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Everything posted by SPaceORK

  1. Absolutely! My friend is an a-hole and deserves things like that to happen to him. Also the tau titan is waaaaay overcosted. He needs to be around 837 with the battlesuit keyword or around 637 without. Making it immortal with drones and healing strats is cute but not really worth it in 2k. Like I feel if I brought it to a tournament at it's current points cost, I would ambush a couple players but a Castellan would just wreck me. Annnnd bringing titans to 2k games is just bad in general I think. Sure you may not be able to kill it, but can I do enough damage to block a skilled opponent from just beating me at the objective game? Probably not...
  2. Not trash. They feel like nobs, they have their uses but really besides that.... ehh. The "take-three-and-deepstrike-them" strategy sounds awesome and probably is, I just dont know if it's just not better to take more boyz.
  3. Shooting has just been getting better and better. Ork now have one of the premier shooting units... lol wut? Most armies can double tap. Though close combat is secretly the best phase if you can maximize it.
  4. Also got a couple games in with Tau v Guard/Ultramarines. His list: Bobby G + Tiggy + Smash Captain 3 dev squads + 3 scout squads Tons of guard and mortar teams Me: Kx139 supremacy suit Riptide Drones Firewarriors Commander and fireblades My deployment. Just hiding in a bunker. His deployment. He had to proxy a fair bit because he misplaced some models. And this about sums up the game. A bunch of guardsmen looking at a titan as it stands immortal before them. Turn 1 went to me. I killed all the devistators, 2 squads of scouts turn one. His turn, he killed some drones. He then realized with that many drones, wounds and the ability to heal he couldn't touch my battlesuits so he called it. He ran back the same list. I switched out the 139 for two riptides and the fw flame riptide, more fire warriors and two more commanders. It went exactly the same. I got turn one. Popped my feat on a commander and removed his army. 14" 3d6 6/-2/3 flamer with Bor'kin Sept is so good! Yea tau are fun but I really dont see any viable build besides riptides/drones with tons of firwarriors.
  5. I'm usually pretty quick with the movment. The loota shooting takes the longest for me.
  6. After playing a few games now, watching others play, doing the maths, I'm kinda getting an idea of how good things are in the codex. Bad Moon Lootas Detachment: Obviously the most hyped thing in the codex. And so far it plays like a cross between a Ynnari Reaper squad and a Castellan. Going forward I expect 25 lootas in alot of list. A++ Gretchin: 3pt troop that has a extremely good stratagem with it. Take 60 even if you plan on using boyz. B+ Boyz: 1pt increase from the Index, still worth taking 90. I didn't expect these guys to do as much work as they do, but man, they are so useful! Make them Evil Suns to get those charges off. B+ (Either version. Technically I think shoota boyz are mathematically better.) Storm Boyz: I love these models! But I think they are only good in lists that dont have lootas. You kinda want to be able to da jump a boyz squad and charge 25" with a stormboys squad turn 1. And you cant pull off the turn 1 charge as easily without mobbing up the stormboys. B-/C+ Kommandos: Deepstriking boys that dont require cp, have flamers and get +1 to wound in terrain, yes please! I wasnt sure about these guys at first but so far they have been great! A- Mek Gunz: Super cheap artillery. Not as good at filling out a brigade as big gunz but better gunz. Traktor cannon A, Kannon B+, Other gunz C. New buggies: Ehh they look amazing and I kinda like the bs 3+, 8/-2/d6 one. The flame one looks good, but it dies turn one each time I've used it before it gets to shoot. Overall they seem slightly overcosted. C+ Weirdboy: Really good. Only needs da jump and smite. B+ Warboss: Ehh... B- Big mek w/KFF: solid, useful, cheap. B+ Battlewagon: Mobile bunker that allows you to greatly reduce the amount of drops you have. B- Everything else in the codex: Varies from overcosted trash (Stompa, trukk. Both D-.) to probably usable for a very specific job (Nobs, flash gitz. Both C-) Overall I think orks are good enough to be a top tier army or keep certain armies in check. Love em!
