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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Rub some lavender and sage oils on it.
  2. Is there anything happening tonight, 7/30?
  3. “Eyes! Lungs! Pancreas! So many snacks, so little time!“ –Venom (Eddie Brock) Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #374
  4. It’s probably too late, but could you rotate the figure 180° so that the animal carcass is behind him? I know that it’s basic miniature design theory to put these little scenic bitz in front of or beside the figure, since that’s the angle it will be viewed from primarily. But in this instance, placing the decorative bitz behind him will emphasis the “leaves a trail of devastation behind him” schtick. It might also be cool to use your greenstuff sculpting skills to add some skin to the animal carcass, so it’s not a skeleton of a horse, but one that has dropped dead of some sort of wasting disease. (I also find it morbidly hilarious that he’s got a bandana around his neck like an improperly worn mask... and you just know he doesn’t have any hand sanitizer in that satchel.)
  5. Just as another little plug for Oathmark, but it’s totally possible to do both Orcs and Dwarves in the same army over there!
  6. Somebody’s gotta keep the damned elf from wandering off and getting into trouble.
  7. I don't have one (yet) but consensus amongst the internet's Adeptus Custodes community is that the Telemon Dreadnought always goes into battle with a deep, booming battle-cry of OH YEAH!
  8. I think a lot of the Internet "Hive-Mind" is still stuck in the old paradigm where Kill Points mattered as much (if not more) than Objectives. Hence, I think they're still fixated on Smash Captains and Elite Deathstars. I won't claim to be an expert, but my gut is telling me that 9th Edition will reward player who can figure out "Sweep and Keep" combinations of units. Something fast and punchy to get the enemy off of an Objective, followed up by something durable to hold onto it. In the context of Blood Angels, I'm thinking a Death Company / Sanguinary Guard / Assault Intercessors squad would be a strong "Sweep", followed up by Tactical Squads in Rhinos or Razorbacks / Intercessors in Impulsors to be the "Keep." All supported as appropriate by Chaplains, Librarians, Predators, and what have you.
  9. Thain Blackhill Name: Thain Blackhill Class: Dwarf Level: 1 Hit Points: 9 Armor Class: 5 Alignment: Neutral XP: 0 Sex: Male Age: 50 Height: 4'1" Weight: 165 lbs. ATTRIBUTES STR: 16 To Hit: 2 To Dam: 2 Open Doors: 2 DEX: 16 AC Mod: -2 Initiative: 1 Missile Adj: 2 CON: 13 HP Adj: 1 INT: 13 Add Langs: 1 Able to read and write known languages WIS: 8 Save vs. Magic: -1 CHA: 9 Reaction Adj: 0 Retainers: 4 Retainer Morale: 7 THAC0: 19 Saving Throws Breath Attacks: 13 Poison or Death: 8 Petrify or Paralyze: 10 Wands: 9 Spells or Spell-like Devices: 12 Skills: Hunting, Nature Lore, Navigation, Quick Draw, Stealth (mountains/hills) Languages: Common, Neutral, Dwarvish, Goblin, Gnome, Kobold, Bugbear Weapons: Dagger; Hand Axe; Shortbow (and twenty arrows); Sword Armor: Leather Armor Equipment: Belt; Cloak, Long; Clothes, middle-class; Mirror; Pouch, Belt; Quiver; Sack, small; Tinder Box; Waterskin Eldest of three children, Thain Blackhill hails from the forested foothills that surround the great mountain kingdoms of the dwarves. For generations, his clan has served as border guards and lookouts for his kinfolk under the mountain. Thain is fair-skinned, auburn-haired, and very well read, rarely without a book or two tucked into his travelling kit. Now that his two younger brothers have gotten old enough to assist his father in the family's watch (and before his father gets too old) Thain has opted to travel a bit, seeking fortune and glory.
  10. This, of course, is a perfectly constructed counter-argument.
  11. The pedantic jerk in me wants to point out that the Doom Eagles are an Ultramarines successor...
  12. Even the ancient eM4 Miniatures mono-pose dwarves look better than the Mantic ones... and they cost about 25¢ a piece!
  13. I highly recommend the Oathmark dwarves from North Star Figures as far as models go, if you’re looking for something a lot less cartoony than the offerings from Mantic Games or Games Workshop’s few remaining WHFB kits that they’ve ported over to AoS. I also highly recommend the Oathmark game itself, but that’s even more off topic.
  14. Actually, it’s only the turret that matters. Sponsons are optional equipment, both in the rules and in-universe. Typically, the autocannon turreted Destructor gets heavy bolter sponsons to maximize its anti-infantry / anti-transport role and the twin-linked lascannon turreted Annihilator gets lascannon sponsons to maximize its anti-tank role; But Space Marines being all about tactical flexibility, it isn’t uncommon to make a jack-of-all-trades variant by swapping the sponson options around. (There also used to be a Leman Russ Annihilator, a twin-linked lascannon turret on the indestructible iron box we all know and love and/or fear. I miss it.)
  15. You get both sponson options and both turret options in the box, but only enough connector bitz to build one or the other... Thank the Omnissiah for magnets!
  16. I totally misread that. My bad. Predator Destructor and Predator Annihilator have been canon designations for the two patterns dating back to Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader...
  17. The auto-cannon turret has always been the exclusive provenance of the Blood Angels... So I wouldn’t panic yet. But I wholly agree with the rest of your post. The “If it’s not in the box, it’s not in the book” design philosophy is terrible.
  18. Time and scheduling permitting.
  19. When I started university in ‘99, the campus’s sci-fi and fantasy literature club (which was also the gaming club) was named The Society of Leibowitz. They’d been established back in the “Tolkien Hippie Boom” of the mid-to-late Sixties and were the oldest continuously operating student organization on campus... and apparently I was the youngest person to grok the reference in their name. They changed it to the “Oakland University Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fan Club” a few weeks into the school year. Darn shame. Canticle is a under-appreciated classic of the genre...
  20. I’m assuming that the entry for “Them” is referring to gigantic ants, as in the classic of the creature feature drive-in era: Them! I don’t know if anyone makes a good scale-model ant, but AMT has a giant tarantula model that’s about 5” long... roughly 25’ in scale. It’ll look a lot more realistic than something like a GW Araknorok Spider.
  21. Apply a few grains of salt, but apparently the Internet hive-mind has decoded the fuzzy text in the recent YouTube teaser video about the new codices. The Necrons will be getting some sub-faction specific rules:
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