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Everything posted by PourSpelur

  1. For OFCC this year I'm doing an all Grots mechanized force. All the stuff that's not a Grot will have Grot pilots. Pretty heavy on kitbash/converted/proxy, the only GW stuff is current Gretchen for pilots and 30, second ed starter box monopose Gretchen for troops. My "Kloned Kommandos" List is all the things that sounded fun to build: 2 Mekka Dreads (from Gundams) 12 Grot tanks (half scratch, half dollar store tank) 3 Chinorks (the helicopters from Dust Tactics that were on super discount) 2 BigMeks (Noodling on how to make Mek sized Grots) Big Trakk with supa scorcha ( half discount Dust tractor, half scratch) Been having a blast so far! Did a demo model to test out the paint scheme. Going to up the teal and decrease the blue for final scheme and need to find a better steel color. Really happy with the color and amount of rust though. Demo for color scheme: Blocked in Grot tanks, still need detailing.Blocked in Chinork, still needs detailing. I've been using nail gems for rivvits and love them! Any suggestions for "must-build" details I need to add? Criticism, critiques?
  2. My airbrush is, wow, 10 or 11 years old now. Still kicking. I got a $20 Chinese knock-off from eBay, it was labeled as a cake decorating airbrush. Same make and model number as the $45 "modelling" airbrush. I run a tankless compressor that's getting a little long in the tooth that I bought at the same time, think it ran about $60. If I were to do it again, I'd splurge a bit more on the compressor and get one with a tank. Did buy a better hose from Badger about a year in, the plastic tube brush came with was pretty lousy. Think the hose was in the 20-25 range. Biggest learning curve was paint consistency. What's too thick? Enough to clog. Too thin? Watery coverage and streaking. It's totally a trial by error and can be frustrating. With time you'll dial it in though. Short version: On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the cheapest and 10 being the most expensive I'd shoot for... Airbrush, about a 3-4 Compressor, 4 pushing a 5
  3. It's a great tool, but it's still a tool. No easy button, talent in a compressor or ancient mystical art. I get where people get the "cheating" vibe, I really do. It looks so simple to get that Golden Damon quality paint job. It's not. The "cheater" camp are the people that have never tried to airbrush. It's a skill, built up with time and practice. Some will have more or less natural aptitude with it, same with any tool. I highly recommend an inexpensive airbrush. I Loooove mine. Yes it takes practice. Yes the learning curve can be a bit daunting at times. Yes I think it's worth it.
  4. Love them Space Sharks and this is certainly a model worthy of some lifeless eyes, black eyes like a doll's..and then those black eyes roll over white... Anyways, fantastic stuff!
  5. That's pretty slick! Always thought an AdMech Dragoon would be a neat base for a Slanneshi Knight.
  6. I dig how he's stabbing that Marine in the back.
  7. Right now it's 25,000 words of Mario and Luigi slashfic.
  8. All the work you did on these really shows without the snow. Great decision, looking fantastic.
  9. In the Gimdark future, there is only...spring!
  10. Yeah, gonna second the "don't" recommend. Thick glass does gnarly bad stuff. Viable alternatives exist.
  11. You gotta find the biggest, meanest guy there and punch him in the face.... Nevermind, wrong "First Day" advice. Congrats!
  12. Was being snarky at first. Then I realized no new codex means it won't drop right before OFCC and mess up my army list...so I got that going for me.
  13. Sure glad they saw the need to put out Imperial Knights and Deathwatch before Orks.
  14. Hot damn, that's sharp! I may be biased because I love the dessicated bone, up through fresh bruise color scheme for Nurgle. Two festering thumbs up!
  15. Difficult parts: Not strapping six more guns and a couple rokkits on there. Putting an odd number of exhaust pipes on the back.
  16. Doing up my OFCC'18 army and figured I'd make a log. All Grots and Grot piloted stuff (with enough converting and a fair bit of squinting most everything Ork can be re-looted by Grots). First up is a quick little Grot tank I did up to test the paint scheme on. Took the pic before gluing the pintle-mounted shoota but the build is done. Doing a bunch of them and they'll all be different, just shooting for the overall vibe. Any suggestions, criticisms for the next dozen of the lil bastards? Thanks!
  17. Evil_Bryan "fact". While inspecting the construction of the Woolwich Armory, King George III (oh yeah, earlier we proved he's 29% the reincarnated spirit of the mad Brittish king, please keep up). Anyways, King Bryan is inspecting the construction of a new military base and he smells a delicious odor coming from the communal cookpot. He's immediately like "Hey Generals and other assorted nobles, what's that cooking?". All the fancy people are all "Some BS we call food in the loosest sense, only commoners eat that garbage." King Bryan immediately built a tower around that guy because there's no way that it could be garbage if it percolated the royal nostrils so well. Some grubby workman is just getting ready to eat his hot lunch and all of the sudden THE KING! sits down and holds out a bowl. Grubbo is terrified, THE KING! wants a bowl of his lunch. He scoops up a serving and they eat in silence. After finishing, King Bryan (29% of him anyways) asks, "My dear, filthy commoner, what's in the pot?" Grubbo replies, "Just beans, beer and bacon. Boiled for a few hours." K.B. just nodded sagely and whispered "That'll do pig." Tune in to the next page for further Evil_Bryan "facts"!
  18. We threw it in the harbor cuz we're American! That's his final, coded message. He's admitting his loyalty to King George III. Evil Bryan, a secret Torie all along...
  19. You gentlemen, are chasing the dragon. In this case it's an atomic powered, magic space-dragon.
  20. Do extra spaces bring the next page up faster? Possibly?
  21. You're having fun wrong and should feel bad about it.
  22. That's exactly what I'm hoping doesn't happen. Just pulled the trigger on doing a heavy conversion Ork army. Would hate to get half done and have it all change.
  23. When I renew my status can I add an extra $5 and get Pretre's "Betrayer" tag?
  24. All awesome! Any chance for a closer pic of the War-Walkers hiding in the back? They look especially awesome.
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