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Everything posted by PourSpelur

  1. Doth, I unfurl the alabaster pennant. Now un-bunch thy undergarments of lace and trim! ;)All I was saying was, from the original pics, I felt 140 was pretty steep. Not OMGWTFGW, just steep.
  2. GIMP is a super easy photo edit freeware. How easy? I used it correctly 10 minutes after install to white balance a pic! Plus, it's called gimp;)
  3. Could go matte for fleshy bits and semi-gloss/satin on carapace for a more subtle effect.
  4. Wouldn't throwing in a non-dictionary "word" keep the strengths of the xkcd style password while avoiding the dictionary attack? For example "keepyergawdammedcheezdoodlez" is 28 characters, easy to remember and doesn't have many actual words
  5. I've been on the receiving end of outflanking scorpions and Karandras more times than I'd like. Playing a tank heavy guard, they're downright scary.
  6. Maybe I'd have to see one in person to change my mind but, $140 feels pretty steep.
  7. More darker, more streakier, more mutantey...more better Yeah, I was gonna do the pin up girl all big and in-your-face but I got scared and made her small. Good thing I have a bunch more tanks to do!
  8. Are you building this list with models you have or getting the models for this list? I ask because the answer will radically change the advice you'll get. Have the models: best way to use them Don't have the models: what units do you suggest
  9. Looks solid to me as a non-Eldar player. 3 Serpents, Jetbikes, Spiders and jet means plenty fast. I'm sure better informed players could give a few fine tuning tips but I'm reasonably sure as-is this list would take my lunch money. Haven't faced the Wraithguard but I can say from experience that Avengers in Serpents are rock solid. The barrage artillery are worth looking into as well, they're something that changes my game plan every time I face em. Give it a couple spins, see what you like and work from there is the only real advice I can offer. Welcome back and good luck!
  10. Oddest thing, I picked up two conch shells the other day. Biomechanical kinghts possibly?.... I'll have to check out the dimensions when they come out;)
  11. Any ideas on size and what base it'll be on? Didn't see anything to use for scale
  12. Pax: Well I've had horrible luck with Fluger gamedays but if I'm able to go I could pick you up at the Puyallup station and take you. It's like five blocks from my house.
  13. I try not to get all wound up by rumors but.....I WANT THESE TO BE FUN SO BAD!! Not crazy over powered, not crazy under powered, just a good option.
  14. Did you just ask me if I'd enjoy throwing my troops headlong into the enemy guns, racing across a pock marked no-man's land in a suicide charge where the only options are getting cut down in your prime or standing triumphantly over the ruins of my enemies corpses? Yes... A million times yes;)
  15. Not a tourney gamer but I'd like to second the lottery concept. I'd be much more likely to go to an event where even if I lose every game it's still possible to win a prize.
  16. Badass! Now hurry up and fill that "3D printer fund" jar so you can make more models;)
  17. Gerbil: I'm confused, are you saying I should shade more on the one with the green and brown streaks or the one I have the pin-up girl outline on? The streaky one is pretty close to done, I'm shooting for a brighter overall scheme so do you think I could keep the nice "pop" with another brown wash? The last pic is just basecoated a color I like to call "toxic lime puke". It's the main baseline color of the entire army, uniforms, armor etc.
  18. Love it! How's it stack up sizewise to a regular Riptide? You did a good job of making it easily identifiable but still completely original.
  19. Because Chappy demanded it Mock up of first mutant pin-up girl. If I get over the plague soon I'll start this weekend.
  20. Ah, I see what you're saying now. Nope, I'm aiming more towards the nose cone girls on WWII bombers. Drew up a blank last night of a squid/mermaid lady. Going to attempt the pencil method...wish me luck;)
  21. After thinking about it I'm gonna stick with the freehand. It may be a lousy pin-up, but it will be MY lousy pin-up ;) Thanks for the transfer advice though, much appreciated. I'll dig through the recesses of youtube and see if I can find anything helpful.
  22. Hadn't considered printing a transfer. That's what you're talking about, right? Anyone tried a big transfer like that? Know an easy way to do one without a printer at home, Kinko's maybe?
  23. Trying to put some mutant pin up girls on the side of my Leman Russes and not having great success. Anyone found a good tutorial? Most that I've found boil down to "be real good at drawing and then paint like you'd draw it". I don't expect an easy button and know that it's probably just one of those things where natural talent and practice are needed but a good beginner's tut would really help. Thanks!
  24. First off, welcome back! About a year ago I posted an eerily similar question. I had played a bit a long time ago, quit, came back and was asking starter army questions. I also like to win but am more interested in enjoying a good game and like the painting/modeling side as well. So it seems we're in a similar mindset. He's some observations I've made since then: Find good opponents. I've been blessed with having great games with some seriously nice guys! My playgroup is tiny ( ie Fluger's house and his game days) but every single person I played I'd gladly play again. Thanks guys! Watch some games. I learned a ton watching others play. By removing yourself you can see both sides, focus on the back and forth instead of just your army. Love your army. I started with Orks. I LOVE Orks. I love converting and scratch building. I built six swamp fanboats to use as Trukks that make me smile every time I look at them. Unfortunately the Ork codex just doesn't work for me right now. I found myself having less fun each game. I shelved them. When the new codex comes out I'll try them again. As of now I consider them an army that would be a fun challenge if I were really good at the game. I'll never get rid of them but they're on the back burner for now. Love your aesthetic. My playstyle suits tank heavy Guard. There are some amazing Guard armies out there but I'm not a fan of traditional guard armies. I like to play the bad guys! Not a grimdark Christopher Nolan Batman kind of bad guys, not an Adam West goofy Batman kind of bad guys but more of a Tim Burton Batman kind of bad guys. A bit wacky, odd and weirdly menacing in a cartoonish way. Finding a way to make an army that fits your vision makes the hobby aspect a joy, not a chore.
  25. There's also a ton of old skool metals that could fit the bill. The smaller scale works nicely for regular humans in power armor as well.
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