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Everything posted by SPaceORK

  1. Depends on the person but alot of times you can just say "Are you sure you wanna do X, cause I'm going to Y them right in the face. Z would be a better option" But alot of people who play just don't want to be competitive and thats totally fine.
  2. Books not in front of me but 1W and 2T. And it has a complete stat line, keywords the a same as any marine. Rules wise is appears to be a baby space marine.
  3. Or... Just follow me here, that's the kinda thing my play group is totally fine with. If the entire group is "That Guy" then everyone is not that guy anymore. Im inclined to think that's the way it works too. Although, as far as I can tell there is no difference between "slain", "removed" and losing it's last wound. I just like the idea of having some extra wounds in a high priority target.
  4. So I take devastators with armorium cherubs and it seems like they are models for everything but moral. My questions are; can you remove them do to shooting instead of a space marine? Also can you bring them back with apothecaries ability?
  5. As I tend to build my armies with points and have done so for the last decade, I'll stick to points. However I have been using PL for starter games to teach the employees and my FLGS.
  6. Umm I don't understand the problem here... Select units, comes with base wargear, add up points, list building complete Or Select units, comes with base wargear, replace wargear, add up points, list building complete. Edit: after finishing reading the entire thread I realize this problem has been solved.
  7. Update: 20 chaos warrior have now gone missing along with my GH and carrying case. You guys may indeed see a raccoon fielding a Chaos army. Joking aside, how many tickets are there? I've found all but one marauder, but am now a week behind in painting.
  8. Look, ultimately it doesn't matter. Either they are wrong and your units in transports count towards half of your army on the table (they do count) or they are right and it still won't matter because it will FAQed in a month. However it sounds like to me, you need to get some new people to play with.
  9. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The short version is I left, leaving my window open. A raccoon decided that it wanted my snacks on my painting station, which also happens to be where I had 58 Chaos Marauders in various stages of being painted/built. Now I only can find 47 of them.
  10. I'm still going to have to wait to the last minute to buy tickets due to housing and a unfortunate incident with a raccoon. Hopefully there will still be tickets the first week of July.
  11. While it is simple, there are a lot of tactical decisions to be made still. Deployment, command points, choosing when to leave combat, picking which members of a unit will splitfire, movement and how it relates to pulling other units into combat and positioning models to fire at HQ's. The game hasn't lost tactical depth, its just there in a different way.
  12. I'm pretty sure you are 95% correct. Not sure how Thousand Sons become troops, but them having <Thousand Sons> keyword would not prevent them from being in a detachments that are mostly Khorne/Nurgle/Slaneesh as they all have the Chaos keyword. Now, maybe not being in an all Thousand Sons detachment would prevent them from being troops but I dunno. I don't have a book in front of me.
  13. Not 100% as I'm doing it from memory, but I'm pretty sure that's about 1650pts.
  14. Played several games of 8th couple days ago but really? People are considering power points for games beside intro and 3k+? I think power points a perfect for intro games and makes Apocalypse games sooo much easier. Anyways, Thousand Sons v Ad Mech. Played two games back to back (1000pts and 1250pts) in under 3 hours with looking up stats and being interrupted almost the entire second game. First game was Rubic Marines, Scarab termites, Sorcerer, Demon Prince and a huuuge brick of Tazzigors. I was playing a tech priest, unit of giant robot, two units of grav survivors and a unit of skitarii rangers. Deployment was super easy. Thousand sons got turn one, moved, deepstruck the termies in next to the skitarii, killed all but two after moral. My turn one, the robots pumped out 36 shots at 36" at 6/-2/1 rerolling 1's into the tazzigors killing about 15 of them. Grav servitors killed all but two of the termies. Turn 2 more shots, got charged, ended the game with only the tech priest and sorcerer punching it out in the middle of the table. Game Two we changed it up to me taking a knight and him taking multiple sorcerers to spam smite. The other units killed each other off while the knight got slammed with mortal wounds from the sorcerers while doing ZERO wounds with over 30+ shots over two turns. Overall the games were quick and brutal. All the units seemed fairly well balanced. Tbo, understanding that the armies are slightly vanilla because the indexes are just a stopgap until the real indexes drop, this feels like my favorite version of 40k yet.