  7. Yup iguana comics. They have quite a bit of homemade terrain that's all solidly bit.
  8. Well maybe not surrounded me. More like a semi-circle of death. The orks in the middle did not survive his turn two. He did spend basically his whole turn killing them though, so that was a plus. My turn two and things were going to go my way. And they actually did. 3 shots with the lootas, two 8" charges from reserve, some clutch smites basically removed everything he had in the middle of the table. Leaving only conscripts and earthshakers. Sure, on his turn 3 he murdered a ton of orks with those things. But I was now claiming objectives and earning points! My turn 3. I was running out of bodies. My weird boys would soon kill themselves, I was running low on grots. Granted, I now was in control of most of the objectives and he had a half dead tank and immobile artillery but he was also up on points. Now I dont have any photos of turn 4 & 5. Mostly because this was like 3 hours in and it was just a few orks dodging artillery shells and grabbing objectives. Which they did, enough for me to take the lead by one point! It also helped the game ended on turn 5 because I don't know how many more shots to face my orks could take. Close game, great opponent. I'm 4-0 with orks since the codex dropped and I'm really liking them.
  9. Over the holiday season I've decided to get as many games in as possible. Mostly with orks, because I'm actually stripping, basing, repairing and painting the whole lot of them. I got to get a game in yesterday with a new opponent and his IG. His list from memory; Straken Harker Primaris Psyker Priest 30x conscripts Valkyrie with 4 Bullgryn 3x chimera with 10 man squads 10x scions with hotshot volley guns 6x earthshakers and crew Taurox Maybe some other things, not sure really. My list; Bad moons battalion 2x big mek 3x10 grots Bad moons battalion 2x weird boyz 3x10 grots 10 & 15 lootas Evil sunz battalion Weird boy Warboss on bike 3x30 boys w/ nob and big choppa 28x stormboyz The new buggy with 4 flamers He wanted to play a new CA mission, which was cool. We ended up with the one where 4 objectives float around like they are from Avatar on the point hammer & anvil deployment. Here my opponent is pointing out my only painted model. It also is what my deployment looks like. There was a small snafu in which I reserved 15 lootas thendeepstruck them in my own deployment zone first turn. Since it burned 2cp he didn't much care. I also reserved 2x30 boy squads. His deployment. The bags behind the Russes are the units inside the Russes. The Russes also happen to be Chimeras. There was alot of "proxying" going on this game. He went first. Moved up a bit, dumped out bullgryn in front of my boys. Started shooting my lootas, I grot shielded, proceeded to fail four-ish 2+'s for the lootas. He, however decided to stop shooting the lootas when he noticed he was mostly removing grots. He took some more shots at things, didn't do much and it was off to my turn. Heck yea! I'm gonna kill things with lootas! Well I rolled a 1 for the number of shots, twice. Ehh... still managed to do some damage to two chimeras and two earthshakers with spitfire, more dakka and double tap. I also did some smite damage with weird boyz to the bullgryn. This part is a little fuzzy. I believe I surrounded the taurox with boys and stormboys, killing it and everyone inside. But as you can see, in his next turn he surrounded me with flamers and guardsmen.
  10. SPaceORK


    So how many drones you taking? With how many battlesuits?
  11. They cant shoot the grots per se? They dont have a profile. I think? I dunno, I'm not worried about it even with a WAAC player. As a semi-WAAC player I can argue both ways and will gladly do so if its brought up.
  12. I am quite certain I have read the "rule" correctly. What allows you to deploy anything at all? I'm sure along the way there is some sort of vague rule or incorrect definition of something along the way. Dont worry about this rule. You either have grots or you dont. They dont serve a purpose.
  13. It comes with 6. 5 to place on bases and one to place on the gun.
  14. They literally have no rules whatsoever in the data slate other than to say ignore them. I also scratch built some and only have the actual grot on the cannon. The only arguement that can be made to have them with the cannon is those models actually take up space and you have to deploy each cannon within 6" of each cannon. So 6 cannons is an extra 30 28mm bases you have to have space for.
  15. They are also considered to have the keyword for that chapter, they would unlock strats from that chapter as well.
  16. Yup. Although you kinda want at least three squads. Nob with pk or bc, 2 burnas, 7 boys with 3 bombs seems to be the best all around unit.
