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Everything posted by CaptainA

  1. But did you expect the Spanish Inquisition? Wound on 6's
  2. Naw, one knight is punked by the oblits, the other knight is punked by Magnus and the other smites. Park the oblits in terrain for a 1+save. And your also -1 to hit as they are alpha legion.
  3. For obliterators here is what you do. 1. Give them the Mark of Slaanesh. This unlocks the the shoot twice stratagem for 2cp. So worth it. 2. Use the Veterans of the Long War stratagem for 1cp. Gives your oblits +1 to wound. You will be wounding Magnus, Mortarian, and Knights potentially on a 2+. 3. If you are going to use a cp to reroll, do it on the damage. 4. Have a sorcerer close by to give them Prescience. +1 to hit. 2+ to hit, want even more, put a lawd next to them to reroll 1's. You will be able to kill magnus, mortarian, or a knight in one turn. You're welcome.
  4. Nice. THe one on FB that I was thinking of is the Barter Bucket.
  5. Keep an eye on facebook. Go the the bartertown group. THey pop up there.
  6. Don't give up on berzerkers, they are truly awesome. Declare charges against anything they can charge (for the most part) murder a unit or two pile in and activate again to murder some more. Bring chainaxes and chainswords. Tougher Unit? Activate Veterans of the Long war for +1 wound. A ten man unit with VOTLW will statistically put out 6-7 ap1 wounds and 3-4 ap0 wounds to an Imperial Knight. Word Bearers would add another 3-4 ap1. That is on one round of combat, double that if they get to activate twice. It gets really gross on units of t4 or less.
  7. I wouldn't allow it. 1 week minimum at least.
  8. Does your Daemon prince have wings? That would make him much faster.
  9. Your points seem off for the Scion Troops - 5 troops with 2 plasma guns, 1 plasma pistol and 2 hot shots is 78. Looking at my own...:)
  10. I put like almost $1000 into the terrain for Boise Cup.
  11. Here is the problem. The amount of terrain needed in 7th is vastly inadequate 8th. The firepower that armies can put out makes line of sight terrain and absolute necessity. In 7th, all you needed was ruins for your troops as all you had to do was be in them and you were protected. Now, you have to be in them and completely out of line of sight or your forces will be decimated by the player going first on a table with no good line of sight terrain. I say this with a lot of tournament and league running experience, having run the Guardian Cup and Boise Cup as well as weekly leagues for years. When 8th came out, I saw the devastating firepower that static Guilliman backed gunlines can dish out and absolutely wreck armies. Without enough LOS terrain, alpha strike armies and static gunlines will rule the day and make the game static and boring. Having good LOS terrain is paramount to making the game more interesting. This rule is supposed to be a stop gap as making terrain for events is time consuming and expensive, especially making good terrain.
  12. Things went well. We had 39 players and for the first GT of 8th, things went swimingly. Our leage is at ABU Games in Boise at 7pm.
  13. yeah, its called acetone vapors. Do a search and you'll find some stuff.
  14. I've heard of guys putting the models into, like, a paint can raised up and then some chemicals inside so when they vaporize they slightly melt the plastic and smooth it out.
  15. Motor pool is a great all around bag that travels well, flys well, and is bigger than it seems. Battlefoam is super great with the hard case and giant trays. I like them both but lean towards Battlefoam.
  16. I may know a guy too, he's pming you. Just don't pm me. I don't do that. :)
  17. Greetings gamers! I, Captain A, purveyor of Trader A and Trader A3D am coming to OFCC with all sorts of gaming goodness to sell. FAT Mats - $60 I have some excess new FAT Mats left over. These are brand new and have never been used. 2 Urban Combat 1 Urban Combat 2 2 Industrial 1 Grassy Plains 1 Snowy Plains Trader A Webstore! I'm planning on bringing my entire webstore to OFCC! Search my store, find something you like, pay cash and take 10% off! Trader A 3D Objective Tokens - 3 for $5 I can do plain or with numbers for the following factions: 40k Loyalists: Dark Angels Ultramarines Imperial Fists Blood Angels Salamanders Space Wolves Raven Guard White Scars Iron Hands Black Templars Blood Ravens Astral Claws (pre Badab War) Inquisition Custodes Vindicare Cult Mechanicus Skitarii Chaos: Undivided Chaos Khorne Nurgle Slaanesh Tzeentch Black Legion Alpha Legion Night Lords Word Bearers World Eaters Iron Warriors Red Corsairs Xenos: Eldar Eldar - Harlequin Eldar - Saim Hann Tau Tau - Farsight Tau - Vior'la Tau - Bork'an Tau - Dal'yth Necrons Orks Tyranids Dark Eldar 30k Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords War Hounds World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Lunar Wolves Sons Of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion AOS/40k Wound Dice Counters - $1.50 apiece or 4 for $5 Mix and Match! Turn your dice into wound counters and mostly never fear for them to flop over with these handy dandy wound counter holders! Dice - 75 Cents Apiece What? You don't have dice? I do! I have recently secured a fabulous lot of D4's D8's, D12's D10's, and D20's! I'll also have other random items such as dice blocks all at great prices! If you want to put an order in up front PM me! Thanks!
  18. Terrain discussion yes, terrain setup, no.
  19. That's not how it works at a tournament. How many events have you played at?
  20. You still have to be within or at least partially within to get the cover save. I wish it was the other way.
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