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I want to start an Eldar army


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I have been collecting a number of Star Wars miniature battles figures.  I want to use them in 40K.  My thinking was that the Eldar list would be a good basis for a Star Wars Imperial proxie.


Stormtroopers - Guardians


Scout Troopers on Bikes - Guardians on jetbikes

Royal Guards - Wraith Guard (?)


Darth Vader - Exarch (?)


AT-ST - War Walker


So, never having played Eldar before, any suggestions?

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I have been collecting a number of Star Wars miniature battles figures.  I want to use them in 40K.  My thinking was that the Eldar list would be a good basis for a Star Wars Imperial proxie.


Stormtroopers - Guardians


Scout Troopers on Bikes - Guardians on jetbikes

Royal Guards - Wraith Guard (?)


Darth Vader - Exarch (?)


AT-ST - War Walker


So, never having played Eldar before, any suggestions?

This would be awesome.  


Do you have an appropriately sized Bespin Twin Pod Cloud Car for the flyers?  There was also a grey shuttle craft toy they made it you're going strictly Imperial.  The Tie Fighters would be obvious choices also.


Imperial Guard (the tall, red silent types on the Deathstar who accompany the Emperor) are pretty awesome and you could use them as Wraithblades or Dark Reapeers (Dark Reapers seems in keeping with their solemn silence, while they ARE elite elite elite warriors for the Emperor on the other hand...)


Asdrubiel Vect should be the Emperor if you dont want it to be striclty Eldrad.  Hellz yeah.  Asdrubiel Vect, as the enemy deploys and then steals the initiative:  "oh...  This battlestation will be QUITE operational when your friends arrive...<insert mad cackling here>".

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So you're using the disposable troopers that can't hit the side of a barn and die to a stiff breeze as something other than guardsmen? !? Nah, just giving you a hard time. Sounds like you have a plan, have put some thought to it and are willing to ask opinions . All good signs that it'll be a fun army to face. Now get hopping!


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Molded on bases are not too difficult to handle.  Here's what you do:


1.  Get silicon calking.  put it on the base and smooth it as much as you want to.  You can easily make realistic looking earth by NOT making it smooth.  Regardless, that's step 1.  Make it JUST about as thick as the molded on base of the 25mm model.


2.  Plant the molded base INTO the sylicon.  use a small flat edge to smooth the silicon slightly over the built-in base.  now the models feet are planted on the silicon "ground" and the base isn't visible enough to be noticed once painted and flocked.


3.  Wait 24 hours and prime your models.  Paint em like you normally would.


This does a couple things:  makes those bases totally innocuous and makes the base heavier and easir to balance, no washer required.  the weight of the silicon and the little bit of it lapping over the base here and there will hold the figure in as well as any glue, more or less, but of course when you do glue the basing stuff on, it will just make it that much more solid.


It looks great.  15mm miniatures require you to do this a lot.  some companies sell indented bases to help you hide the molded "base" that comes on the model, but you don't see it as often on 25-28mm bases.

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