  15. Wow... don't check in for 2 days and people are talking about trying to limit and comp 8th. Literally, WTF. But whatever, I'm going to go play some 8th today as Gee-Dubs intended, as written.
  16. So where is the info for this? I'm desperately trying to complete my AoS army, but with all the distractions it proving difficult. Now with this tournament I wanna play but there is no way for me to get a second army painted. Hopefully the painting requirements are less.
  17. Hey! So with 8th coming out I no longer need a replacement for 40k! As a result I would love to get rid of my Circle of Orboros/Hordes army. Now I have marked the units with individual prices but I really really don't want to sell unit by unit so the first person that gives me $350 cash + shipping can have it all. Pictures will come in a few hours. Cassius the Oathkeeper & Wurmwood, Tree of Fate $20 Kromac the Ravenous $15 Kromac, Champion of the Worm $15 Krueger the Stormlord $10 Krueger the Stormwrath $10 Kaya, the Wildborn - $7 Tanith the feralsong $7 Argus - $7 Argus-$7 Oop metal Argus $10 Oop metal Argus $10 Feral Warpwolf - $15 Feral Warpwolf -$10 Oop metal Feral Warpwolf $15 Oop metal/resin Ghetorix - $30 Gorax painted - $15 Gorax -$8 Riphorn Satyr - $20 Razorwing Griffon -$10 Razorwing Griffon - $10 Werewolf Stalker - $25 Druid of Orboros Overseer + Druids of Oboros - $30 Sentry stones & manikins -$10 Sentry stones & manikins - $10 Shifting stones - $10 Shifting stones - $10 Stone keeper $5 Tharn bloodpack $20 Tharn bloodtrackers $30 Blackclad wayfarer -$8 Gallows grove - $6 Lord of the feast -$8 Una the falconer $15 Swamp gobbers bellows crew -$5 Carrying case - $30
  18. Release date announced. Pre orders June 3rd, full release June 17th https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/23/warhammer-40000-launch-date-announced-may22gw-homepage-post-1/
  19. No, you need airbrush thinner sadly . I've had mixed results with alcohol as well. Al's Cycle n' Hobbies should have thinner. Also you want the paint as thick as skim milk.
  20. Ha! I am guilty of using Sayl. But to be fair, I launch a unit of Nurgle Warriors at people. Which is pretty far to the bottom of scary units to throw at people. But he a great example of a good unit, but not broken. He gives a unit great mobility for one turn. The busted units are the huskards, empire-mobile-buff-truck plus a couple others that need a point adjustment.
  21. Tbf, there really isn't that many broken units. We only need a few minutes or tweaks to the rules. I ok waiting till early fall. Mostly cause I don't want to have to change my army for OFCC this late...
  22. I need the tail for the one in the left. For some reason I can't upload an actual photo... :/ Yea,me too! Although with 8th dropping, I kinda want 30 more as it seems they might be good.
  23. So I need some more Demonettes to match the 30 I have. I value them at about $8 a piece, not the ridiculous $10-15 people want in eBay. Also need one tail for a seeker, but most likely that won't happen so I need one complete seeker. Or 5. Maybe 10. Regardless, I value those at about $8 as well. I also have some random things, so if your looking for something, just ask. I might have it.
  24. Omg! Just give me the rules already!! I got 4 armies I'm ready to brew lists with. The wait is killing me! Between this, commissions, and trying to get my AoS army painted for OFCC I'm losing my mind!
  25. So Land Raider Spartans will pump out 8 las cannon shots? Godhammers will do 4. Plus all the h. bolters/ assault cannons. Battle cannons are d6/s8/d3 + battleshock. Land Raider Crusaders will now shred infantry when you include splitfire and battle shock. This whole edition is looking better and better.
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