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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. I could just add easily go 4++ amulet instead. Only went with the armor because I had 5 extra points. I'm not running Glittering Scales / Fencer's Blades combo on my SM, so the armor is fairly inconsequential.
  2. Always love playing against your Slaanesh WoC man, list looks great. Love the Shaggoth, although I would miss seeing that Giant coming at me while my Leadbelcher fail at bringing it down :p
  3. So I'm looking for feedback on my Ogres list that I was planning on bringing to the OFCC this year. Last year I was caught off-guard by a last-minute invite to the OFCC, and ended up running a double Slaughtermaster list just to fill up points. This list was sort of a continuation of the 2500-ish point list I was working on before I joined the Ordo forums or had even heard of the OFCC. My idea at the time was to build a list that lacked some of the elements that I felt made Ogres not fun to play against (Hellheart, Mournfang spam, double Ironblaster), while still having a list that wasn't a pushover. Tyrant -Great Weapon -Heavy Armor -Trickster's Helm -5++ Slaughtermaster -Lvl 4, Maw -GW -Armour of Destiny Butcher -Lvl 1, Heavens -GW -Scroll Bruiser -BSB -Heavy Armor -Crown of Command -Enchanted Shield -Warrior Bane 10 Ironguts -Full Command -Standard of Discipline 8 Ogres -Ironfists -Full Command 7 Maneaters -Stubborn & Immune to Psych -Gleaming Pennant -3x XHW 4 Leadbelchers -Bellower Sabertusk Ironblaster Gorger Giant
  4. My wife informed me a few minutes ago that she's hosting book club at our place tonight, so apparently I need to get out of the house. Haven't gotten in a game of Fantasy in a couple months, thought I would see if anyone would be down to roll some dice and push some minis around a table today. However many points, not really picky, just want to have some fun, throw some dice :) I'm free around 2:45 and need to get home around 8, so there's some flexibility, but the closer to 3, the better. Dice Age, Mythic Realms, your place... I'm flexible, where ever is good for you. Thanks!
  5. Beaverton is a bit of a drive for me (I live in Vancouver), but I do love me some Mordheim. I might be able to make a Mordheim group, depending on A.) if I can work it in between work / school and B.) how often the meetup is.
  6. Curious to hear what other people feel about Ogres. When I built my army, I told myself I wouldn't take the Hellheart, Mournfang, or double Ironblasters, in order to make it less of a net-list build, but I still put elements in there that I thought were "tough," like Stubborn Ironguts.
  7. Haven't been able to play recently due to school + finals prep kicking my butt, in addition to starting up work again. But I've got a couple weeks off and a fairly forgiving work schedule, so I'm hoping to get a game or two of Fantasy in next week. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, pretty flexible on time, although around 3 on Tuesday would be ideal, since my wife will be at work. Would love to get more practice with my OFCC list, but I'm down for whatever points, just wanna throw some dice. Meet up at Dice Age or Mythic Realms. Cheers! -Andrew
  8. Here's a list of all the "Official" Mordheim warbands: http://www.mordheimer.com/warbands/official.htm There's a list of "Unofficial" warbands. I don't have a lot of experience with them, but I've heard that some of them are really unbalanced. Also, since Mordheim isn't supported anymore, you can find lots of user-generated content as well. I know when I had a group playing, we had pages of house rules, home-brewed warbands and settings, and so on. Tom's Boring Mordheim Forums is a good place check out: http://boringmordheimforum.forumieren.com/
  9. Haha, for sure. Considering the rules are free, plus you can build a warband for pretty cheap, it's hard to believe it's actually a Games Workshop game...
  10. Oh man, I do love me some Mordheim. I'd totally be down to play some Mordheim running, even if I have to make a trip across the bridge to do it. Nephren, I'm sure you might already be aware, but in case you're not, the Mordheim rules are available from free on GW's website: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?catId=cat480008a&categoryId=6700006a&section=&aId=21500021a
  11. You looking for points-wise or money-wise? For points, Army Builder is showing me 2296 points.
  12. When I was running my Maneaters with Stubborn / Switfstride, I really liked Banner of Swiftness. +1 M was huge when your 'Eaters are acting like your heavy Calvary. Maneaters are expensive, and I think Mournfang are a lot more "competitive." But when they work, they are awesome, plus they are just really cool to model. Don't worry about hiding your SlaughterMaster in the 2nd rank. Tough 5 + 5 Wounds + regaining wounds from our lore attribute means he can roll with the punches. Don't really like having my support caster on Beasts, I found that Wildform is too hard to cast without the +4 unless you want to chuck a lot of dice, since it's a prime target for dispel. I really like having my support caster on Heaven. I run him as a level 1, but Iceshard is awesome at helping negate our low WS, plus it's pretty safe to 2-dice. Plus Heavens gives us a shot at rolling Comet, if we need it.
  13. The Shaman's Arachnarok doesn't count towards the army's Rare duplicate count, since it's a character mount (unless I'm totally missing something), so you should be able to roll with 3 of them. Having never played O&G myself, I can't say how strong the triple Arachnarok list is, but it would certainly look really cool on the table, and it goes with your theme.
  14. Everything is sold or spoken for, thanks everyone for their interest!
  15. Updated, everything gone or spoken for except for the 40K rulebook. Would love to trade it straight across for the VC army book :)
  16. Yep, I'm out as well. As much as I would like to get a game in, there's enough snow on the roads around my place that it's not worth risking, plus I guess a few more inches of snow predicted tonight.
  17. Compared to the other AoW plastics they've released, I think they are a bit of a disappointment. That being said, i actually like the models quite a bit.While I appreciate what GW was trying to go for with their Witch Elves, the fact that AoW's Witch Elves aren't all in a "kung-fu pose" makes them a lot more appealing to me. That plus, you know, $1.60 a model vs $6 a model...
  18. Plaguebearers and Demon Codex have been spoken for. Might be splitting up the CSM, stay tuned!
  19. If it's snowing I probably won't be able to make it, my wife is a huge wimp about driving in the snow and I will most likely have to drive her to work and pick her up. Weather and wife permitting though, I'll show up with my army and play whoever, would just like to throw some dice around. I'll try to post on here tomorrow morning when I can see what the weather is doing.
  20. -Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Rulebook (big one), $25: -Gone! -Chaos Space Marine lot, $125: Gone! -Plaguebearers of Nurgle, $40: Gone! -Codex: Chaos Daemons (current edition), $20: Gone!
  21. My apologies, I didn't realize you were trying to get a game in on Friday as well. Certainly wasn't trying to steal any games, heh. Hero, why don't you go ahead and play Raindog on Friday, and I might come by to watch. I've been gaming pretty consistently recently, I'm more than happy to just hang out and watch a game
  22. ...apparently, I don't know how to read a calendar... In that case, Friday is good to go for me :) . 4pm at Dice Age then? How many points would you like to play sir?
  23. Wait, I forgot that Friday is Valentine's Day. Sadly, I won't be able to game, but at least that's one fight I avoided before it happened...
  24. Same for me, I can meet up at Dice Age on Friday if you want to get a game against Ogres in :)
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