing like this?
  7. It's indicated clearly in the OSX version -- I take it you are running it on a mobile/tablet?
  8. There's a disturbing lack of yellow paint on that Marine.
  9. I was playing the God of War reboot on PS4. I got about a third of the way through, and just... stopped. It was fine, well crafted and had a decent narrative but I still lost interest. I'm back to shooting owlhoots in the face in Red Dead Redemption 2.
  10. I'm an a-hole, so I fire up a "Let me google that for you" link and feel smug.
  11. @bouke Don't forget a compressor. I use the tankless Master airbrush compressor from Amazon. With a six-foot hose I have no problem with pulsing, so don't miss the tank. I do have two water-traps though (winter is pretty damp in the PNW, and nothing infuriates like spraying out a <splat> of water from condensation)... one at the compressor and one on the brush. EDIT: Just noticed you said you do woodworking, so you probably have the compressor covered ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. I have the Badger Patriot 105 and really like it. It's affordable, easily maintained, high-quality, American made, parts/needles are available from Amazon, doesn't struggle with acrylic paints (even metallics)... the list of benefits goes on and on.
  13. I wish it was limited to Primaris; I've got the same problem with my Ork Buggies. Each has at least 3 different weapon profiles, and certain ones get bonuses to hit certain types of targets or profile changes depending on range, or certain re-rolls, etc. My old-man brain is too brittle to keep track of it all. At least my T'au have a predictable weapon/stat progression 🙄
  14. I read this novel, quite enjoyed it. Didn't know it was a show as well.
  15. Very cool, what stl are you using for the CIBs?
  16. I enjoy watching scale-modeling/weathering how-to videos on Youtube and was thinking it'd be fun to do an IG model or two using those techniques. It's great to see that you've done that with GSC. Really amazing work. I can't imagine the patience you have to do that with an entire army, though!
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