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Everything posted by SPaceORK

  1. I know! I was super sad when I saw that orks didn't have a sniper specialist. Had they, I woulda gave him a Celestial Lions helmet or something.
  2. Well... That took far longer than I expected. Apparently I can only post so many pictures without using a image hosting site? Oh well I figured it out. Anywhoo, Look more orks! A boss nob, burna (he uses electricity though), big shoota boy. And My leader model, the kommando boss nob, Freeboota.... Well he doesn't have a name. I just made him and kinda started painting him.
  3. Death Guard isn't the only team I was working on. I have to many orks bitz to not make some kustom boyz. So some basic out of the box gretchin catching bullets for the kommandos. They will also help flush out the enemy for the "Ork sniper" (in game just a shoota boy).
  4. Hey everyone. With Killteam out and the rules firmly in hand, I've decided to get cracking with building and painting kill teams for every faction. Now I'm sure this will end like every project (half finished, models being used for other armies, etc) but I'm going to give it a go anyways! Now the plan is to use mostly bitz and stuff I already have laying around. This will keep the cost down and make me really dig deep to make models. First up, Death Guard! I had a bunch of them fancy 40k bases and decided this was the perfect opportunity to use them. The marines are also just starter box marines with some leftover bits from the plague marine box. Now to find the extra zombies I had around here...
  5. 12 extra inchs of range is huge when you consider those guardians should be hiding and as far away from damage as possible. They are pretty darn fragile. And I'll agree with you. Shining Spears are A+ units.
  6. So? I know for a fact, that what you find fun in 40k and what I find fun are so far appart that we might as well be playing different games. But that doesn't mean I can't ask, and not insist, on maybe going back a phase. And not reminding you about a phase is just cheating. It shouldn't matter if it's intended for new players, he doesn't sound like a new player, so he can be expected to have a higher level of understanding of the rules and play. More competent and competitive players should accommodate other players when not in a tournament or playtesting. It just fosters a better environment.
  7. I'm not super stoked about the Nightspinners. Being only s7 against the amount of t8 out there is a little rough. I like em, just not as much as bright lances. I would split the windrunners up into 3 simply cause of moral and late game objective grabbing. Also having vectored engines (-1 to hit when it advances) help with survivability of the wave serpents... ...Which should be filled with your guardians and avengers. Which I don't think you plan to do cause you gave them a weapons platform (bright lances are good though!). Having your "slow" squishy troops out in the open is bad idea when they have such lovely metal (bone?) boxes to hide in. These are all minor things and you probably won't even notice them anyways if your playing a more casual game.
  8. Umm... The deathwatch players sounds like a [big bad swearword]. Insisting you go back a phase is just dumb. If plays hyper competitivly then he should know better.
  9. Seriously thinking of switching from blood angels/catachan to triple gallant/catachans. But I do love the bullgryn star and slamguinius... I don't have a castellan ,but I have like 5 other variants. Still gonna need to pick up the third gallant... But this time I'm going to magnetize the weapons.
  10. All of this boils down to, spend that 1cp on a reroll not the randomness that is the chaos boon table. I've hated it since the beginning of 6th. Random isn't fun. Random makes things take longer and makes more bookkeeping.
  11. My math was done in my head, and I just took the chance of rolling a 1 on a d6 and halfed it. I guess the actual chance of becoming a prince is 1/36. If your already spending cp to roll you might as well spend another one to reroll.
  12. I guess that's technically correct. You can spend 1cp for a 8.3% chance to upgrade to a prince. Or get turned into a spawn...
  13. I would also be thrilled your taking the murdersword. It has a metal-as-feth name and... If your taking the murder sword, that means your taking something that has a powersword. And if your taking a guy with a powersword, that means one less demon prince, Abbadon, Kharn that I have to worry about.
  14. So which one would trigger? The character clause version? Or the vehicles part? I mean I guess its not super relevant.
  15. Wouldn't it also do the opposite? Pro- character ablities. Like some spells and stratagems say " Hits units on 4+, characters on a 5+"? And no I didn't think about that... But having a 2+, 3++ or being able to turn one charge outweighs any negative effect stapling the character keyword would bring. I don't tend to think about anti- character much. People either hide them and I deal with them when I can. Or they make a mistake and serve them up. Most if the time I try to get anti-tank and anti-infantry with as much redundancy as possible while having the most models possible.
  16. Down here in Southern Oregon amazingly enough, a group of AoS players has appeared! Now its been a long while since I played AoS. So my questions are as follows. What do books do I need to play the current edition of AoS? I have mostly chaos warriors, knights, marauders. What book do I need for them? I also want to play with the Glottkin and Archaon. Can I do that with mortal chaos?
  17. I just want to build a giant cathedral with that terrain. I think you could build a 2x2 church with about $200 in terrain.
  18. naaaw... that would be orks. genestealer doesn't quite fit. But the thread does fit the "Two men enter, one man leaves" theme of thunderdome, cause I will find a decent list even if it ends up being one of the playtesting armies.
  19. Yea, so while Bullgyns are beasts with a 2++ and a boatload of S8 attacks, they only have a 3++ in melee. Which as it turns out, doesn't do much when hit by two knights attacking three times. Yes, Slamguinius did his job and murdered a knight, but he couldn't survive the second knights feet. Oh and those poor catachans who's line crumbled after the third knight slammed into them, there wasn't much I could do to stop it. I'm starting to think maybe Slamguinius is to much of a CP glutton. And knights are pretty cool... But I think more games are in order, and I really need to face a tanky/wizardy chaos list. Plus I don't think knights would do so well against smite spam versus what Slamguinius would do.
  20. I mean one of could ask on the warhammer community page? For a semi official answer.
  21. I'll second that. Why is there no painting featured yet!?!
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