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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. Just got a trade in, 10x Cold One Knights and 20x Corsairs. Gonna start assembling stuff to the point that I can use them in my 2500 points of DE while I'm painting. Just need a box of Corsairs, a box of Executioners, and a few bits for characters / unit fillers :)
  2. I don't work until 6 on the next "meeting" Saturday (the 22nd), so I'm definitely planning on being there bright and early if someone wants to get a game in :)
  3. Game Zone makes one that I thought was pretty good looking. Haven't ordered from them myself, but I've heard good things. http://www.gamezoneminiatures.com/tienda/en/feudal-knights/231-maga-con-pergamino-a-caballo.html
  4. Hope this picks up steam, that would be great. Was actually at Dice Age earlier today (well, technically yesterday, Friday) giving my buddy a learning game, 1k points of Chaos vs DE. Unfortunately this this Saturday I have to work, and then go to bed super early to be up by 4am on Sunday :(. But if this becomes a regular thing, I'll definitely try to be down there as often as I can. Back when WHFB was a thing every other Saturday on Dice Age, I was able to attend pretty consistently, so looking forward to something happening again on this side of the river. Got a couple of friends in the Vancouver area who are starting up Fantasy, I will point them in this direction :)
  5. If I dropped the knights I would mess around with the character loadouts. Probably make the DL on a Dark Pegasus and stick the BSB with the Executioners. Curious about the Bloodwrack Shrine, haven't looked too much into it. What does it add to the Corsairs, other than some extra combat punch?
  6. I dig them! Good sculpts, doesn't have the hunched State Troops pose, and can't complain about the price.
  7. I'll probably pick up the Cauldron because I need some bits for unit fillers, so I can test it out. Definitely think it's a great model and super useful, but not sure if I like it more than my CoKs, which I would probably have to cut to free up the 300 points I would need to run it :/
  8. So here is the list I'm working on, if that helps. Was not built with comp / tourny play or anything really in mind, just something to play and have fun with. Wanted something harder than my current Ogre list, but not something Win At All Costs: Dreadlord -Heavy Armor -Sea Dragon Cloak -Giant Blade -Dawnstone -Other Trickster's Shard -Cold One Supreme Sorceress -Lvl 4 (Shadow) -Dispel Scroll -Ring of Hotek -Dark Steed Master -BSB -Heavy Armor -SDC -GW -Luckstone -Cold One 5 Dark Riders -Shields and xbows -Musician 5 Dark Riders -Shields and xbows -Musician 35 Corsairs -XHW -Standard and Musician -Banner of Eternal Flame 30 Executioners -Standard and Musician -Banner of Swiftness 8 Cold One Knights -Full Command Reaper Reaper Hydra -Flame Breath 6 Warlocks -Champ Mini-CoK bus, Sorceress runs with Warlocks. I know Witches are probably better than Corsairs, but I already had some, so money reasons plus I wanted a solid-ish anvil unit. Standards on Dark Riders for core points. Dark Pegasus characters would probably be more optimal, but I had a hard time cutting toys / unit sized to make room for them.
  9. So I'm working on a new list to play with a couple of friends who are just getting into / back into Fantasy, and I'm gathering pieces for Dark Elves. I'm committed to bringing a largish block of Executioners, around 30. I don't have a ton of experience with "true" rank-and-file infantry, due mainly to playing Ogres. I'm curious what would be an effective unit formation? Most of what I've read says to either run them horde, 10x3, or run them 7 wide. Just was wondering what people on the boards thought :)
  10. So I'm dumb, I didn't realize that Skinks were BS 3, I must have been confusing them with Chameleon Skinks. I think having the potential of being able to shoot 20 shots is better than +1A, but maybe not so much on a BS3 model.
  11. But you can make a single shot instead without penalty, right?
  12. Why Javelins / shields over Blowpipes on the Skinks, out of curiosity? I have a buddy starting up Fantasy/Lizardmen and I'm doing my best to offer advice, having never played the army myself. Blowpipes seem to be better, giving the option for multiple shots, is the +1 A from the shields worth the trade? Again, out of genuine curiosity, just trying to give my friend the best advice I can.
  13. Update: NIB stuff is gone. Still have some odds and ends, have a few more DE things I'm looking for.
  14. Update: so I'm a dummy, I actually don't have a Rhino new in box, I have a Predator. My price was off by $20, but I'm still willing to let this stuff go for $90 for an Ordo member. So $60 off new stuff, plus the Terminators sprue.
