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Everything posted by dalmer

  1. Hello there, Another vote for tac squad. Stay safe, don
  2. Hello there, Is this still available? Sorry just ended my work week. Pictures would be great unless a total hassle. Here or my email of rexornal@yahoo.com Thanks and stay safe, don
  3. Drat, I wanted to play 40k with y'all but alas a schedule gremlin came up. /sadface I hope everyone has fun! Stay safe, don
  4. Contemptor with culverins... CHOOM
  5. Best would mean I linked the proper information, which clearly isn't the case. I'll take "tries hard to help out" but I don't think best is applicable... ha ha
  6. Eli, This post was dated in like June 2015 but I don't know if it's the current rules or whatnot: http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2015/6/30/306117adb2e7f6df6a739b421437f359_96274.jpg Stay safe, don EDIT: never mind, that's for like 2nd edition. Sorry
  7. Hello there, Update to plastic HH rumors... October boxed set? http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/08/horus-heresy-dueling-rumors-edition.html Stay safe, don
  8. Hello there, Haywire is supposedly good with regards to services and pricing if you go that route: http://www.haywirerepair.com/ There's a guy on West Maplewood Avenue, too that did a full diagnostics check when I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the problem was and it cost something ridiculously cheap. I'll look for his contact info. Stay safe, don
  9. ... but there are no wolves on Fenris... Russ, Mortarion and others didn't like how the Thousand Sons were utilizing pskers. Don't forget that Nikaea came about partly because legions started to refuse to fight alongside the Thousand Sons, which proved problematic for the Great Crusade. So daddy had to intervene. And daddy really was specific to Magnus. And Magnus and his legion didn't listen (although I personally think that the Thousand Sons legion is one of the saddest tales of the legions, "road to Hell paved" and all). Rune priest = shaman / elmental mastery Psyker = sorceror / delver into the Warp and thus Chaos ... and if we really want to make arguments simplistic, let's not forget that the general consensus amongst Astartes is that the Space Wolves simply exist to be wielded against other legions should the need arise. The Space Wolves are the Emperor's executioners. That's why they were present at Nikaea and that's why they were chosen to enforce daddy's edict. Stay safe, don
  10. Heh, no worries... I am starting to have more Tuesdays off so I'll hopefully get an opponent the next time I can make it down. I am building and painting my 2000 point list, though and so far a lot of it is completed, so I'm happy about that! Stay safe, don
  11. I see no extra 40k gamers, so I'm out! I'll paint some drop pods and think fondly of the group... Have fun folks! Stay safe, don
  12. Corey, Another gaming table option perhaps... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1830353071/carolina-game-tables Stay safe, don
  13. Anyone playing 40k? I might have the day off...
  14. Hello there, Dark Angels and/or Guard folk sound promising, whatever works best for you. Basically anything you're not keen on having so you (a) get models you want in the Ogors and (b) unload models you don't want. I'm easy like Sunday morning, as I have a bajillion miniatures and really need to get my @$$ in gear and play more. Stay safe, don
  15. Hello there, With regards to squad designation, if you don't want to mar bases or mark miniatures so you can use them however in future games might I humbly suggest the banner poles? I paint up the banner poles for whatever company / squad and just put them in the squads. When I swap out models due to kills I ask my opponent if I can just keep the bannerman miniature (obviously swapping its position due to its death, etc.) so I can keep track of the squad. Plus this way if I run a 5-man squad or a full 10-man squad I don't have to worry about individual miniature markings... I just grab one bannerman for each squad, regardless of number. Stay safe, don
  16. In no particular order: * Dark Angels * Tyranids * Eldar * Tau * Imperial Guard (as renegades) * Chaos Space Marines / Khorne Daemons * Necrons * Space Wolves (my son's, he no longer plays so no need here) * Orks
  17. Copy that. Consider them yours! Holler where/when you want me to drop them off. I work at the PD from Mon-Fri so will be in town, or I can bring them in on my days off next weekend. Stay safe and glad you can work them into one of your plans! don
  18. Hello there, I have a PayPal account, that's really the only other thing in lieu of trading for 40k I reckon. Stay safe, don EDIT: And the Ogors were just taken by another gamer. Sorry.
  19. Hello there, Literally every weekend from September 12th through October 31st I'm off on vacation. And again, if it doesn't work out feel free to use my models... my schedule is wonky, we all know that. The 31st I'm planning on going out of town for the Jet City Comic Con, though. Stay safe, don
  20. Hello there, In a recent army purchase for some IG, included was a still-sealed in shrink wrap box of Ogres from Warhammer Fantasy. Now I guess the race is called "Ogors" but it's this box: http://www.games-wor...com/en-US/Ogres Don't play Fantasy... anyone need them and wanna trade stuff? I play 40k and have like 7 armies so I'm sure we can work something out. If no responses occur to this post (I understand Fantasy is in quite the upheaval as of late), I'll just convert 'em. Stay safe, don
  21. Hello there, In a recent army purchase for some IG, included was a still-sealed in shrink wrap box of Ogres from Warhammer Fantasy. Now I guess the race is called "Ogors" but it's this box: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Ogres Don't play Fantasy... anyone need them and wanna trade stuff? I play 40k and have like 7 armies so I'm sure we can work something out. If no responses occur to this post (I understand Fantasy is in quite the upheaval as of late), I'll just convert 'em. Stay safe, don EDIT: THESE HAVE BEEN TAKEN, I cannot delete the thread though.
  22. Hello there, Topic title says it all. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/08/07/itc-2015-season-quarterly-update-results/ Stay safe, don
  23. Ravenwing rule decided, at least in ITC circles: Question 12Do we allow Dark Angels characters on bike to gain the Ravenwing rule, as we believe is RAI?Note: Currently Ravenwing detachments have access to 3 HQ’s, which must have the Ravenwing rule, but RAW no HQ’s besides Sammael have the Ravenwing rule. Blowout community reaction to support RAI on this topic, again, just as with KDK. I think this was the right call and again, shows the community looks after its own. Hey, Dark Angels players, yes, you can actually slap some more HQs into your Ravenwing armies or take someone other than Sammael!
  24. Hello there, As the topic title states, these were posted. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/08/07/itc-2015-season-quarterly-update-results/ Dark Angels' "Ravenwing" rule prompted me to post here. Question 12Do we allow Dark Angels characters on bike to gain the Ravenwing rule, as we believe is RAI?Note: Currently Ravenwing detachments have access to 3 HQ’s, which must have the Ravenwing rule, but RAW no HQ’s besides Sammael have the Ravenwing rule. Blowout community reaction to support RAI on this topic, again, just as with KDK. I think this was the right call and again, shows the community looks after its own. Hey, Dark Angels players, yes, you can actually slap some more HQs into your Ravenwing armies or take someone other than Sammael! Again, just wanted to post for you tournament / ITC folks. Stay safe, don
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