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Everything posted by SPaceORK

  1. For the slaanesh cultists and obliterators I guess? Some sweet double tap action? But yea only one technically need to be slaanesh. But since slaanesh has the best powers and stratagems I just default to slaanesh. Plus you know slaanesh is cool? So... ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [50 PL, 945pts Legion:Iron Warriors + HQ + Daemon Prince with Wings [9 PL, 180pts] Malefic talon . Slaanesh: Diabolic Strength Daemon Prince with Wings [9 PL, 180pts] Intoxicating Elixir, Malefic talon . Slaanesh: Delightful Agonies Sorcerer with Jump Pack [7 PL, 120pts] Bolt pistol, Death Hex, Force sword, Mark of Slaanesh + Troops + Chaos Space Marines [5 PL, 90pts] Mark of Slaanesh . Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun . 3x Marine w/ Boltgun . Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher Chaos Space Marines [5 PL, 90pts] Mark of Slaanesh . Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun . 3x Marine w/ Boltgun . Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher Chaos Space Marines [5 PL, 90pts] Mark of Slaanesh . Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun . 3x Marine w/ Boltgun . Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher + Heavy Support + Obliterators [10 PL, 195pts] Mark of Slaanesh, 3x Obliterator ++ Patrol Detachment (Chaos - Daemons) [38 PL, 740pts] + HQ + Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage [17 PL, 340pts] Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts] Daemonic axe, Khorne, Skullreaver, Wings Troops Bloodletters [12 PL, 220pts] 29x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Instrument of Chaos 1685pts Personally I'm not a fan of iron warriors. I prefer alpha legion cause of the -1 to hit, deep strike stratgems, color scheme and lore. Buuuut you like em so, yea. Also the lack of cultists makes it difficult to grab another battalion to pull of some sweet tricks, plus CSM are trash. But thats what I got to work with... So missile launchers so you can use the flakk strat in the csm units. The three demon princes are to wreck anything they touch. They are what will win or lose you the game, so keep them safe until you can charge with them. The bloodletter bomb and bloodthirster are there as distractions. If they kill things, great! If not, your squishy marines and dp's didn't die so great as well. One unit of oblits to deepstrike and double tap. Should be enough to kill something. The sorcerers is there simply to be a death hex caddy. Don't want knights with 3++ saves rolling around ruining your day. The list has 300+ points to work with. Personally I would cram another demon prince in there with more bloodletters (nurglings would be ideal but whatever) to provide more screening and cc prowess.
  2. In chaos? That's easy. With just CSM codex that is only slightly harder. First off though, since the unit is deadly, undercosted and resilient, targeting it with more points than it's worth is not bad target priority. But the best and simplest answer is demon princes. In thousand sons, Arhiman and his dp homies can smite the flyer of the table in a turn. Plus you get tons if utility in that unit with being able to cast two powers off the princes. In just CSM, two slaanesh demon princes will absolutely wreck it. Give one the elixar relic and the other give diabolic strength. That's 16 strength 8-9, 2 damage attacks with fly.
  3. Well I didn't say you were having problems with list building. But I wanna see what I can build with a limited pool of models. I have access to most everything in chaos so building with restrictions is a nice chance. And second, seeing list built from your pool by another person is a cool way to introduce new ideas.
  4. What models do you have available to you for chaos? Or could get easily?
  5. I mean, yea? I can give my Space Marines Raven Guard CT and make them more durable. I can make them ultramarines and make them more efficient. But I'm still paying way to many points for something that isn't much more than a distraction at best. This also also still applies to the soul grinder. And no, you can't ignore the guns, your still "paying" for those. Just like you pay for a 3+ save, ws 3+ on marines. And you don't want marines in combat or people attacking them. I know you like the unit, and that's all that matters. Heck your building on from scratch. But don't try to convince yourself that it's even close to the other more efficient choices.
  6. No. No cultists. This is not the list for that. You have chosen to take everything that embodies rage and reaping skills for the throne. While you may not win every game, things will die and Khorne will be pleased. But no, really... This is a super cool list and I also think I will try it out at some point. Maybe find a way to add Samus or whatever the other khorne demon prince is called.
