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Our Government


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So Hamsters, if someone might enlighten me. Our club the "Bellingham Warhamsters" as a governing entity is about as a effective as a diabetic candy maker. About as structured as an ADHD Improv class. About as reliable as BitCoin. Sorry Kevin, it's truly not your fault however you get to take the blame. "Obama's America".


I know all of you guys are occasionally awesome, however, if I don't know who even runs the Warhamsters government how are we supposed to claim that it is effective? Kevin brought up an excellent point, we have this weird notion that we feel we are so entitled to, however we never vote. We never have meetings. We never talk anything but the next game, next week. Occasionally the Ham Sandwich...Slam Handwich...whatever the hell it's called. Maybe you missed the point?


Let me repeat. This time in underlined bold. We Never Have Meetings. We Rarely Talk About Happenings Outside of Bellingham. And We Never Vote. If you look at it we have all the awesome tools yet never really build anything. We have Corey's, Jim's, and Kevin's who are popular among gamers statewide, that can gather info and market to potential gaming cadres. We have Jim's, Brad's, Sherbert's and Nathan's, whose painting modeling and artwork can only ever help the hamsters. How many people have walked in and commented on Brad's Infinity Board and Worldsmith industries. We have Joey's and Kacy's (of course Corey's) who are some of the best at demo gaming, and expanding gamer's boundaries. We even have Loren's and Gareth's who are awesome power gamers going to tourney's nationwide and winning. All for the name of the Bellingham Warhamsters. And others that I still haven't mentioned. Don, Jon, as well. We have it all. 


Again...cue undy bold. We Have all the Talent, All the Skills and All the Luck. And never use them.


So think about this Hamsters. Think about this well. Sleep on it. Dream about. Hell Nocturnal Emission it if that helps.


Who is our Government?

What are their Jobs?

When is the next election?

More Importantly what can you do for the club?

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If this last week has taught me anything, it's that my tendency to fight fire with gasoline has done more to harm the solidarity of this club than I have done to help it.


And for that I'm truly sorry.


With that in mind, I'd like to see elections asafp so I can step out of this position to which I am ill-suited.

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If this last week has taught me anything, it's that my tendency to fight fire with gasoline has done more to harm the solidarity of this club than I have done to help it.


And for that I'm truly sorry.


With that in mind, I'd like to see elections asafp so I can step out of this position to which I am ill-suited.


if people dont like what you're doing, then yer a good president - cuz yer at least doing SOMETHING.


in other words, be worried when no one complains - a room full of yes-men is an empty room.

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Kevin you are a good leader for the time period where the club has been what it has been. We appear to be shifting times and that is always tumultuous for those in power. You get the blame and none of the praise.


From the outside looking in, few would believe we could be as strong as we are with the facts on paper. We have had a rough few years at times and things are going well now. For that,those in power deserve props.


There is really nothing more to say than a meeting is in order to discuss the future. Hell our current path is not a problem if we all agree on it. 

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Hello there,


Maybe a different perspective on the topic, so please no one take it other than that.


I think it's helpful to (a) newer players and (b) those interested in playing to delineate the fact that the Warhamsters are a separate gaming club that happens to game one night a week at Dark Tower Games, rather than the Warhamsters being somehow tied in with Dark Tower Games.  I know that I'm not the most active person with regards to gaming and I sincerely apologize for not seeking enlightenment or to get better information; however I think some folks *might* be under the impression that the Warhamsters dictate a lot of the gaming that goes on at Dark Tower Games.  Which isn't the case, right? 


If folks know that the Warhamsters are a separate entity that utilizes Dark Tower Games for a game night, then they can look at it as such.  And this *might* get folks to understand better that the Warhamsters can do things their way on their nights to their liking, if that makes sense... and because they're a separate club then no one who is not part of that club can really get off-kilter about that club's decisions.  Re-reading some of the other posts and knowing my lack of knowledge on the subject, I think that folks blurred lines between what the Warhamsters club truly is and what Dark Tower Games' game room is.  If that makes sense.  Thus, knowing my lack of knowledge might better explain some of my posts. 


OVERLY-SIMPLISTIC EXAMPLE:  "Hey Don, the Warhamsters are gonna game on Tuesday nights at Dark Tower Games.  The club has decided that folks will wear funny hats and speak in Latin."  If Don is not a member of the Warhamsters, he understands that this was decided by your club and thus, it flies.  If Don is a member of the Warhamsters, he got to vote and be included in club decisions and thus had some ownership in the decision-making and such.  But it's clear.  And if Don isn't into the Warhamsters gaming scene, he plays on a different night or utilizes an unused table or whatever.