  15. Have to close that night at work, best of luck on the event though!
  16. Fair enough, I always figured PF only applied to the first front rank, but there always seemed to be enough dispute that it might warrant some clarification.
  17. Interesting to see they ruled that Predatory Fighter doesn't work for supporting attacks. OFCC said they did, if I'm not mistaken? Curious to see how this will go if Lizards get an official FAQ.
  18. Updated with some prices on the in box stuff. Would like to move it for $90, almost $40 under retail even without figuring in for the extra Terminator sprue (I got it off ebay for... $15?) Not a bad deal for NIB / on spure stuff :)
  19. *NIB stuff is GONE. Still have some odds and ends* -Assault Terminators sprue (Thunder Hammers / SS / Lightning Claws) -Various Death Company bits -AOBR Dreadnought (assembled, DCCW army is magnetized) I also have a fair assortment of MTG cards up for trade (mostly EDH stuff, but some shocks and other things), as well as the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Bestiary Looking for Dark Elf stuff! Looking for current range, not interested in older sculpts unless noted: -6 Executioners (need these new, or at the very least including the Black Guard heads) -11 Corsairs (xhw) -Dreadlord on Dragon (NIB / on sprue) -Dreadwrack (?) Medusa and Khaine statue from Cauldron of Blood kit. Thanks!
  20. I haven't seen anyone mention any of the Swedish Comp's ways of dealing with army value discrepancies. Without having used the system before, the Active Comp idea makes a lot of sense to me: Active Comp: At the end of each battle, the result of the game is effected by the difference in comp score between the players. The easiest way of doing this is to give bonus victory points to the player with the higher comp score. Comp difference multiplied by a value (between 100 and 150 works well) gives the additional victory point. Pros: Most fair system where the luck of the draw is taken into consideration, and players that faces stronger armies are compensated more than players that faces weaker armies. Note that there might be a good idea to have a maximum and minimum allowed comp score to avoid high comp armies gaining too much of an advantage over low comp armies, thus creating a meta game where high comp armies that plays for draws are to powerful Allows players how like to take a little bit of a "harder" list to do so without running rampant on players who like taking more fun, fluffy lists. Also using comp scores to help captains find match-ups that are going to be closer in strength seems like it can help people have better games. Again, I'm not expert on the Swedish Comp system, but having read through it, it seems like it has a lot of internal balance, allowing players to make the kind of lists they want to.
  21. Had an amazing time this weekend, huge thanks to everyone who had a hand in putting the OFCC on. A big shout out to all of my opponents that I played over the 2 days, wish I had 5 favorite opponent pins to give out! And a big thanks to Mike and all of my teammates on the Dice Age crew, was great playing alongside you all!
  22. Thank you sir, that is very much appreciated! I'm hopeful I'll be able to get one before OFCC, but if not, I may take you up on that offer :) and quick updated, I also have a bunch of MTG cards I'm will to trade as well.List found here: http://classic.magictraders.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/256137.html
  23. Hey all, so like the title says, I'm in desperate need of a Gorger for OFCC. Assembled or not, metal or finecrap, doesn't matter! Unpainted would be preferred, but I'll take what I can get :) I don't have anything too exciting to trade, but I do have some random stuff that someone might want: -a handful of Ogres (Ironguts, Leadbelchers, Ogres), assembled, a few of them poorly painted -Ogre bits -a handful of Beastmen Gors (current models, still on sprue) -Space Marine Rhino and Razorback, new and shrink wrapped -AOBR Dreadnought (one arm magnetized) -Space Marine bits (vanilla marines, as well as some Blood Angels / Dark Angels odds and ends) -Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Bestiary -X-Wing Tie-Fighter expansion (opened it up to look at the upgrade cards, never used) -MTG cards! (list here: http://classic.magictraders.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/256137.html) Always looking for random Fantasy stuff to fill out Mordheim projects too, if we need to balance out the trade. Would prefer to meet in Vancouver, but I'm willing to drive across the river or meet halfway, work and school schedule permitting. Thanks!
  24. Not TOO bad of a list, but the fact that I have school starting Monday makes things a bit more stressful: 4 Maneaters 1 Giant 1 Gorger along with prepping a couple of movement trays. I was hopping to be able to revamp my lame, last-minute "display board" from last year, but I still haven't received my financial aid money, so I'm not sure if that's going to happen or not.
  25. Hope I can make it! I'm going up to Seattle on the 28th-29th for a concert, so I can't request anymore days off from work in October, but I'll cross my fingers that I get the day off!
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