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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/03/2024 in Posts

  1. SKILL STACKERS The most flexible and stackable solution to adding skills to your Blood Bowl players (as well as Necromunda and other campaign games). Skill Stackers are high-quality resin disks printed in the size of your bases along with the exact labels you need. All the skills for Blood Bowl are available as standard disks, as well as special labels like nega-traits (when you fail that Bone-head roll!), and extra-special labels like marking the results of Prayers to Nurgle. What Makes Skills Disks Better? Exquisite Quality, Awesome Appearance, and Fantastic Flexibility! Skills Disks are comprised of three components: a finely detailed resin disk, a thin steel plate on top, and a powerful neodymium magnet on the bottom (all included with orders). This means you can quickly "snap" on a skill to any of your models that has a magnet in its base, regardless of polarity thanks to the steel plate. You can swap them at any time or stack additional disks underneath in case things change during the game. The skills are printed on two sides of the disk so you and your opponent can always see the labels, regardless of facing. Check out how easy they are to assemble: Step 1: the three components. Grab some superglue! Shown are 40mm, 32mm, and 25mm disks. All use the same size steel plates and magnets. Step 2: glue in the steel plate. Step 3: flip over and glue in the magnet and you're done! The steel plate will attract the magnet for an easy seal in the pocket. Note the 32mm and 40mm have multiple magnet pockets in case you want even more magnetism, like for storing your models on carry trays. Check out the stacking! You're ready to play! But if you want even better visibility, you can prime and paint them so you and your opponent can see those skills from across the pitch - very important for tournaments. These were sprayed with white primer and painted with Citadel Contrast paints, less than 5 minutes of work! See those JOURNEYMAN disks above? That's what sparked the original idea of magnetized disk. You just need to mark a model for a league game when you're down players - no need for a whole new model! After a year of successful testing and revisions to make them even better, the product line has been expanded to include all those fiddly temporary labels you need during a game, like PRONE, STUNNED, BONE-HEAD, and even all the results from the Prayers to Nuffle table. We also make POSITIONALS with NUMBERS - the ultimate option for you hobbyists who make all sorts of amazing conversions. No need to remind your opponent every turn which model is your Blitzer and which is your Blocker because the Skill Stacker does all the work for you! Position and Number are each on two sides of the disk. Rotate the Skill Disks to check the roster numbers of your players. Now your opponent will never wonder who is who, and you don't have to paint those tiny little numbers on your models. And, of course, they STACK with all other Skill Stackers! POSITIONAL DISKS based with Citadel Texture paint and primed, ready for painting and basing a model onto them. Finished Examples: my Dark Elves team has no official Blood Bowl models, but my opponents never wonder which player is which! Particularly handy for the ASSASSIN since he is a LINEMAN in disguise. Works great for my theme, yet causes no confusion for my opponents. And POSITIONALS stacked with SKILLS! HOW DO YOU ORDER? So you've seen enough and are ready to upgrade your team with the greatest solution for marking skills? You've made a fantastic choice! I'm just a simple hobbyist who wants to share this creation with the world to make skills easier to mark, easier to change, and MUCH easier to see! I don't have a webstore yet, so to order: SEND ME A DIRECT MESSAGE on Ordo Fanaticus with the skills (or labels) you want and the base size(s). SKILLS example: 4x Block - 32mm 2x Dodge - 32mm 1x Guard - 40mm 2x Sneaky Git - 25mm POSITIONALS example: 2x Blitzer - 32mm - Numbers: 1, 2 2x Runner - 32mm - Numbers: 3,4 2x Blocker - 32mm - Numbers: 5, 6 1x Ogre - 40mm - Number: 16 5x Lineman - 32mm - Numbers: 7-12 Want custom labels? Send me a DM and we'll make 'em. Skill Disks are $1 each, regardless of base size, and that includes the disk, steel plate, and magnet. Assembly required (use superglue). I keep the most common Skills in stock, but big orders (or lots of orders) will mean we need to print your disks. I'll give you an update when you order. *Shipping is an additional charge. I can usually deliver for free to the Ordo Fanaticus clubhouse in Portland if you're local. ONE MORE NOTE: I am locking this thread from the start to avoid any confusion and ensure no one tries to order via a reply. Send questions via DM to me and if I find some getting asked frequently, I will add an FAQ to this post. Thank you and enjoy!
