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Everything posted by SPaceORK

  1. Most of the time 5-10 man objective grabbing troop screens are better that 1 attack. But your results may be different.
  2. Or screen for them? But yea leviathan dred. Cannons for non infantry and elites, grav for horde and Titan models.
  3. But I suppose you asked how can you make this list better? Well start dropping storm shields. I know you wanted them as part of the theme of the list. But you don't need so many. The big wulfin unit should have 4. The little units, 2. Same with the thunderwolf cav. Give them about 2 each. Your only trying to not die to lascannons and such for the first turn. If they focus fire on any one unit it will die. So save points. With those saved points add more blood claws. Maybe a axe or powerfist in each squad? Shave the meltas of the priests. Your a cc army with a ton of strength 8-10 attacks. No need for melta. Thunder wolf cav should have ss/chainsword on two guys, chainsword on two and a guy with thunderhammer. This way you have a ton of anti infantry attacks with a dash of s10. Also since they will probably die it's not as big of a deal, points wise, when they do. Send the army in waves. Thunderwolf charge in first or second turn. Followedd by the wulfen. By the time the blood claws get there, they should be able to clean up or push the combat in your favor. Also I highly suggest finding room for a ruin priest. I believe they have a stratagem or power that gives everything within 6" -1 to hit. With a on foot cc army, this is almost an auto include.
  4. If you like the army and plan to play in a casual to semi competitive environment it should do fine! I was saying if you planned to go to a tournament thats when things like only having 45 space Marine bodies will start to show. Marines in general are overcosted. Wulfen, while resilient, are not worth the point. Catachan guardsmen can and will eat you in cc and shooting. Even if you kill 20 of them that barely pays for a couple wolfin? And since only two of your models have "fly" they will just screen you out, pour shots into a unit, kill it and move to the next. It's late so I can't be 100% but death hex I believe removes invulns from a unit, so chaos can just ignore your storm shield theme all together. It's a super fun list, I had one very similar. But it won't hold up in a tournament environment. Buy if that's not what your shooting for then have fun! I'm working on an all dred list myself.
  5. This should do great in a casual environment. And if you love it play it! Against more tournament oriented lists, the lack of models will probably be apparent. Also 3++ is not that amazing, and will be brought down via tons of shots or attacks.
  6. Custodes have almost zero customization. If you have the skills to sculpt have at it, Primaris on the other hand interact well with almost all space marine bits. Very easy to kitbash. And I can agree with happycamper, hellblaster +ancient/apothecary is super awesome. I would make em deathwatch so the interssors have a bit more punch with the speacial ammo but thats me.
  7. Ok Ive been watching your progress on the wolves for awhile now (Ive had 3-4 sw armies at this point) and excellent work. But this... This choked me up a bit.
  8. Ghost in the Shell 7/10 Never watched the anime so I have no idea what didnt follow cannon, but it was a solid sci-fi movie. Precious The most cringy movie I've ever seen, not because of the quality of the film, which was good. But the content. Baby Driver 7/10 Solid, not all about cars and stunts. Unique if predictable.
  9. Thank you guys! Very much appreciate the help. So I'm assuming I can use the Maggotkin of Nurgle book with both Glottkin (duh) and Archaon cause they both have MoN?
  10. So I'm going to curse here but I feel the use of profanity is the only proper way to convey my emotions on how the armies look. Y'all mutha [big bad swear word]ers killed it on army presentation and painting. Every one of you should be proud to lay those armies on the table. Fan-expletive beginning with F-tastic
  11. I do enjoy how your only picture was of a meat milkshake.
  12. And now to a little more realistic testing. My list; Bullyrn Star with support Straken 2x Platoon commanders w/power fists 2x Leman Russes and 2x Basilisks 3x Infantry w/ mortars 30x conscripts Custodes banner guy (5++ to imperium models) 3x shield captains on bikes His list; 15 (3,3 &9) ynnari dark reapers 15 rangers Cat lady Various farseers & spiritseers 9 ynnari saim hann shining spears Wave serpent (proxied by a plane) Dark elf leader guy 3x Ravagers Now I know the Russes and Basilisks are not optimal but I forgot my hellblasters and vulture I wanted to try so ... ehh. The core of what I wanted to try was there. I would like to say I got first turn. That I powered my Bullgryns up. That I got my Shield Captains into turn two charge range. That I screened out his movement with my conscripts and that my tanks killed his Pirate ships. But I didnt. Instead I watched in horror as the reapers killed my bullgyns to a man by shooting twice, which enabled the Ynnari Saim Hann Shining spears moved 36'' across the table engage my Catachans and shield captain. He shot a few more things, cast a bunch of powers and stratagems and passed turn. At this point I did the only thing a guardsmen can, Fix Bayonets!!. Well I shot first, but with everything being -1 to hit and my army gutted for close combat it really wasn't much. Now I'm sure mistakes were made because this was the eldars players first game with eldar and its a very complicated army. But damn... I reall could have used a Smash captain to kill me some reapers. The hellblasters would have been nice as well.
