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12 minutes ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

Wow, people were bringing DPs from multiple dex? Wow.  Knights got hit pretty hard.  Deathwatch was dampened. 

To be fair, it was GW's previous FAQ that told people that multiple DPs from multiple dexes were kosher.

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Just now, Romans832 said:

Designated Players?


Daemon Princes.


The previous GW FAQ said that rule of three didn't apply to princes from other codexes, and specifically used DPs as an example.

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3 minutes ago, Romans832 said:


Thank you

Kinda like how the rule of three doesn't apply to different datasheets for basically the same model. I can have 3x of each type of bloodthirster, plus 1x of the special character bloodthirster (granted, this is too many points for 2k games, I think *only* 8 is most I can get at 2k.).

That said, unlike the bloodthirsters, the DPs are actually viable to spam.

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5 minutes ago, Inquisitor66 said:

I'm assuming, but am unsure, that Deathwatch can still rapid fire with special issue ammo if they are in half range since the weapons are still rapid fire, even though they now essentially lose bolter discipline.

That is exactly what they said. Old rapid fire with special ammo. Or new bolter discipline with regular ammo.

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5 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

The Rule of 3 applies to everything but the Bloodthirsters, at this point, as far as I can tell from the new FAQ.

Carnifex models too. Their 1 kit became 3 dataslates and a special character, just like the bloodthirsters. Plus the carifex get "broods" of 1-3 per dataslate, so your Carnifex models can be 1x Old One Eye, 3x3 Carnifex, 3x3 Screamer-Killers, and 3x3 Thornbacks

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Tau gun drones got a boost:



Q: How many shots does a model armed with multiple pulse weapons fire when affected by a Cadre Fireblade’s Volley Fire ability? Is it one extra shot with each with each of those weapons, or one extra shot with just one of those weapons?

A: These models fire one additional shot for each weapon. For example, a Drone armed with two pulse carbines (an Assault 2 weapon) would fire three shots from each weapon (for a total of six shots from that model).


Used to be one extra shot per model, now it's per weapon...'cause tau need more shooting.


Also, they changed the rules so dead vehicles disembark their drones:



Q: When a T’au Empire Vehicle that has the Attached Drones ability but not the Tr a nsport keyword (or a Transport ability) is destroyed, how do the attached drone models disembark?

A: The attached drone models immediately disembark using the normal rules as if that Vehicle unit was a transport.


Drones used to be lost if their transport was destroyed.

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Sporocyst got a substantial boost. Used to deep strike, now it deploys like Scout marines:


Page 110 – Sporocyst, Bombardment Organism Change this ability to read: ‘When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.’


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CSM finally got fixed so the Juggernaut Lords can benefit from their legion traits:


Page 157 – Abilities, Legion TraitsChange the first sentence of rules text to read:‘If your army is Battle-forged, all Character, Infantry, Biker and Helbrute units in Chaos Space Marine Detachments gain a Legion Trait, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same Legion.’

Too bad I ditch the juggerlord army towards the start of this edition...

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5 hours ago, paxmiles said:

Tau gun drones got a boost:



Q: How many shots does a model armed with multiple pulse weapons fire when affected by a Cadre Fireblade’s Volley Fire ability? Is it one extra shot with each with each of those weapons, or one extra shot with just one of those weapons?

A: These models fire one additional shot for each weapon. For example, a Drone armed with two pulse carbines (an Assault 2 weapon) would fire three shots from each weapon (for a total of six shots from that model).


Used to be one extra shot per model, now it's per weapon...'cause tau need more shooting.

This is just a bad ruling. A twin-whatever-gun is a gun unto itself. It's not, for any game purpose except this niche scenario, two whatever-guns strapped together.

2 extra shots because it has "twin" in the name is a bad precedent to set.

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4 hours ago, Munkie said:

This is just a bad ruling. A twin-whatever-gun is a gun unto itself. It's not, for any game purpose except this niche scenario, two whatever-guns strapped together.

2 extra shots because it has "twin" in the name is a bad precedent to set.

Although this is not referencing twin guns... it is saying if it is equipped with two pulse carbines. I do not believe two weapons auto twin link anymore. This seems to say it is per weapon instead of per model for a specific tau rule. 


Wish I had the current book...

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