    5 points
  2. I'll start this off with the fact that I think 9th edition really bled me dry a bit. I got all the books for the armies that I have and had hoped that it was going to be my final edition. Of course 9th ended up being so convoluted for me that I have moved on to 10th. The thing is, I like my models. I like that I have options for armies. But honestly, due to gamer ADD, I rarely stick with one long enough to get more than a single game in during an edition. The solution to this seems simple....drop most of my armies. Focus on one or two and just play those from now on. Seems logical. That way in any edition, I only have one or two books to get. I can focus on that army, learn the rules, learn how to play them, and it would definitely help reduce the amount of new stuff to get each edition. My problem is though that I like my stuff. And every time I drop an army...I eventually end up regretting it, or worse, getting it again at a higher price as is the way of the GW hobby. I probably should get rid of probably half of my armies...but it seems like a huge disservice to all the work I did getting them in the first place. So basically I have a problem if I keep my armies, and I have a problem if I get rid of some of them. #1stWorldProblems
    4 points
  3. I believe happiness lies in hacking what kind of person you are. I can't stand losing stuff I've painted. So I don't. I instead budget money into buying storage solutions. I plan my conversions and don't "cheat" to get to the table faster, because I'll spend the money someday anyway. My solution? Don't really have one, but my 5 year old loves creepy and Gothic, so someone will probably inherit my Night Lords coming up. But bits boxes are forever.
    4 points
  4. Little schedule tweak - setting a schedule of 3 weeks per 'Cycle', with the goal that folks can get two campaign games in during that period. Gang Raid games are an option for the enthusiastic who can make it every time, but figuring folks will have a variety of conflicts, etc. But overall goal - 2 games every 3 weeks. I'm also looking at adding a couple 'tiers' of involvement and offical sign up location. Feel free to post up here, or message me, in the interim. Folks looking for the traditional campaign experience should sign up as a "Ganger", folks that want to play but aren't anticipating having enough availability to take part regularly can field a "Hive Scum" gang and take part on an interim basis, opting to track Xp, injuries and costs if desired, but not required. Details to come.
    4 points
  5. sorry for your loss Brother G - that sucks. I lost my sister-in-law and my mom within 2 months of each other last year... it took most of last year to grow past that depression and get on processing these challenges to our life view. Expect a long tough trek to "a normalcy"... we are here for you if you need to talk. I found that my hobby life helped me get through the struggle. As far as thinning the collection ... I would be hesitant to clear out much when feeling this way. If it can wait a year I would do so. If anything could be trimmed I would start with newer in box items. Things you have not started or built and that isn't so old that it would require a pile of cash to re-collect. I found it was a great time to methodically inventory your collection... evaluating and cataloging your collection is monotonous - but with your brain numb and lacking motivations I found it a good mental space to come to grips with my junk. Through this process I kinda recentered and evaluated what I wanted from my hobbies - I decided what I found most interesting (which games to collect - what I should stop collecting) - and in the new year I had thought enough about the topic that I had a better idea of my hobby holistically... I feel like I may have matured into my hobby actually. I would suggest that you try to evaluate or inventory your stuff, find that cause for motivation and clarity without time pressures. This process of iteration and change is something I plan to keep doing every so often without fear. I hope you find some closure and solace Brother G -d
    3 points
  6. I will be there for the escalation league
    3 points
  7. Beastmen lost 1200 to 600, rounded up because I can't remember exact points. Take aways, Razorgors are a hoot, their LD is the weakness to them but mean. Gorgon is a beatstick. He took 3 turns of shooting and spells without a wound. T6 is hard to deal with sometimes. Skimishing and Horde USR is interesting. You can't gain rank bonus with skirmishes but horde always let you claim 1. So we played it as no matter how many ranks I had I could claim 1 as long as I had models for the rank. Would like your guys thoughts. I could not finish units got tree man caster and spell singer to 1 wound each and could not catch a break. Fun army, but with so many USR rules I don't feel I would take them to a tournament. I like simpler armies for events. This won't stop me from painting and finishing army and playing it. But tournament no thank I am not that good of a player.
