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Everything posted by ninefinger

  1. If your posting history didn't back up your claims, I would nearly be inclined to accuse the OP of trolling. It's been quite the kerfuffle, thus far.
  2. I'm down as soon as I sort out my saturday. (may be doing a charity walk or some such) and back to the topic at hand - any suggestions for a necro build? working list 2 FG, 2 Wights, 2 Werewolves, 1 Ghoul, 4 Zombies, Hack en slash, 3 Re-rolls - 1.2 mil thinking block on 2 flesh golems and guard on the 2 wights - sure hands on a ghoul (or maybe werewolf) and kickoff return on the other werewolf (or some other 1 pointer)
  3. The only changes to any warband setup is that Light Armour has been reduced to 10 gc and Heavy Armour has been reduced to 25 gc. All hero and henchmen selections have been totally unchanged.
  4. I've got painted Beastmen, human mercenaries, and undead. Unpainted, cult of possessed, sisters of Sigmar, dwarves, o&g, witch hunters, skaven. Maybe more.
  5. There's a post up in Warhammer Universe with many of the details for the Mordheim Campaign Hit me up with questions or clarifications http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/25658-mordheim-city-of-the-damned-roses-august-2015/
  6. Ordo Fanaticus will be hosting our own campaign in the City of (the damned) Roses Every Sunday, through the month of August, game nights at WOW, we will be scratching the itch for some seriously old school rules, and shaking the dust off Mordheim. Mordheim is a skirmish variant of Warhammer Fantasy that was originally published in 1999. Bands of 5-20 warriors search through a ruined city and beyond for unimaginable riches, and sometimes find unimaginable horrors. Full of strange happenings, lasting injuries and heroic achievements, Mordheim has held the imagination of gamers for more than 15 years, and is still fantastically fun to play. Can you survive the City of (the damned) Roses? Bring a warband and test your mettle! Don’t have a warband? I’ll have several available to borrow! Don’t know what Mordheim is? Pursue the rules or just show up and we’ll get you started. Mordheim COTDR Rulebook.pdf Mordheim COTDR Warbands.pdf Mordheim COTDR Campaign.pdf Mordheim COTDR GM Guidebook.pdf Roster Sheet Link I’ve built a custom version of the Mordheim rules, blending most of the official rules as well as some highly crafted fan-built variants. See the spoiler for details Changelog: Warbands Listings: Normal game night fees apply, but no additional cost is required. Special Thanks to the crew over at http://bordertownburning.ciantygames.com/ and http://www.deathsquadsgame.com/ for much of the content and rules changes I've included
  7. Totally Undead, Beastmen,or Human Mercs, are likely painted. i've got models for cult of possessed, sisters, skaven, orcs &gobbos, dwarves.... probably more
  8. What qualifies as a BB base? Ones that look like a pitch? I used skull bases for my undead/necro
  9. I'm planning to be there and kick off some games of Mordheim for the month of august. I'll plan to open WoW at 4 Info will be incoming, here and in a thread in Warhammer Universe, but bring a warband and lets play some seriously old school stuff! I'll have extra warbands if anybody wants to borrow. (blu, if you want to edit the thread title, to include Mordheim Kickoff, i'd appreciate it )
  10. I'm planning to head to game night and hang out and do some painting 4-7ish, so if you want a one off or test some bb7's, give me a shout
  11. I'm planning to open the club on Sunday's during August while raindog is on vacation, for Mordheim or board games or any flavor of warhammer, whatever people are down for.
  12. Just to spur some interest, here's links to my chopped together version of Rules and Warbands (all the official ones from EOF and other sources, plus the ones from BTB) Dropbox links up until I hear to take them down from mods, or get a c&d from GW Rules https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7suotv95w8y4fx/Mordheim%20Rules%20-%20merged%20Some%20Edits.pdf?dl=0 Warbands https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3zlg9bd9p00o2x/Mordheim%20COTDR%20Warbands%20-%20Needs%20Text%20Edits.pdf?dl=0
  13. I question his commitment in the first place due to lack of paint and basing.
  14. Hey everyone the latest episode of the podcast three die block did a discussion of a couple of their recent tournament formats. They asked for info on any other draft style events that people have run. I'm sure if anybody wanted to chat about the draft league that was run a while ago, they'd be interested. Their latest tourney rules - the Braft on day 2 in particular: http://www.criticalhitgames.net/3%20D%20Brawl%20Blood%20Bowl%20Tournament podcast at: http://threedieblock.libsyn.com/ email them at threedieblock@gmail.com or talk about it here, and F those guys -rhuntar
  15. skaven or chaos pact? Come on guys? 2 more people interested sunday?!
  16. Just something that no one else is playing. Like to see the variety!
  17. I'll play! Spot me a team of whatever? or else I'll bring undead? I just need to be able to leave and karaoke at 7.
  18. I'll play! Probably Necro, or something someone loans me.
  19. Come on down! Get in your gaming! l've got a OFCC practice game scheduled. What are YOU doing? -jeffrey
  20. I was just chatting about ways to keep Sunday game nights going during Raindog's vacation, and was contemplating running some mordheim games, if not a league. That is to say, I'm fairly in.
  21. I've got a few half sprues of gutter runners leftover from mordheim stuff. i can bring them to a GN or connect some other time
  22. I am going to have to bow out. I'm in my seasonal layoff from work, but picked up a gig for last week and the next, and they want me to work this weekend. Need to pick up the o/t.. :-( -jeffrey
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