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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Not one piece of this thread makes me feel good about this particular direction of the game. I am certain that people can have a good time with this, but I guess I have a bunch of monies to spend before I join a tourney that uses any of these rules. I already miss good ol' 6th edition 40K. :) Does it at least make for quicker games?
  2. Finally figured it out! This ^^^^^^^^^^ reminds me of this vvvvvvvvvvvvv From the movie Hardware... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099740/
  3. Yep pretty much agreeing with with you. Like Jesus said... he was wrong to call it cheesy. You had labeled it corny. I agree with you(Or maybe you agree with me?). We might just differ on the value of corniness in sci-fi.
  4. In the very little of the new "Dr" that I have allowed myself to be exposed to, the Dr was running around like Willy Wonka, pressing buttons and turning knobs. It was ridiculous and corny and a complete turn-off. Everybody was raving about the "Silence will fall", which had some interesting story twists to it, but the corny doctor ruined my enjoyment. Oh and the baby in the spacesuit. There is only 4.
  5. Great write up, thanks for sharing! Where is the terrain from?
  6. I pictured Tervigon's painted like spotted Holstein cows! ... then I read the thread... The Great Devourer: EAT ALL THE THINGS!
  7. Wow, so I knew this was coming, but didn't really know where they were at these days with the project. I think they are off of the schedule that is discussed int he vid, but they got my monies. Old school Wing Commander/Privateer/X-Wing/TieFigher fan and this has me stoked! I never liked Eve online, the few dogfights I experienced were boring and completely a grind. I want to bust out the HOTAS on this one! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/about-the-game
  8. Hell Lances!!!! Really just sounded like an unimpressive firework.... http://youtu.be/kgUnDeED9MM?t=28s
  9. Have you ever stuck a microphone inside of an extended slinky and tapped it? It sounds like a whole laser battle! (If they made sounds).
  10. I appreciated both trading and buying from you. Still interested in your creativity, please still feel free to share your talented work!
  11. That is cool looking terrain, and I like that it is all plastic, vs laser cut mdf or cardboard. Thanks for sharing Pretre! How do you pronounce Pretre by the way? Prayter? PrayTray?PreTree is how I pronounce in my head :)
  12. Hopefully not for too long, I really enjoy your work!
  13. I love that it's Seahawk fans in that commercial, although it's hard to picture Seattle fans throwing the ice chest.
  14. Thanks for the sugestion Pretre, I think you mean this? http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/pre-order/deadzone/product/deadzone-scenery-upgrade-pack.html Which looks cool, and is on preorder. There are alot of lasercut options out there. I bought some lasercut road tiles not too long ago that were one of my favorite hobby investments yet. (EDIT: This is not the price from the Kickstarter, so I may not have made a proper comaprison) 24.99 British Pound Sterling equals 41.01 US Dollar Which isn't exactly dirt, but I will spend more than this every time I dive into any of these terrain projects. It's rarely ends up being about saving money.... although I like that too! Also this, while cool, and very necromunda-y Is not not equal to : Which I did not make, and am completely inspired by,
  15. This would be for a marines left eye. reversed for his right eye. I used small brushes common to Michael's or other arts/crafts/hobby shops.
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