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Everything posted by PourSpelur

  1. Damn, just...Damn. Well played good Sir;)
  2. + quietly removes tin foil hat, extinguishes torch and slinks away +;)
  3. With the decisions they've made recently, I find it not only believable but probable that the "new" rules rumored to release soon are mainly just the old rules rewritten to include the faq'd info. Sad but true;(
  4. Why give away FAQ 's for free? 1) Save up a year's worth 2) Take away the old ones 3) Re-package as 7th/6.5 edition 4) Profit!
  5. 3 point Conscript troops and cheaper Russ variants! I'll make all your strength 6 shooting worthless!! Bwa Ha Ha Ha!!! Ahem, I mean....cheerio good chap, I shall forge quite the narrative ;)
  6. Please say you're going to do another of these. Just make it about a month after the new Guard codex comes out and I'm there! Seriously though, any interest in running another? Sounds about perfect for my first tourney.
  7. I'm getting kinda excited about how this looks to be shaping up. Lots of cheap Russes, tank HQ and a shambling mass of ratmen with overseers and sorcerers to count as conscripts with priests etc....Happy Day!
  8. Am I excited about Armored Companies? That's 15 Russes, 5 Chimera chassis and a Baneblade...I'm in freaking ECSTASY!!
  9. Tank number three! Getting happier with each one. The freehand sucks but it's done ​
  10. Thanks for the invite Scott! 1st guest post added, mostly a teaser but I have a ton more to add
  11. Av you been feelin a bit out Dakka'd by dem puny 'oomies? You's wanna stomp akross da field mixin it up like da Boss? Well you musta been dipped in blu paint cuz today's yer lucky day! Ere at NUTSTRIPPA'S USED KRUMPATORIUM!! we's havin a sale! When the Knight Titan was just a rumor I knew I wanted one, when I heard they're 8 inches tall I knew I needed one, when I read they couls ally with Orks I knew I'd die without one. OK, so only one of those things turned out to be true but it didn't matter because I was too busy hammerin and choppin in da workshop to care. So I did the only logical thing, if I can't legally add one to my Ork force I'd simply make enough to do a counts-as army! First in the shop is, KRUMPUS DA MAGNIFIKU...DA MAGSIFACA...DA REELY HOOGE
  12. Dunno, spamming a ton of transports with battlecannons sounds pretty sweet;)
  13. What's the thought behind the Land Raider? I love all the Dreads and feels very Iron-Handsy.
  14. Thanks! Where'd you find this? I'm wondering what little beads/balls he used because I'm totally stealing that. The little white guys sprinkled on the green stuff. ;)
  15. Bionic Arachnaroks with cannons? Yes please, conversation over. Back to work, chop chop;)
  16. Try running a Trukk boy list....yeah, I know trying to shoehorn a mob army into a MSU list isn't optimal but overwatch kills.
  17. 1) Any chance you'd do a tutorial on how you did your Nurgle rhino? 2) Damn you for doing the paint scheme I'm shooting for but doing it first and better! Seroiusly, almost identical but I'm going "streaky" instead of "blotchy".
  18. I PUNCHED YER PLANE!! Why? . .. ... WAAAAUGH! please be true....pretty please
  19. I have Helfist Murderpack on vinyl...you've probably never heard of them. ;)
  20. To be honest, unless you're a top notch painter the paint scheme probably won't matter to a buyer. Paint it how you'd like to see it...or Biel-tan, cuz that's how I want to see it;)
  21. Isn't Biel-tan the green and white/bone with the thorny vines? Man I love that scheme!
  22. Do you have a sample pic for each army? One that shows the general feel of the force or a unit you're especially proud of? I'd probably say Orks because...ORKSES IS DA BEST, but I'm curious about the renegade Guard too.
  23. How many people are we looking at? I can call them and see what our options are but a ballpark number of people would help. Thanks!
  24. Finished season one of the US version of Being Human. Really liked it. It's a bit SyFy-ish, kinda campy, full to the brim with tropes and it's about vampires/werewolves but still enjoyable. Solidly recommended.
  25. Not sure if I'd be able to get much (if any) actual play-testing in for you but I'd love to check out the rules.
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