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Everything posted by PourSpelur

  1. Super glue is better than plastic cement if you're not happy with the construction. Soak in simple green, scrub, place in freezer. Usually does the trick. Good luck!
  2. Nope, my snipers killed all your crew. You didn't see them because I only use the laying prone models;) In reality I wouldn't care if you used this against me because I'm a "casual gamer". I play so I can roll dice and make pew pew noises. If you're gonna use a double stacked grot model to see over an Aegis when grots normally can't, expect people to call shenanigans
  3. If I brought second ed tiny Terminators on 25mm bases would you be cool with that?
  4. I like him, Da Boss is supposed to be big and scary! Only suggestion I have is rivvits, lots of rivits
  5. I run a squad of Kannons off the end of an Aegis w/Icarus in my Trukks list and love it. Three runts are 9 points and worth if IMHO. Just remember that grots can't see over the Aegis!
  6. Could a bits swap be done at OFCC? Not sure if there would be time/space...
  7. *edit* Stupid double posting phone...um...they still look great.
  8. Great execution! The cogwheel cowls really pop. Plus I've been looking for a good copper verdigris and you totally sold me on the Gdub technical paint;)
  9. Orks! Not because I'm biased towards Orks (although I certainly am) but because of the conversion options. Having a relatively small number of figures means you can go all out on each one.
  10. I've heard good stuff about Squarespace...second hand so take with a spoonful of salt. Good luck!
  11. That purple looks amazing! I have serious troubles with purple for some reason but yours looks sooo good... I hate you in the best way possible;)
  12. I've been a big fan of Ramshackle for a while now but never made an order yet... Then I saw the commander holding a coffee cup;)
  13. Hawk Lords. Royal purple and gold. If you're going big and flashy old school, might as well go big!
  14. I've tried the Aegis, Skyshield and Vengeance cannons. Aegis is a solid choice. I run it with the Icarus on the end attached to a unit of Kannons. Adds some cover for my Trukks turn one and skyfire. Skyshield disappointed me, didn't do much. The Vengeance Cannons added some much needed firepower but were gamed by my opponent into being useless. Haven't cracked into Stronghold yet.
  15. Are they Tau or are they the creations of the mad genius Big Mek Grotkikka? Tau+bazillion rivvits=forged narrative;) Good luck!
  16. I considered running IG allies for my Orks as Diggaz from the old Gorkamorka game. Der jus puny oomies but dey tries ta krump lik proppa boyz! Easy modeling project too. Catachans done up all mismatched with green face paint and Orkify any vehicles they have. Fluffy, thematic and they'll match without blending into the Orks ;)
  17. Needs some more love but I'm getting there! Still have to figure out metals for tracks, guns, bric-a-brac....
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