  7. Well... It's a unit that is ok at some things but not really good at anything. And taking units like that (Space Marines come to mind here) generally does not help you kill things or not die. It a melee unit that is both slow and fragile. If you want a unit like that you might as well take a bloodthirster (which is still overpriced for what it can actually kill that is not a knight) And you really don't want it for it's shooting cause... Well Bs 4+. Plus there are other units that are cheaper and do as much damage via shooting. 230+ points for a t7, 3+/5++, 14 wound model that has no way to really reroll charges and only 8" of movement isn't really what you want. So that really only leaves one reason to take em. You think they are cool. With that you don't need to justify their points, you just play them cause you like them.
  8. Cons •not a winning tournament list. Pros •its fething awesome! •Low model count so easy to transport •It's already painted? •someone is not going to be prepared for it and it will rip & tear
  9. Oh no doubt! That's one of the coolest things to see. Playing in a 20x30 foot table. Appropriate size terrain.
  10. Which if you belong to one of the special password protected sites it comes in forge world bags with a "certificate". But yea I checked them out... It's really an elitist snobby group.
  11. It's not even that elite if a club... I can have a warlord for $400 from china? Which is better quality than the fw one.
  12. But they have far more reliable access to mortal wounds. Plus beszerkers will kill a knight with just rage. And 180 attacks
  13. I mean if knights don't belong then leman russes, landraiders, some dreads, dreadknights, riptides, wraithknights, baneblades, greater demons, stompas, gorkanaughts, stormravens, primarchs, stormsurges, wraithlords, swarmlord, etc don't belong either. They are all "hard" to kill (2+ or better save, pile of wounds, good invulns, negatives to hit, fnp, etc), or have great offense, or both. Good thing Killteam is on the way so we can just play with infantry models and not worry bout the big scary things.
  14. If your going fluffy, kytan. I personally don't like mine, known as McPillowfists. I would maybe throw in a bloodthirster cause it's cool.
  15. Yea but on the flip side can you kill an average knight as well with the same list. Being able to kill 40 warriors or 1 knight in 2 turns seems reasonable, killy enough and provide enough action for both player to have a "game".
  16. It looks like one got hit with a can of Raid. Man, I remember when I had a bunch of those with whips and by the time I sold them not a whip was left intact.
  17. I don't think you bringing 60+ warriors wouldn't be an issue? They still have to be 12" to rapid fire, and they only move 5". They just don't die. C'tans, monoliths and warriors sounds like a blast to play.
  18. Kinda? I more responded cause I wondered how many warriors I could kill. Which was more than I thought. Since the question has been asked, how many turns is acceptable to kill 40 warriors? 2? 3? It's not really fair exactly... I wouldn't normally target warriors with anything but bikes cause that's what they are supposed to shoot. I wouldn't really target warriors with hellblasters or meltas. Necrons have a bunch of vechicles that I would rather shoot. Even then, my meltas wouldn't be good against necron vehicles.
  19. It's a long drive, so I wouldn't want to go without a for sure spot. Also I don't know if I'm exactly "Spirit of OFCC" other than in sportmanship. Also are we considering leadership in this!?
  20. I was going to bring Custodes/Marines/Guard. 9 total Custodes bikes at 12" with hurricane bolters, 10 total hellblasters over charging, 4 multi-melta devs kill 27ish turn one. Turn two, meltas are dead, but hellblasters in cover, bikes being immortal, after bike charge, the total is closer to 70+ dead warriors. But no team, so I'm just pretending I'm going and painting the army instead. *Edit* I thought warriors had a 3+ save not a 4+. So it probably closer to 90.
  21. Big knight is clocking in at around 585. Close combat knight has 5 attacks, 6 with one of the houses. So 18 attacks at 8/-2/d3 for 365ish. As stated before base points for knights is 280-85. You don't get CP for a detachment if you dont have at least 2-3 of the normal or big knights in the detachment.
  22. Yea, you've always, as far as I know, measured from the base/feet area of the model. It's a stupid rule though and everyone should tell GW so.
  23. Huh... At first I was super salty about this FAQ but realized it doesn't do all that much? I can still add a 200 point IG detachment and get +5 command points. I usually don't deep strike my custodes till turn two anyways. 20 man alpha legion beszerker squad charging turn one still works. I can still take 4-6 demon princes. (There I think 3 different dp dataslates?) The only thing that really doesn't make sense is the invulnerability of units to assault if they are in ruins?
  24. And even if it was characters, kharn will always be kharn, yarrick will always be yarrick, regardless of what version you use.
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