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Everything posted by PourSpelur

  1. Can bring airbrush over tomorrow if that works. Text me and we can hammer out details.
  2. I got FondleThrust WarFoam! Always thought I was a Nurgle guy, guess I've been Slaaneshi all along.
  3. Cuz Ladies love gorgeous jerks! *Dons Fedora and creepily stares though window* Love all you guys;)
  4. Pretre: Been forever since I listened to it. I believe the author is named Jake Bible. He had a couple fun ones, Dead Mech was my favorite though.
  5. Night Attack: two bozos BS'ing My Brother My Brother And Me: three bozo brothers answer? Yahoo questions. Dead Mech (finished story): post apoc story with Mecha and zombies. Some Mecha piloted by zombies. How to Succeed in Evil (finished story): Realistic look at what living in a world with superheroes would be like. Told from the viewpoint of a guy not working on the "hero" or "super" side of things. Highly recommend this gem.
  6. Most of the time when something looks crazy like this, explanation is mundane and boring. Could be many, many things. Maybe when Whasisface took over GW he changed some criteria for FW as well. Possibility 1 *Numbers are arbitrary and fully made up* Old system: any kit that sells 50 units per month gets molds remade when they wear out. New system: any kit that sells 100 units per month gets molds remade when they wear out. All the stuff on "last chance" is 51-99 unit per month stuff Possibility 2 Plastic production has a historically long build up time. GW had FW pull the items because they're aiming to add similar kits in plastic and don't want to cannibalize future plastic sales with current resin ones (at a lower margin). Possibility 3 A consultant looked at the many offerings by FW and found the extra overhead of multiple similar kits is greater than the extra sales generated by them. The only ones who really know are on the GW board and they're not telling us.
  7. Pick up my new Grom today! Well, new to me. So freaking excited. Any other owners on here?
  8. Love how you brought the murky greens all the way up to yellow. Super smooth transition, fantastic result!
  9. It was hot. Hot and dry. Rakkit scratched some diagrams into the dirt with a half-hearted disinterest. As usual, he had no idea what he was drawing until it was almost done. "Huh, a pneumatic boot lacer...wish I had some boots. Dey'd be so supa tied. Stoopid big Mek Toolbenda never lets me have nuthin good". Even though Rakkit was just a Grot, all the cool doodads Toolbanda was showing off at the Mek konvenshun were his designs. A clatter and popping noise on the other side of the gully he was sulking in drew his attention. Peeking over a rock, he saw another grot adjusting a ramshackle machine. "Looks like a bent driveshaft" he offered as a hello to the oil stained grot pounding on some buckled steel. "Oi, dats so its can drive around corners betta." The new engineer lied quickly, Rakkit liked that. "I'm Noize, on akountta all da Noize my invenshuns make." Rakkit and Noize spent most of the afternoon tinkering on the device and talking. Both were shocked to find that the other had also been building and designing the invensions the Meks were showing at the meeting in the valley below. All the Boyz and Nobs were down there but no Grots were allowed. Rakkit bemoaned "My Mek made me build him da fastest bike eva. Had to use a nook-lee-ar kore from a reely big boat to get enuff oompf for it." Noize paled a bit at the mention of the nuclear core and suggested making haste to the nearby caves. As the two little tinkerers scrambled pell-mell for the caves, Noize panted out "My Mek had a head full of squig beer and demanded I make im some splodin legs for da show." As the logistics of the situation began to sink in to Rakkit a small boom in the valley below echoed up the canyon walls. Quickly following the small boom, was a large..oh so large boom. The early morning sunlight immediately grew to midday, past midday directly to blinding white. Then darkness. Some time later, Rakkit opened his eyes to find Noize standing above him. "Oi, member dem splodin legs I bilt? Dey sploded." Rakkit looked down to the valley below, the much larger than it was this morning, valley below. "All da Boyz an Nobs and Meks waz down dere." He moaned. As realization sunk in, a large gap toothed grin slowly grew across his tiny face. "All da Boyz an Nobs an Meks was down dere..."
  10. Remember your taxonomy mnemonic, King Philip Came Over From Great Spain? It's wrong. Correct version should be: Excellent Boombox Near Everyone's Buttresses, King Philip..etc. The important distinction is ALL classification of life begins with the most important divide. Evil Bryan/ Not Evil Bryan, Kingdom, Phylum etc
  11. Remember how exciting it was when Indiana Jones calmly walked through a doorway? Nope, me neither. 😉
  12. I think it's great that you guys don't feel any kink shame and proudly named yourselves TEAM FURRY! We salute your bravery, unfortunately you seem to have misspelled it on your thread title. Have no fear, myself and many more Ordo-ites will happily write in the missing "R" every time it's written down. You're welcome!
  13. You named them yet? May I suggest: Facical aquatic ceremony Watery Tart Moistened Bint *Note* I'm not some crumpet munchin, tea drinker so I have no idea where "Bint" lies on the insult spectrum, nor what "Bint" is actually referring/referencing/implying. **NoteNote** Sweet looking Repressors! Simple and elegant, great job. Where are the dozer blades from? Is that a kit, kitbash or scratch build?
  14. What about the female Sigmarite models? Should they have "boob plate" armor? Discuss
  15. My Grot revolushin (or something really similar, been tinkering with loadouts.) Hq: Big Mek, nekkid Big Mek, also nekkid Troops: Grots x10, weedy grot gunz Chinork, rattla cannon, rattla cannon, big shoota Grots x10, grot blastas Chinork, rattla cannon, rattla cannon, big shoota Grots x10, grot blastas Chinork, rattla cannon, rattla cannon, big shoota Elite: Grot tanks x4, shootas and rokkits Grot tanks x4, shootas and rokkits Grot tanks x4, shootas and rokkits Heavy: Big Trakk, supa kannon MekaDread, rattla kannon, big rippa, kff MekaDread, rattla cannon, big rippa, kff My build thread... http://www.ordofanaticus.com/topic/210147-grot-mekanized-force-da-kloned-kommandos/
  16. When I asked, there was nothing about sources. Flyers and superheavies were singled out, hence me asking for clarification on flyers. "One source is one book" that's your preferred interpretation. May be what Bryan meant. May be that he's referring to faction. Until he clarifies the clarification we're just making educated guesses. Upon clarification of the clarification, I shall bestow another "Evil Bryan "fact""
  17. Power sword with a spear handle could work too. Maybe trim the handguard down a bit unless you dig the boarspear look.
  18. His name is untranslatable into your primitive Mon'keigh language, closest approximation would be "Dude with the blood foots". Really nice work! Gotta admit, when I saw the first pic of the strips of blue tape and red paint, thought it would be a disaster. I was wrong, it's fantastic.
  19. Sat down to watch bad movies last night and built this guy. Always wanted to do an Orky version of an Arctic explorer rig, figured the Big Trakk was the perfect opportunity. Did it as a shorter body pulling a trailer because it keeps with the cuter vibe the Grots pull out. Trailer has a central pin so I can swap the main weapon or add a flatbed if I ever go transportation role with it. Still needs detailing but mostly done.
  20. Clarification on Old Skool please. No selection from flyers or nothing with fly? Example: Chinork carrying troop Grots, it's a dedicated transport. Am I good?
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