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Everything posted by Torg

  1. last OFCC… my MVP was my FW Nightwing fighter. After that the Wrightknight with stock set up was a real good target for my opponents… which kept other things safe for a turn or 2. Hornets - I have a full squad with pulse - nasty fun… 3 is a bit OTT if just playing garage hammer style. I had 3 at OFCC - they were targets - did some things but were far more valuable at keeping the heat off of other units. If you don't have wave serpents… you must.
  2. the venom was added in the 2nd version of the Harlequins army list. It was not there originally. In the first iteration of the harlequin army (rt era) - they could loot other transports… YES LANDRAIDERS!.. in the compendium (which combined stuff from earlier WDs) they show this. I remember passing by the RT rule book several times at a couple LGS back in the day, I was an RPGer, and always looked at the stuff for war hammer and RT when it came out. But it wasn't until I saw the WD with the harlequins jumping out of the cover did I decide that I must play 40k LOL… I snapped up the WD… and soon picked up the box set of the first harlequin models. i am hoping they have some DeepStrike assault capabilities - web way portals - along with the more traditional eldar/DE stuff. -d
  3. i am expecting transport ... Death Jester and Shadowseer in the 2nd week - as they seem to be promising a minimum 2 weeks of releases. -d p.s. nice to see ya post crono :)
  4. ….. so… wd out on the 31st… I may try to cram together something to play around with for the next game night after lol... -d
  5. well I have a ton of harlequins... 2-3 sets of the RT era stuff... at a minimum... (1st box and then the blisters) every figure made. 3-4 sets of the newer stuff. 3-4 converted dreads... 30-36 harlequin jet bikes. I once had 2 different army paint schemes on them. Looking forward to new stuff :) and an army to build around fluff wise. -d
  6. Right now… ON YOUR FACE!
  7. preparing my wallet for some blood letting… not sure if the 30th is pre-order or actual - but I am primed and ready to go :). A real codex (even if just a supplemental one) will have me launching into an entirely new project… maybe in time for OFCC - but I am unsure about if I will be doing the OPEN or the TEAM events... -d
  8. OHHH not sure what to do now… but this is awesome (even if the army sucks) lol its OFFICIAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421914688&x-yt-cl=84503534&v=Sa2fDbwoBUE http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/01/harlequins-official-gw-teaser-released.html
  9. SQQQQUUUUUEEEeeeeeEeEEeeee!! http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/01/40k-harlequin-rules-prices-go-go-go.html ---- hum…sorry… here are some towels for anyone whom got hit….
  10. that poor flower…AHHH the violence of the destruction is unbearable.
  11. awesome…I am doing it!
  12. hmmm sounds interesting Duckman… but depending on how many participants … thats quite a bit of "static defense" that would have to be built and supplied for each table. I like the idea… just wondering how logistically it would have to work. I have started to look at the 2-3 day narrative events for inspiration … to do the triathlon. Most that I have looked into break the participants into factions at the get go. After that the factions are allowed to plan out their attacks… and defenses. This may be a way to make it work… still doing some research. At this point I would think participation would be limited to the idea… so with good pre-planning a narrative campaign could work maybe. -d
  13. hmmm see I like brainstorming :) -- I was thinking possibly a narrative - BFG to break into orbit…and land your forces…. (if a larger team or theme feel - then all players decided into "good" v "not so good".) Next day - Epic… battle across the wastelands to the city… or structure… delivering your team of crack elite for the final stand-off. Last day… Kill-teams… in catacombs… or city tables…something like that. Key to it all for me is that all three days events - your army - your fleet - your kill team… are from the same faction. My ghost fleet or Eldar Corsair fleet… my eldar in epic… and my eldar crack kill team. something like that. Not sure…but its an idea. -d
  14. OK - I am thinking about something kinda crazy - a 40k themed Triathlon. Something like BFG / EPIC / KILL TEAM… or something with that sorta mix in scale. Could include apoc… or 40k… Necromunca --- or zone mortalis or something. Anyhow - over 3 days ( thinking OFCC event). Not sure - but I am intrigued about the idea. I have played and have armies for most of the games. The idea being - all scores from different games. It was that or somehow connecting the different games …which could still be possible as a narrative. Thoughts? discuss? -d
  15. hmmm I have a b-day dinner to go to at 2pm… but if there is enough stuff I want to look at I will have to swing by. I would be interested in the ork BFG possibly. And I am hoping to find some older DE 40k stuff. -d
  16. Ok - thinks are kinda up in the air about my sunday plans - so I will just plan on missing the make up game - and being there tuesday - sorry
  17. ok - well thats why I have never done it … LOL - I think I will move forward and just store the Lisa for another year or three.. as a conversation starter lol. After I get a plan about EXACTLY what I will be doing with it (mod in something) then I will probably seek help LOL. thanks again! -d
  18. well after a bit of clean up - and letting things warm up in the room. I plugged it in to see how it faired in storage ( I moved it 2 weeks ago)... and well... nothing. It sounds to be coming on - then failed in a few seconds. I unplugged it and clean it up some more. The monitor seems to be out at this point... and I think the power supply as well. I think the last time I was messing with it - it was just starting to go ... and at this point its probably done gone. So... now I will just store it until I get a chance to hack/mod it. Pulling out what I can to make room for something small without having to take out too much. But that means I will have to replace the monitor with possibly an LCD. The screen is right around 11" dia. I think a iPad size screen would fit nicely. But I would like it to be more than and iPad dock. lol. I will take extra care when I remove the monitor. Any ideas how best to go about removing a CRT? at least as far as de-energizing it? -d
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