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So is there any reason to get any of the new models?


If you have a decent size collection, prolly not. Exocrine's range IMO is too short. Crones are the better flyer, but at $80 I wouldn't bother if you're not competitive. Flyrants are an even better buy, so getting some Wings may be a good idea. 


Overall, the new models add very little to the list. If you have Nidzilla stuff, you've got everything you need.

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The heavy slot is looking really good, Shooty Carnis and Biovores are nice. The AA harpy is nice too. Not all bad, the FnP spell is good. FnP on a blob of 30 gaunts doesn't sound too fun. It looks like the key to this army is to spam as many psykers as you can. I'd prolly just spam Zoanthropes.

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The heavy slot is looking really good, Shooty Carnis and Biovores are nice. The AA harpy is nice too. Not all bad, the FnP spell is good. FnP on a blob of 30 gaunts doesn't sound too fun. It looks like the key to this army is to spam as many psykers as you can. I'd prolly just spam Zoanthropes.


The melee army with good pysker powers is now Daemons. Nids have OK psykers, but if you really want to run heavy Psychic powers look to Daemons. That's probably the biggest single disappointment to me - that Nids appear to have been cornered as "Nidzilla or GTFO" as their niche, rather than having the hive mind be anything more than a detriment.

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The melee army with good pysker powers is now Daemons. Nids have OK psykers, but if you really want to run heavy Psychic powers look to Daemons. That's probably the biggest single disappointment to me - that Nids appear to have been cornered as "Nidzilla or GTFO" as their niche, rather than having the hive mind be anything more than a detriment.

I agree with you about the psychic powers, but I don't believe all the nid psychic powers are a complete waste, just mostly ;).  My concern is enough synapse.   If not from the elite slot, where would you suggest looking for synapse? and how many?  My knee jerk with not testing says 4-5.  I think min warriors with a venom cannon ain't too shabby as well

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Ok, here's another stab.  



Deathleaper:  130

3 Tyranid Warriors:  90
3 Tyranid Warriors:  90
3 Tyranid Warriors:  90
20 Termagants:  80
20 Termagants:  80
19 Termagants:  76
3 Lictors:  150
3 Lictors:  150
3 Lictors:  150
3 Shrikes:  117
  Adrenal Glands, Rending Claws
3 Shrikes:  117
  Adrenal Glands, Rending Claws
3 Biovores:  120
2 Carnifexes:  280
  Adrenal Glands, Spine Banks
2 Carnifexes:  280  
 Adrenal Glands, Spine Banks


Absolutely NO answer for any planes in this list, but with a lot of high pressure it could really do some damage early enough to not be too worried.  


The shrikes can deepstrike up with the lictors to add pressure.  


Perhaps going with dual devourers on the carnifexes instead?  Would give me at least a CHANCE of dealing with air power.  Hmmm...

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Guest Mr. Bigglesworth

dakka fex is a lot of shots and is kind of like lootas, enough dice to threaten flyers. S6 though is just to low, s7 would have been a nice boost and not game breaking.


I guess the biggest disappoint for dex is just more of the same. Unlike tau, eldar or any of the other 6th dexes, this just feels like what they recently did with blood angels, only difference is now I have to wait 3 more years or more for a new dex.

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So I've been quietly watching the conversation, and as a long time Tyranid player I think everyone is underestimating the power of the SitW. I agree on a lot of points that some of the new units may not be as cracked up to be, the Crone/Harpy for example could get trashed by a Quad gun in one round and die if it failed it's grounding test.


However, the -3 LD is a pretty damn powerful aura. You can boost it to 18 or even 24" with psychic powers and the Norn Crown (though terribly expensive). Coupled with a Deathleaper, your enemies HQ could potentially be LD 3-4. Get those bad boys to take a LD test based on shooting or close combat result, and you have some space marines running out to get chicken instead of staying to fight. With as many shots as you can fire now with fleet Carnifexen, and the Exocrine, those turtled up units guarding the back line are in dire shape if a flying Tyrant is within Synapse range. I know some armies have fearlessness and will completely ignore SitW, but there are plenty that aren't Fearless or Stubborn armies.


Honestly I think the golden eggs for this codex are Carnifex and Shadows in the Warp. I guess we'll see after I get some games in.

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First off, Dominion, the Crown, and the Warlord Trait just boost Synapse. SitW happens to have the same base range, but it's not the same thing, and it doesn't get expanded by things that affect Synapse range.


Secondly, it only affects the Psyker himself. Even if you've got that Librarian down to Ld4, his Unit takes Ld Tests on the highest Ld in the Unit, which is still going to be 8-10 in most cases.


It really is pretty much just Psychic Defense.

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After looking at hive guard again, the ignores cover addition will be useful against eldar jetbike farseers and daemons with invisibility up.


Biovores and spore mines are what I keep coming back to. 30 pts in the FA slot gives you a disruption unit that can deep strike into the enemys deployment zone. Having to spend an entire units shooting to avoid being assaulted and blown up is nice.


Still weird though. Id rather pay 200+ for ymgarls cuz they are more fun.

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I know some armies have fearlessness and will completely ignore SitW, but there are plenty that aren't Fearless or Stubborn armies.

Well, psychic tests leadership modifiers are not altered for either of those rules.


In general, stubborn is a really odd rule in this edition, as it doesn't deny leadership modifiers, merely ignores them during certain tests (morale and pinning).


Fearless models, on the other hand, don't ignore the negative modifiers at all, they just auto-pass most leadership based tests, with psychic tests not being included.


So, -3 leadership would impair a fearless/stubborn psyker for their psychic tests and if hit by a weapon that wounds against leadership (like necron abyssal staff or callidus neural shredder).


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I agree with you about the psychic powers, but I don't believe all the nid psychic powers are a complete waste, just mostly ;).  My concern is enough synapse.   If not from the elite slot, where would you suggest looking for synapse? and how many?  My knee jerk with not testing says 4-5.  I think min warriors with a venom cannon ain't too shabby as well


The changes to Instinctive Behavior make me think Synapse has gone from being a thing you want, to a thing you must have (a *tax*). In the past, most of my lists used 3-4 Synapse units, but now it appears we'll start to give up Troops slots for minimum Warriors or Elite slots for Zoanthropes in order to keep our weenie units from eating each other. My first stop was to start upgrading Trygons to Primes (as they're at the core of my lists), and making sure I'm using at least 2 other HQ units with Synapse. What I'm not crazy about is using point-efficient warriors (e.g. cheap as possible) as I think the Nids best play is to do as much damage as possible rather than trying to hold on for the late game.

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I actually like the swarmlord a lot now.  The 18" synapse range and 3 rolls on the Nid powers means that the chance of catalyst is really good (dirty math says about 61%).  Also, the ability to give one of the hormagaunt units (or any unit, frankly) furious charge for a turn is downright awesome.  



Swarmlord:  285

2 Tyrant Guard:  100
22 Hormagaunts:  110
20 Hormagaunts:  100
20 Hormagaunts:  100
20 Hormagaunts:  100
3 Tyranid Warriors:  90
3 Tyranid Warriors:  90
3 Hive Guard:  165
1 Venomthrope:  45
1 Venomthrope:  45
Crone:  155
Crone:  155
2 Carnifexes:  300
  2x Dual Devourers
2 Biovores:  80
2 Biovores:  80
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