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Stitches question


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Hurt myself recently. Went to the Doctor and got it taken care of. Healing fine and near time to remove the stitches. Question, why are stitches removed? I understand the body grows over them, and so it becomes harder to get them out, but why do they need to be out in the first place? Pure curiosity. I certainly plan to remove them. 

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I assumed that stitches that don't dissolve will start to cause infection.

I had some moles on my face removed years ago. The stitches were the kind that dissolved but for some reason the end that is tied in a knot would remain in my skin. After awhile I would have an itching sensation on that spot and would scratch a lot, until eventually I pulled it out while thinking it was facial hair.

I'm sure there is another reason why, but that's all I could think of.

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I'm told mine won't disolve on their own.

Itching, yeah, that makes sense. And an infection makes sense too. Was just wondering.

Was thinking about those trees that grow around signs and fences. Never been clear why that's bad for the trees. Looks cool. Not cool enough to test on my own flesh, but there is a degree of temptation.

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I think with any foreign object whether metal or organic, your body is going to reject it and try to get rid of it.

Here's something crazy I learned. When a male suffers from testicular torsion and the affected testicle dies, you would think it will stay there rotting and fester while causing a big mess down there. Actually, the body will dissolve that dead testicle into nothing. Yeah there will be some discomfort but in the end it will be gone.

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9 minutes ago, Grensche said:

Here's something crazy I learned. When a male suffers from testicular torsion and the affected testicle dies, you would think it will stay there rotting and fester while causing a big mess down there. Actually, the body will dissolve that dead testicle into nothing. Yeah there will be some discomfort but in the end it will be gone.

Interesting. Does the body reuse the disolved materials (digestion) or does the disolved organ get ejected (urine or poop)?

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That I don't know. I don't know how dead tissue can be used unless it was broken down to just cells.

Hahaha I'm sorry poop makes me laugh. But wouldn't something be either in the intestinal tract or the in the bladder for that to happen?  It would be interesting though, because something can't just dissolve completely and disappear.

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Never understood why scars are bad. I think they look cool. Then again, could be a grass is greener thing since I don't have many scars.

Anyway, ended up taking out the stitches myself. Found a site that made it look easy enough, and it was. Had planned to go to the doctor again to remove them, but when it came time, I got stressed thinking about which doctor to see and when (deadlines stress me out a lot), and ultimately concluded that if I didn't do it myself, I wouldn't be removing them at all. Removing stitches proved very easy. Still not fully healed, but I'm doing much better.

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Well with the scars you could always make up stories on how you got them. I have a couple scars on my face, I had two moles removed, but people don't know that so they asked me what happened. I would tell them all sorts of stories like I got into a knife fight with a Mexican Mariachi Band or I tried to do parkour off of the roof of a house.

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