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Everything posted by andy

  1. Do you buy them locally, or order via the 'net?
  2. I sprayed the Gloss Vallejo (2:1 varnish to flow improver) and it went on very easily, and came out very glossy. It sure smells a lot better than the Testors lacquer rattlecan I have been using. I think I'm a fan. @fingolfen what do you like about the MIG varnish? I've heard good things about their weathering stuff...
  3. I'm bringing home my team's Ultimaker 2 for a few weeks. Can anyone suggest a couple of fun, simple 40k-style terrain projects I can cut my teeth on?
  4. Any shop that carries models or hobby stuff should -- not sure where you are, but Michael's does. If you're on the west side, I'm sure Tammy's does. Hobbytown in Happy Valley does. I think Dice Age has some in stock.
  5. I have some Vallejo, but haven't used it yet. I'll try some this evening and will post results.
  6. I know, right? The flesh is literally a minute or so per model. Amazing.
  7. Yeah, Testors has a gloss coat too. I use that as the first coat then take down the shine with the matte. I dunno if the Gloss is too glossy for the effect you are going for, but the quality of Testor's product is top-notch ime.
  8. I'd paint assembled, though not just because I think gravity needs to pull the paint 'downwards' but because the Contrast paint is incredibly freakin' fragile. A strong breeze will chip the stuff. Assembling after painting will result in a lot of touch-ups. Clearcoating is mandatory, imo... though, I guess if you clearcoated on the sprue too it might work. Contrast paint gets complex quickly. 🤔
  9. Here's my first crack at Contrast paint. The color selection is a bit wonky, I wanted to try as many colors as I could. I'm pretty happy with the results, especially considering how fast they paint.
  10. Testor's Dullcote. It's the only way to go IME. Available at hobby and craft stores across the land (Craft Warehouse, Michaels, Hobbytown, etc.)
  11. I succumbed and bought a few colors. Did a test model on an ork boy, and was impressed. They're not going to win any awards, but make for fine tabletop quality. I should be able to assembly-line a dozen or so boyz in an evening 👍
  12. Don't watch the final episode. I guarantee your head-canon finale will be way better.
  13. I just finished Old Man's War, by John Scalzi. I went into it expecting Ann Leckie, and got something closer to "Not-crazy Heinlein writes the novelization of the Starship Troopers movie" It took me a bit to change mental models 😄 During that process, I really didn't enjoy to book. Once I managed to reacclimatize, I kind'a got into it. I'll read the next one, The Ghost Brigades... probably sooner rather than later.
  14. Repurpose. Ordo could use a few entertaining sock-puppet accounts.
  15. Thanks for the tip. I'm a big fan of airbrushed Stynylrez primer, which goes on like butter so the texture should be good... but it'll be a bit cold in color 😕 I wonder if I can tint the white a bit? Hmmm....
  16. I hope they'll help me speed along my Ork Boyz...
  17. Just finished Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. It was a bit slow in places (particularly the start of the third section) but overall I really enjoyed it. Now, reading Dune again. I re-read every few years and enjoy it every time.
  18. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/evilhat/fate-of-cthulhu I've been reading the backers' PDF, and it's pretty cool. A fun, different take on Cthulhu RPG-ing.
  19. Vancouverite here. I play in my basement, because it's super-close to home and serves whatever beverage I'm in the mood for. 😉 If that wasn't available, I'd play at Ordo/WoW in Portland on Tuesday nights or maybe at Dice Age (also in Vancouver). Most stores are too loud for me. I can't imagine playing at Guardian Games.
  20. My favorite point in the game is when we both run out of Command Points. It's like taking your shoes off at the end of a long day standing.
  21. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cheapassgames/cheapass-games-in-black-and-white
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