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NOTE that this is only for the BAO...could easily change immediately after.


Frontline is sending around the latest ITC format poll. Only three questions:

1. Would you prefer to play the current ITC 8th ed modified book missions which only have end of game objectives or would you prefer to play layered missions similar to the 7th ed ITC missions with turn by turn objectives and end of game objectives?

  • I would prefer to play the current 8th ed ITC modified book missions with end of game objectives at the BAO 2017.
  • I would prefer to play layered missions with turn by turn objectives and end of game objectives at the BAO 2017.

2. Would you prefer to use the very large models at the BAO 2017 such as the Warhound Titan, Revenant Titan, Thunderhawk Gunship, Ta'unar Supremacy Suit, the "Super Chicken" Tzeentch Daemon Lord, etc? We define this as any unit with a Power Level of 31 or more (Imperial Knights are Power Level 23 for example).

  • No. I would prefer not to use units with a power level of 31 or greater for the BAO 2017.
  • Yes. I would prefer to use models with a power level of 31 or greater at the BAO 2017.

3. Games Workshop announced that the Space Marine codex is coming out later this month (July) which means it may be released less than a week before the BAO 2017. Would you prefer to use that material (or any other Codexes that may be released this month) at the BAO 2017 or would you prefer not to?

  • No. I would prefer not to use the Space Marine or other new Codexes released in July at the BAO 2017.
  • Yes. I would prefer to use the Space Marine or other new Codexes released in July at the BAO 2017.

I answered B, A, B


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2 hours ago, Spaceork said:

A,B, Don't care

1A allows 2B to happen without being overpowered. Oh you spent 1500 points on a warhound, guess you won't be scoring scoring many points in this game then.


If they table you, they get full points.

46 minutes ago, pretre said:

If they table you, they get full points.

And this is a problem... look at malifaux,  war is ugly suicide missions are a thing.  If power level 31 plus was in I'd want progressive scoring and extra points for doing damage to it. 


Best part of malifaux? You complete the mission doesn't matter if any one makes it back...

1 hour ago, pretre said:

If they table you, they get full points.

Not really worried about that. A) almost no one has a warhound Titan. B) those who do, don't have the über scary double Vulcan mega bolter. The other weapon options just don't deal enough damage over squads (yes they can just one shot knights, but what can they really do against bricks of poxwalkers/cultists/conscripts?) C) if I'm in a tournament that allows those kind of things I should be prepared for them or hope the run into the guard player with 200+ conscripts. If I'm not in a tournament I don't really care what you bring.

So if I do have to play against Double Vulcan MB Warhound + Magnus then I guess I need to be on my A game. Plus I mean that's cool too. How often do you actually get to play against something like that?

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The real tourney players will find the most efficient build no matter the exact nature of the rules. At least when you open up the omg stuff you know what it will be and can plan more accordingly. Different views for sure. 


To be clear, I don't own anything 31+. I'm not attending BAO. Regardless, I feel the "opens" should be current rules (not modified versions of 7th...), I want to see the acceptance of 20+ to grow, and the large regional tourneys are one of the ways to do that. And I don't think 1 or 2 armies should have a codex leg up on the rest of the armies. 

19 minutes ago, Lord Hanaur said:

Theres a point at which you just have to call shenanigans and Power 31 is well past when I would.

And what is the power level that you find to be shenanigans-less? Up to 25? 20?

1 hour ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

Clearly you are a judgemental piece of crap, but who am I to make assumptions about you off of how you vote, or what you post.

Wow somebody can't take a joke 

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i think this edition should be the edition of all big stuff.  thunderhawk isn't that bad, stormbird isn't that bad; at least all the titans while they have high wound count and high toughness can be taken down with lascannon fire.   And they're priced appropriately for what they are in all honesty 

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1 hour ago, Dusldorf said:

Wow somebody can't take a joke 

I think the issue is dry humor doesn't translate well via internet. Emoticons can be annoying, but often helpful.

A little :tongue: goes a long way.

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23 minutes ago, Munkie said:

I think the issue is dry humor doesn't translate well via internet. Emoticons can be annoying, but often helpful.

A little :tongue: goes a long way.

Alright you can be the feelings police then


 For me there are maelstrom again this edition I'm astounded everybody used this as an excuse to go back to end of game scoring. It rewards specific time playing (slow playing to some), tough super killy single models,  and just to much to kill tactics. Turn by turn objectives switch that up quicker you play more chances you have to score points, single models can be overwhelmed while they kill by a more varied list, and the complete avalanche of models can be beaten before it gets into unassailable position... but it is all in how you want to play. 

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2 hours ago, Dusldorf said:

Alright you can be the feelings police then

Sounds good. But don't think that just because you appointed me, you'll get some special exceptions!








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Warhound is pretty strong but not unbeatable and by saying nothing over power 31 is allowed you still allow the stupid stuff like wraith guard spam and a wraithknight.   Really dulls the possibility that a player could have made a really cool thematic list involving something like a warhound or a thunderhawk or a stormbird.  


I know tournaments are all for the optimized list but there's always the opportunity for a player who just wants to come throw dice and have fun not worry about tactics or anything to be put off with not getting to use his list that some would cry is op because of the titan but hey to each their own I suppose.   And in reality playing any of the missions that player would be at an extreme disadvantage to win games outside of tabeling.   

2 hours ago, VonVilkee said:

 For me there are maelstrom again this edition I'm astounded everybody used this as an excuse to go back to end of game scoring. It rewards specific time playing (slow playing to some), tough super killy single models,  and just to much to kill tactics. Turn by turn objectives switch that up quicker you play more chances you have to score points, single models can be overwhelmed while they kill by a more varied list, and the complete avalanche of models can be beaten before it gets into unassailable position... but it is all in how you want to play. 

I like continuous scoring over end of game scoring too, but it doesn't have to be maelstrom to accomplish that. I don't care for maelstrom because I never played enough 7th to get it down, and it was an extra layer of book keeping on an already tedious and bloated edition. 

Missions with an odd number of objectives that score every player or game turn have a fast paced feel. You're encouraged to get out onto the field and fight for board control. You gather points.

End of game scoring reduces timed tournament games to simple clock management. First player needs to break the enemy quickly, because second player knows exactly when the game will end, and therefore, exactly when to spread out and grab/deny. They have absolute last say in the battle and that's incredibly powerful and also lamely passive in a "no turn but the last matters" victory condition.

I just don't care for the random element in maelstrom. I prefer missions where each objective has a fixed value (maybe a single randomized objective is worth +1 or something), but maelstrom is just excessive, IMO.

I do like their +1 to go first change instead of automatically first unless seized upon though. Seize the initiative just leads to bad feelings. It's a sportsmanship landmine. 


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