  17. ++ Patrol Detachment (Orks) [69 PL, 1242pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz + HQ + Big Mek (Index) [5 PL, 55pts]: Choppa, Slugga Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]: 2. Warpath + Troops + Boyz [11 PL, 215pts]: 3x Tankbusta Bombs . Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga . 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa Boyz [11 PL, 215pts]: 3x Tankbusta Bombs . Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga . 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa Boyz [11 PL, 215pts]: 3x Tankbusta Bombs . Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa . 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa + Elites + Nob with Waaagh! Banner [4 PL, 77pts]: Kustom Shoota Nobz [14 PL, 163pts] . Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga . Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga . Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga . Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga . Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga . Nob: Choppa, Slugga . Nob: Choppa, Slugga + Fast Attack + Deff Kopta [5 PL, 120pts] . DeffKopta: Bigbomm (Index), Twin Big Shoota . DeffKopta: Bigbomm (Index), Twin Big Shoota . DeffKopta: Bigbomm (Index), Twin Big Shoota Deff Kopta [5 PL, 120pts] . DeffKopta: Bigbomm (Index), Twin Big Shoota . DeffKopta: Bigbomm (Index), Twin Big Shoota . DeffKopta: Bigbomm (Index), Twin Big Shoota ++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Orks) [40 PL, 752pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + Clan Kultur: Bad Moons + HQ + Big Mek (Index) [5 PL, 55pts]: Choppa, Slugga Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]: 3. Da Jump + Troops + Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin + Heavy Support + Battlewagon [8 PL, 120pts] Lootas [8 PL, 170pts]: 10x Loota Lootas [13 PL, 255pts]: 15x Loota What you got is a pretty decent core of units. You'll need 15 more lootas, 25 more grots, and 2 weird boys to flush it out. While it says spearhead and battalion, it should be two battalions. Which will give you 13cp. This will allow you to mob up the lootas, reroll their number of shots, more Dakka strat and double tap strat. This should be more than enough to melt any knight type model. And the grots provide the shielding in case you dont go first. Hold in reserve a couple squads of boys. Da Jump the third. If you want you can also reserve the coptas. But they have a 22" inch threat range to drop their big bombs on elite infantry, so maybe not. Hide everything that is an hq in the battle wagon with the nobs so they dont die turn one. Use the nobs as a hammer later if the lootas dont kill something.
  18. Just saw this over on the competitive 40k page. Apparently it was a suggested rule brought up by a prominent player that got taken out of context and made into a for sure thing. So yea, fake news apparently.
  19. Well... I had planned to go to the Guardian Cup on November 10th. I messaged the TO and asked for the player packet. Me: "Hey, I was interested in playing in your tournament and would like the player packet and to pay for tickets" Him: "Sorry, I canceled it" Me: "Uhh what?" Him: "Yea I needed to cancel. I probably should take down all the info for that. Sorry." Me: "...." Yea so that sucked. However it did appear that all of Team Zero Comp and part of Beast Coast was planning to attend so I did save myself from a 0-5 record for the weekend. So after that I was a little bummed about the whole 40k thing. But then orks dropped. Time to bring out the boyz!
  20. Maybe drop a gretchin squad and a nob w/ banner to add more gretchin and runt herder. You'll have bigger but less gretchin squads that lose d3 models instead of 10+ to ld.
  21. Huh... So we've been deepstriking after turn 1 for like what? Since 5th? Cept now we have no random scatter and can decide what turn we want them to arrive. Turn 1 deepstrike was ridiculously broken and I used it constantly. Turn 1 deepstrike in your own deployment was ridiculously broken and I also used it constantly. Turn 2-3 deepstrike is now something I have to think about instead of "hur-dur of course I deepstrike". I will still use it on a regular basis however. If you think keeping a unit in reserve with the ability to put them almost anywhere you want, is not a good ability then I don't know what to tell you.
  22. Written by the guy who actually causes about 75% of the nerfs as well.
  23. I was also thinking this when I read the rules for Aximilian.
  24. I understand if you like certain models or already have models with the listed wargear, that you want to play with those models. However since you posted your list I also assume you want some input. Your other list was probably better. It basically focused on doing one thing well and needed very little tweaking to take it to that next level. This list takes the previous list and adds unnecessary shooting with overcosted models. Also again, way to many stormshield. The runic priest is great with the -1 power that also gives you the -1 stratagem. Space wolves (with the exception of long fangs) want to be in combat because of the +1 ws (which also makes powerfist and thunderhammers way more accurate). Without a deepstrike stratagem, aggressors will most likely die in a turn without doing much themselves. Your original list already had a great built in plan of waves of assault with scary things. It had a bit of fat that needed to be trimmed in order to make it even scarier but it had potential. If you simply like the models (I also love the idea of th/ss werewolves) I say go for it with either list exactly as is.
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