    3 points
  8. I think it's simple. I've played Necrons since 4th ed, I'll always play them (good or bad). Solutions: Never declutter, nerds forever! Unless you don't have storage space for it (or need cash, but sell when it's hot). If forced to declutter or choosing to, sell those things you have never used, or haven't used in many years. That's how I viewed it. I sold an entire painted Dark Elf army and entire Space Marine army recently. I might sell off my Orks too, but we'll see. However, you do you. 😁
    3 points
  9. Interesting. So drilled units can redress their ranks before declaring charges but if they have a rule that forces them to charge (Impetuous, Frenzy) they must use that rule to charge. So you can’t prevent yourself from charging by having your unit in a marching column. And if you don’t have Drilled and you are in a Marching column and you have to declare a charge due to a rule you just fail a charge. So your unit is stuck. love that ruling. Drilled units are elite units and can redress their ranks when needed but they still must charge if their rules make them. They just really really want to get into combat. You can only charge block them with your own units.
    3 points
  10. someone should start a "group" for this... like (not to make lite of an addiction problem" - but AA or something ... because I am sure there are lots of folks with this... "addiction"... myself included. -d
    3 points
  11. @Peanut and I would like to reserve a table for TOW
    3 points
  12. I've never played before and am looking to check things out. Is it all right if I swing by just to watch for a bit?
    3 points
  13. Sorry for your loss, and dealing with things like that is rough. That said, also not uncommon around middle age and starting to experience those things. As well as more responsibility, less time for fun, etc. There's no magic answer, but over time you will find your way to enjoy the little things again. It's what your friend would want, as well as family. Regarding thinning the herd, don't get rid of it unless you plan to truly never use it again. I hadn't played fantasy since like 2007, and didn't intend to play again thus made sense. Blood bowl is an example where i leave it, then come back to it often enough. I play my Necrons all the time, thus will keep them I have an entire army of Orks acquired in trade, sometimes fun to just have silly games (Kill team or 40k) I got rid of space Smurfs, because they don't make me happy at all. If you have no storage problems, keeping it is fine. Don't thin the herd and regret it is what I'm hinting at.
    2 points
  14. The Deluge - Awash in Victor’s Valley Sign Up Link The Setting A Nomad’Se Gang Creation Schedule Trading Post Territories Missons and Battle Sequence Guide
    2 points
  15. We’re up and running, but I’d love to get you rolled in. What’s your schedule like these days? Are Thursdays workable for you?
    2 points
  16. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $8 for Ordo Members, $3 for Ordo Warlord Champions, and FREE for Emperors & Imperators! As always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES Games we play: All, with a focus on 40k, Necromunda, Star Wars Legion, WtOW, 30k and Turnip 28. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out.
    2 points
  17. I did a new post.
    2 points
  18. I'll be there to open and close this Thursday GN April 25th. This week's GN will feature the 40k Escalation League. Due to this, table space will be limited and so I will curate a reservation list for tables both here on the OF forums and on the Ordo Discord. The 40k league will likely require 6-7 tables and the Necromunda League (if present) will be held in the windowed room, so only 3 tables (1 in the Library room and 2 in the Terrain room) will be available for other games. Also, Imperators, Emperors, and Warlords will receive priority for table reservations for those tables over other club members. Please post here if you plan on attending. Edit- Table Reservations: 1. Windowed room table = Necromunda league 2. Library room = available 3. Terrain room = zcaust83 and opponent: TOW
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Two or three of us are going to be demoing Warmaster at 3DRPC as well! The format will be pretty flexible where players can come and go as they please.
    2 points
  21. My leg isn't broken anymore and I can make it up the stairs. I'll be there with vegan cupcakes to paint skitarii and say hi.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I have finished prepping a smallish (4x4) table and have 3 groups of minis just about done painted for the Inquisitor demo - I just need to go through a few more test games before the big day! Sign-ups are open!