  13. The SPORK WAAAGH! actually had two encounters with the imperium that day. A local player brought out his custodes. I wanted to see if a custodes only list had enough to handle almost 200 models... Deployment. Its a little weird to have that many models against so few. So how did it go? Well after 4 turns the orks killed 12 of 24 models. The custodes in return killed 120+ models. It was not a good day. Here's hoping the codex helps out the boyz.
  14. Alright, time for a little thread necromancy. I've got alot of games in with core bits of the list I originally intended to play with. As happens in playtesting, alot of things didn't go as planned. I have decided if i'm going to play imperial soup of some sort then I really want Catachans (cause they look awesome and happen to be really good) with a Bullgryn Star. Also even with the incoming nerf, a blood angels battalion is to efficient not to take. Smash captains are the hammer to the Bullgryns anvil and they do it well. However there are alot of other options and well armies to test. One problem I was worried about with any list was hordes. I didn't know if I had enough to bullets to deal with that many bodies. Well I am SPaceORK, so its time to bring in da boyz! I had my buddy Amber pilot my Catachan Bullgryns, Smash Captains and 3 units of Deathwatch Hellblasters. I took Weirdboys, Warbosses, Stormboyz and a metric ton of boyz (120 actually). This is the only picture of the SPORK WAAAAAGH! taken that day. Mostly because in two turns of combat and shooting the cheatin 'umies killed 90+ models. Well I guess hordes are not an issue.
  15. Depending on how well glued the missiles/fur are on the manticore, you should be able to take them off relatively intact. After that you can use various lengths of pipe to make the barrel. Cut out two triangles of plastic, round the top corner, and you have the supports. then add some rivets and other bits to give it a more 40k look and you should be good.
  16. Why are there no pictures of this event or armies? I like to look at models that are not mine.
  17. I really hope they make more models along this same line... I dont even know what I would use them for, but I want them!
  18. What's beardy to you? Space Marine list as an army for OFCC as you think is should be played, what's in it (or any army if you don't play marines)?
  19. I call it elite because only certain armies can be played and list building is further restricted within each codex. And yes your the TO. Your the guy who writes the rules of the tournament. I believe there is more than one TO for the OFCC and it's guidelines are made with imput from the community as a whole? Is that true for your tournament? If enough people wanted knights in your tournament would you allow them? And while your tournament is similar to the beginning of the OFCC it's evolved into other things while still remaining true to it's original intent, play games & have fun in a casual environment. I am listening. You said haven't gone to the OFCC in the last 2+ years. So why are you trying to have imput on a tournament you no longer attend when it seems to be doing great?
  20. Arnt you the guy who started his own super elite tournament that you have almost complete control over so you can play 40k the way you think it should be played? I think someone who does that isn't going to be happy with the way anything is done at a tournament if they don't agree with the changes. If you don't like the OFCC (which was super successful from what I can see) why complain about it, especially if you don't attend.
  21. So I don't know you, have had almost zero interaction with you, but you never seem positive about things? Maybe that's what he's getting at? It's always "knights don't belong in 40k" and "fw is evil". And you just stated you tell people only come to the OFCC if they can paint well. Now I'm embellishing things a bit here, but that's what I've seen. And that doesn't help the group as a whole at all.
  22. Why is there even any discussion about lists? Isn't OFCC about rolling dice, drinking, hanging out with friends and looking at cool models? With no actual winner, who cares who brings what? I have a difficult time turning off the competitivness so OFCC probably isn't for me. But if I did go I would make sure my models looked good and my list was good enough to put up a fight. And I think that's what everyone does at this event, no?
  23. Those are all valid reasons... So then shave the manticore, add basilisk and thunder hammers?
  24. So why power fist over a thunder hammer on the BL? Why 2 Battle leaders and not Lord + bl? And why bikes and not jumpacks?
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