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Everything posted by PourSpelur

  1. Merk: that just plain old sucks, sorry to hear that. I have no idea what team you were on or if you're planning on going next year but I hereby challenge you in 2019. We WILL throw dice, stuff WILL die and we WILL drink too much. Feel that sting on your cheek? That's the slap of my supple deerskin glove because I demand (mutual) satisfaction.
  2. All your points were great but this is the one I'll disagree with. Medium to softer is where we should be shooting for. Always gonna be those that push the boundary. If we all draw the line at medium, the outliers will only end up in the "solid" bracket. If you say the line is at solid, the outliers will have "face melting tourney winner" lists. I fully agree the onus should be on captains and their team instead of a committee though. Seemed to work pretty well this year with still policing. (Also, it's super easy for me to push more responsibility to the Cap'n because I'm not a captain!) 😉
  3. To be honest, I thought it would be a dumpster fire without the list ratings, I was pleasantly surprised. Many lub hugs to the Capn's for 5 balanced games!
  4. I may actually make the ride down from Tacoma just for this! Thanks
  5. I learned that when the trivia question is, "Where was the first GenCon located?" they will NOT accept "Earth" as the correct answer. 😉
  6. 2 shock attack guns, gotta kill one Marine and one Dread. Hit 4 D3mortal wounds to single Marine and 1 str 2 hit on the Dread
  7. Oooh! Those dice bags look sweet. Whatcha have available for those? Don't know if they're all the same pattern or if there are different ones.
  8. Captured Grots able to be embarked in transports? If so, do they take a seat or are they considered carry-on?
  9. Realized I haven't been updating this thread. Little teaser. Big Trakk with SupaKannon aka, da murder-tricycle.
  10. Dibs on Female Ork Marines in boobplate! Live Free or Dice Hard.
  11. Yield sign would be appropriate;)
  12. I'd never been really interested in any of the stand alone, GW boxed games before now. Curiosity piqued!
  13. I'll paint em as Sons of Malal! BwaHaHaHaHaaa!
  14. The toys that come in the Grim Meals were always the worst. So much building required
  15. Westie, I think we're arguing the same side;) Subtle nudges can be hugely powerful. Adding nudges from a million Boyz into one mountain squishing blow is an awesome amount of power. I'm saying I disagree with the flat " It works because they believe it works" camp. Take my sub-par gunpowder example. Say a boy has a shoots with 30 rounds. He may get a misfire or two. Have a guardsman pick up that same shoota and he'll have 4 or 5 misfires, that 6th misfire is too hot and disintegrates the gun with his hands included.
  16. I always pictured the Ork "belief makes it work" to be more subtle than that. As in it won't make sand into gunpowder but it will make [big bad swear word]ty gunpowder work better. Less violating physics, more of a nudge.
  17. Still supportive as all get out. Still calls em my supermodels. Still a lucky dude.
  18. Female Marines? How powerful is the Ork gesalt/psychic power that makes their stuff work? "Boob" plate for Sisters? Who'd win, 40k or Star Wars? Did I get em all? 😉
  19. Dug into this. He pulled his free podcast story, wrote it as a book, book sold well and made it an audiobook.
  20. I post my model pics to Dakka gallery and pull em over here. Your Dakka password is "Pourspelur#1fan"
  21. "Brains" included in offer. Hell, depending on the the color scheme you're shooting for, paint probably is too;)
  22. Quadrupled! Where you looking at settling down? Seattle to Tacoma is a pretty big stretch of land. I moved to the Tacoma area from the Seattle area about 8 years ago and into Tacoma proper about 3 years after that. Best decision ever. Really love this place, highly recommend.
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