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40k: Preview: Death from the Skies - part 1 (updated)

hello everyone !!
From Ichuban on warseer

There is a new detachment:

Air Superiority Detachment

Is formed by 1-3 Flyer Wings*

Restrictions: All models have to be chosen from the same faction


- Air commander; If the commander of the Wing is in reserves, re-roll interception, If you have superiority and your Chief is in Reservers you add +2 to your reserve rolls instead of 1.

- Combined formation: You choose to make a single reserve roll for the whole formation if you want.

- Transport that have the hover mode have the Objetive secured rule.

Of course I need to read the book to know what it all means.


All the existing flyers have the same point costs and rules as in their current codex.


The stormhawk costs 125 points and comes with: Twin linked assault cannon, twin linked heavy bolter, "super laser thing" (24", S9, AP2, Heavy 2), Ceraminte plating, and one ítem that allow the stormhawk reroll when jinking. Has the supersonic special rule.

May exchange the laser thing for an Icurus Cannon for 155 points. May exchange the heavy bolter for a Typhoon missile launcher for +20 points or for a Celestial hammer missile thrower for +5 points.

Now I have to go, but will be back in one hour and a half (aprox).


About the ork flyer:

140 points 12/10/10 3HP

(Cannot translate the ork weapons)

Twin-linked 36", S8, AP2, Heavy 1, Blast, Gets hot

1x 36" S1D6+4, AP1, Heavy1

5++ vs one single hit each enemy shooting phase (May be exchanged for an ork energy shield 5++ to be bearer and all models at 6" for +25 points)

The datasheets are:

- Valkyries

- Stormhawk Interceptors

- Stormtalon

- Stormraven

- Storm wing (Formation)

- Strike Wing (Formation, 2 Stormhawks + 2 Stormtalons)

- Blood Angel Stormraven

- Grey Knights Stormraven

- Dark Talon

- Nephilim

- Ravenwing abductor squadron (Formation, 2 Nephilim + 1 Dark Talon)

- Stormwolf

- Stormfang

- Ice Storm assault pack (Formation, 2 Stormwolves + 2 Stormfangs)

- Heldrake

- Razorwing

- Voidraven

- Blackheart Talon (Formation, 2 Razorwings + 2 Voidravens)

- Crimson Hunter

- Hemlock

- Shroud of Kurnous (Formation, 2-3 Crimson Hunters + 1 Hemlock)

- Night Scythes

- Doom Scythes

- Oppressor Flight (Formation, 1 Night Scythe + 2-3 Doom Scythes)

- Blitza-Bomber

- Burna-Bomber

- Dakkajet

- Wazbom Blastajets

- Ork Skwadron (Formation, 3 of any but Wazbom Blastajets)

- Kustom Wazmob (1 Wazbom + 3 up to three of any other ork flyer including the Wazmob)

- Razorshark

- Sun Shark

- Air caste Support cadre (Formation, 2 Razorsharks + 1 Sun Shark)

I will try to sumarize the new stuff:

All Flyers have now three new Atributes: Combat Role, Pursuit and Agility (the more the better)

When shooting there are two types of targes: Ground and flying. Flying targets are FMC, other Flyers, Jetbikes and Grav vehicles. The rest are ground targets.

New rule: Air superiority: If a player has Flyers in Reserve at the end of the Aerial Duel Phase can add +1/-1 to their reserve rolls. Opponent has -1 to reserve rolls.

Any flyer can now make an additional pivot at any point of ther movement if they roll their Agility or less in a single D6.

Only Flyers with the Attack Role can have AA when shooting, but they have -1 BS when shooting Ground Targets.

Flyers do not benefit from cover (Terrain or other models)

When moving Flat Out you can add your Pursuit to the distance

To sumarize a litte bit:

Duel Phase happens at the beginning of each Player's turn. It is optional. It only involves Flyers in reserve or active reserves. If a player wants to skip the phase, roll a d6. Winner decides.

4 Subphases:






Each player roll a D6. Winner (after applying modificators) is attacking player, the other defending player.


During each phase each player chooses secretly a Tactic, then compare tactics in a table and apply results.

At the end of the Attack phase, resolve a shooting phase between both flyers, applying the mods from the previous phases (if any)

good night :)

Another new element is Flyer Wings. These can be deployed in Attack Patterns and have Wing Leaders. A Flyer Wing is a group of 2 to 4 Flyers taken from the same datasheet or Formation. The Wing Leader gets a special ability to represent his experience and skill. Keeping the unit close together in one of a series of Attack Patterns will give the wing special benefits. I will be deploying my Dakkajets in a Vigilance Attack Pattern to gain +1 Ballistic Skill against ground targets. Combined with the datasheet special rules in Codex: Orks I will be hitting with almost every shot which is a rare treat for an ork warboss.

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I was into playing the original Death from the Skies when it came out,got a few games in,it was OK,a pretty simple addition to the movement phase but I dont think it made much difference to the game overall.The only matchup I played was my Dakka jet vs my opponents Vendetta.


This looks like alot of added rules,kind of a mess really.And are they implying that a player could show up with 2k of flyers now?..that seems very odd. I know some flyers can put out the damage and all but nothing close to what a dedicated shooting list of ground forces could do.


Who knows though,maybe it will be a fun addition to the game and force changes in the meta:)

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The Agility rating for the StormWolf makes me unreasonably happy :D


Also, I was just thinking: They totally should have teased this in Angels of Death. Put a Formation Datasheet in there that uses the StormHawk, but not the StormHawk's own Datasheet. Or just have a couple of the Strike Forces include a Formation that's not released until Death from the Skies.

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Preview: Death from the Skies - missing stuff

And other missing stuff :)

In case you missed the older posts:

- The Fluff:

- The Rules:

Tau Dataslates, Wingleaders:

Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necron Dataslates:

Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Imperial Guard, Orks Dataslates

Space Marines, Blood Angels, Grey Knights dataslates:

Lady Atia

PS: If there is still something you want to know, just ask in the comments below :)

Space Marines!
Angels of Death


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Objective secured flyers and reserve shenanigans.... gross! Also, I'm making a flyer detachment for totally unrelated reasons... :biggrin:


However, the implications of this are pretty huge. My typical army uses lots of reserves. For typical tournament play, that almost mandates that I need to bring flyers otherwise the -2 to reserves is crippling!


I don't really get the Stormhawk though. Basically the same thing as a Stormtalon but with +1 armour, ceramic plating and an extra gun (and a good one!) for just a few points more. There's really no subtlety there - buy our new shiny flyer!

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well, the stormtalon has ceramite plating too. I see it this way. the Stormtaon can hover (which means it can claim objectives (and gets +1 to jink saves when hovering) and has strafing run (+1 BS and pinning when attacking ground targets). so I feel that the versatility is worth it, making them pretty evenly matched. 15 more points for a lastalon and +1 front armor and reroll jinks, i think is worth it. it cant hover, it cant get obsec, it cant adapt quickly to mobile enemies, turn on a dime, or be super accurate against ground targets. I think they both fit their own roles.


Yeah, the new reserve situations is bad, you NEED fliers in order to just defend against that stuff. oy.

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You certainly have a point - necrons/tau don't usually bring multiple flyers but others like space marines shouldn't struggle with it. All you need is 2 flyers to make the detachment. If your opponent has none, you have air superiority and impose -2 to his reserve rolls, +2 to your own... For those armies with cheap flyers, it's a huge potential upside.


I think it may be very useful for Eldar - this detachment is a better deal than the crimson hunter formation - and that's 75% of most tournament opponents right there! :laugh:

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