    2 points
  24. the joy of de-cluttering / thinking about ways to start NEW projects / moving on (gasp) is generally followed up with despair over figuring out money invested vs money obtained from selling off / heartfelt affection for the old models / delusional "i'm sure it'll come back" in terms of game play / etc. at least for me denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are the five stages i sold off probably 90% of my comic collection recently. all the "high-end" stuff that wasn't Batman related. All the years of collecting gone, the money, the good times, just having it around, etc. seriously took a while to just get over it and move on totally get how you feel. for 40k, i played competitively in THIRD edition. been stockpiling since with the delusion that i'll play. i retire next year so we'll see. but until then it's just a massive amount of space and thoughts of time sink / money spent / what's the point / etc. but to unload it all now would be silly were i to actually have time to play once i retire and have to replace it all... but then again, that's why i'm so butt hurt about the firstborn. i have zero primaris. tons of other armies, sure but scale creep, usable models, the list goes on and on...
    2 points
  25. For those interested and have 3d printers, not sure how accurate they are yet. Thought you guys might like them. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6506892
    2 points
  26. There are actually a lot of good rules in there. Drilled works in any phase so, pre-charge, pre-countercharge, pre-GG (but not FBIGO), etc. so it is stronk. Earthen Ramparts stops charges and counter charges but does not keep frenzied units from declaring them (they declare and fail and don't move) so no shenanigans there. Skirmishers officially do not grant cover to themselves. The skink chief cannot fire the bolt thrower on the Howdah at his BS5 or BS6... And the responses show that they actually considered how things would interact with other rules down to including many additional details (e.g. the dead space in front of the wings of a lance on a charge or the way marching column and impetuous/frenzy interact). Bluntly, it is some of the best rules-writing we have seen from GW in years imo.
    2 points
  27. I'm expecting 2-4 folks around playing Necromunda - it may be the soft launch of the campaign.
    2 points
  28. I would like to reserve a table with @Tao Tsê-Mung and myself to get some Legion on! will be there for 40K escalation league
    2 points
  29. I'll be there to open and close this Thursday GN April 11th. This week's GN will feature the 40k Escalation League. Due to this, table space will be limited and so I will curate a reservation list for tables both here on the OF forums and on the Ordo Discord. The league will likely require 5-6 tables, so only 5 tables (Library room, Windowed room, and Terrain room) will be available for other games. Also, Imperators, Emperors, and Warlords will receive priority for table reservations for those 5 additional tables over other club members. Please post here if you plan on attending. Edit- Table Reservations: 1. Windowed room table = Necromunda group 2. Terell and Peanut - TOW 3. zcaust83 and opponent - 30k
    2 points
  30. I'll be there to get my Blood Bowl match on 😁
    2 points
  31. @zcaust83 and I are coming to play ToW, sounds like another two may show up as well
    2 points
  32. 2 Fasids Enter, 1 Fasid Leaves
    2 points
  33. Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $8 for Ordo Members, $3 for Ordo Warlord Champions, and FREE for Emperors & Imperators! As always, your first Game Day is FREE! Games we play: All, with a focus on Warhammer 40k, Necromunda, the Old World, Turnip28, and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Day, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out.
    1 point
  34. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $8 for Ordo Members, $3 for Ordo Warlord Champions, and FREE for Emperors & Imperators! As always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES Games we play: All, with a focus on 40k, Necromunda, Star Wars Legion, WtOW, 30k and Turnip 28. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out.
    1 point
  35. If you're playing in the Escalation league, you are guaranteed to have a table. 😎
    1 point
  36. I will be there, Escalation League, i will reserve table for myself or League.
    1 point
  37. Come get it! It sounds like we’ll have some warmaster and 40K.
    1 point
  38. Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $8 for Ordo Members, $3 for Ordo Warlord Champions, and FREE for Emperors & Imperators! As always, your first Game Day is FREE!
    1 point
  39. I'm opening clubhouse at ungodly early hour in order to get a Kings of War game in. Anyone else with an opponent similarity motivated to get a game of thier own in is welcome as well. If the difference between you playing and not playing is the 1pm stop time, please let me know, maybe I can make it work.
    1 point
  40. Let's goooo I'm pumped for our little groups next campaign!
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Working on the Enforcers and their Tauros! When are we aiming to launch?
    1 point
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