(back to post, example over)


From another perspective my hope is that the Warhamsters' members can also see it from an outsider's point of view.  You guys are very welcoming to folks gaming with you and are personable... but at the same time are pretty "exclusive" (for lack of a better word).  Which, now that I can clearly see that you are a separate entity, makes total sense.  But from an outsider's point of view, it may seem kinda daunting to join the club.  Like, do I just play a lot and am now a member?  Or do I play a lot and road trip and gain experience with you guys and am then a member?  Am I a member because I can post on the forums?  Are there expectations?  Etc. etc.


Folks might wanna be a member of the exclusive club very badly... but do they know how to be? 



Sorry if this post is goofy or unclear.  And I cannot apologize enough for not getting all this information before and being less ignorant about your club and such.  But at least I'm making an effort now! 


Stay safe,




P.S.  Always down for helping in any way I can.  Seriously.  You all have been super nice to me, understanding of my job and schedule and taking me for what I am (a casual gamer that is doing his best with what he has).

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I may be speaking out of turn here, but the short answer is no one (in the larger order) really gives a [big bad swear word] if you are a hamster or not.  This is a forum to which people have been invited upon the loosest of guidelines (oh hey, go post on this forum) to continue to talk about and schedule games to play at the local club where we all meet.  It's like a Foxworthy joke.  If you ever post here, you might be a Warhamster.  If you ever attended a meeting at said local club in which half the people there were talking through the vote that was taking place, you might be a Warhamster.  If you ever split a bill at New York Pizza, you might be a Warhamster.  If you ever had someone at a store say "where did you get that Warhamster shirt" you might be a Warhamster.  If you ever were awarded a prize as a Warhamster at an event where you signed up as a Warhamster, you're probably a Warhamster.


It's like the easiest goddamn thing.  Do you want to be one? Do you want it to be a thing?  Do you not want to turn it into a bad thing?  Go hog wild!


The reason it defies definition is because it is not taken seriously enough to be defined down to a serious level.  Oh look, it's on a shot glass now!  Great job, whoever did that!  Inspired now, let's also do cool stuff!


Do you want to be a Warhamster?  Then be one.  If you're reading this, you've basically passed the one real hurdle that exists, and we only really have to think about it if you get recklessly out of hand, but that really doesn't happen, does it?  Be cool.  Play games.  Job done.

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I think I'll just wear whatever funny hat I need to and speak whats spoken on Tuesdays (i.e. On hamster nights, I'm fine with hamster rules but I will be scheduling DTG games on other days too)


Having only been around the Tues. night scene for a year I don't feel, at this time, that being a WarHamster is something that I am prepared for but I will continue to schedule, play and hang-out with "Warhamsters" - What or Whoever they are :)


Games are games no matter what we play or who we play with.


Kevin, I still want that game of X-Wing and I don't think you should step down. Don't make me google up that scary stalker girl meme. The whole damn thing was a forum flame man, nothing more, probably forgotten 3 pints of Irish Death ago by all. Hell, in my family we got knocked senseless on a regular basis for no discernable by our cousins until we hit like 13 or 14 but god forbid someone come after just one of us. My point is friends yell and posture sometimes -  whats a  little pissing match between a bunch of gamers? /laugh.  No really, I did a belly laugh there.

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Jesus Christ Guys. No Kevin should not step down. I repeat, Kevin should not step down. In my opinion KEVIN SHOULD NOT STEP DOWN. Damn it do I have to write it in a musical??? All I am saying, is there seems to be a breakdown once every blue moon or so where we blame the problem on lack of voting or communication with the Warhamsters government. DO NOT say no. I see it all the time. IF you say NO then you are a Lurking Board Troll looking for arguments, you know it happens. You Goddamn know. Occasionally we get people asking, when the elections are, what do they do etc.


This is the issue that has to be addressed. He have to decide on a common ground regarding the government. Whether or not you want to be a hamster or you are one already. Those of us that are at least should know the positions, and be able to answer something about it. Which we can't, because I was referred to other boards. And  If we don't want that, then why do we have a government??


WHY? Why does it matter? When Kevin is in a position where he gets frustrated because the club isn't helping him out, or Corey is having problems getting tourneys going, it all stems from the breakdown and reliability of the government. If we don't want one fine, but don't bitch when club problems come up that has to be handled by a president or some type of democratic process.


For the whole process to work, we have to be a part of it the whole time. We can't "not care" all year and then all of the sudden have a big touchy debate over opening the boards and try to get serious all of the sudden. It won't work and as we have seen, has just turned into a bitching session where we leave the issues alone and let them fizzle and die out. Personally as a hamster I am tired of seeing our problems come up and we just let them be an never solve them.


I am also so so so so so so so so so tired of events or cool ideas not following through. In order to have good events we need a well oiled government. If that is Kevin and Joey rolling around naked in Lubriderm then so be it.


All I am saying is our government is one ineffective steamy pile of duck [big bad swear word]. That is no ones fault but all of ours.

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Hamsters, brothers, dudes... calm down.


Those of us that are at least should know the positions, and be able to answer something about it. Which we can't, because I was referred to other boards. And If we don't want that, then why do we have a government??



I didn't refer you to other boards. I referred to posts on this board. Posts that you posted in, Shae! Granted, I can't remember what I did last week, so I guess I can't hold it against you that this stuff isn't easy to remember. :)


The (brief) history lesson is that we had a happy anarchy for a good long while, and had to start a governing system when we started pulling in money, wanted to make group decisions about finances. Also, we had to have a government and a charter in order to get a bank account, and we needed a bank account to get a paypal account. All of those have served us well in the past, but if they are causing problems, we can change stuff. Nothing is static, and we can always adapt to suit our needs.


The system serves us; we are not bound by the system and can change it at (our collective) will.


One of the things that has always been a struggle (as I, and I'm sure Corey and Kevin can attest), is that it's hard to get people involved in leadership. Folks have tons of great ideas, but the actual follow-through and execution takes an obscene amount of work and effort. That's not for everyone, and there is not a thing wrong with that. But that kind of drive really creates the experiences that the rest of us crave. Our Eagle-era open gaming days, where we drew in tons of folks from across the Pacific NW. Walpurgis. Brad's Infinity campaign. The 40k Escalation league at the start of Dark Tower (that was Kevin and Joey, correct?). All of the captains that have taken us to the OFCC (and done damn well - lots of solid showings, 3 Fantasy overall champions, and two Marshall Johnson awards in 40k). Hopefully the Ham Slamwich.


All of those events are tons of work, immensely appreciated by other Warhamsters, and not for the faint hearted.


We do have talented folks. And we have the healthiest, most vibrant and exciting gaming community I have ever been part of in my three centuries (or 40 years, close enough) of life. I traveled around Texas with a group of big GT-winning Warhammer players during the advent of the Indy GT. I played with the Chicago crew during the birth of Adepticon (and took best army in Adepticon 2 - personal achievement!). I've had gaming groups in Indiana and in LA. I can tell you, that in the face of all those experiences, THIS is the place that I would most like to be. YOU are the best godsdamned gaming group of which I have ever been a part.


Tuesdays are my sacred church, my weekly moments of gaming bliss. If I project myself 40 years into the future, my current Tuesday nights are what I want to be doing. With talented, artistic, strategically and narratively-minded friends, playing games and having good, interesting conversations.


Please, please, my brothers (and sisters, if we could ever get a woman to stand our collective presence), don't despair! We have a really good gaming club, and it breaks my tiny black heart to see folks kibitz and moan about the sad state of the club. We are strong, brothers, we are gloriously strong.


I'm really, really happy to talk about future directions, and things that we can do to make our club even more awesome. But please, let's talk about it in THOSE terms, not from a negative stance. We are not even remotely [big bad swear word]ed up. We are princes of gaming. Please, let's appreciate what we have and strive to make things even better.


You are all black-hearted, dirty bastards, and I love you.

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Yeah, I don't think the club is in necessarily a bad state right now but it feels like it's in limbo a bit. Do we really need the offices we have? If we do then we should really work at utilizing those positions. I have been supporting the pick up game thing not because our club is in bad shape but because gaming in Bham seems to be. I was only suggesting that we do a favor to the greater community because we are the only club with any sort of organization and we are the largest and most active in Bham. Our club is doing fine and I love it though I would like to see us more active in the greater pacific northwest gaming community. I think we should take our roles more seriously or rethink how we want the club structured. More casual? More meetings?


At any rate I feel we should have a meeting sometime soon just to kind of get things ironed out. I don't like the negativity and am sorry if I contributed. I just saw some stuff that bothered me and bummed me out and I wanted to try to improve things.

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