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9th Ed Blood Angels


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I have decided to abandon my Tyranids, at least for a while, and start playing Blood Angels. I have never properly played marines of any type, so I am looking for help. I have read up on what worked in 8th, and I am going to try and get a smash captain put together, though I have seen the Judicar decked out in crazy ways that makes him an insane glass cannon.  I am currently putting together a squad of 10 Death Company with jump packs and I have two boxes (marine half) of Indomitus and dark imperium, a primaris Mephiston, and a librarian dread. I am hoping this is a good jump start.  Any advice is appreciated: List help, stratagems to keep in mind, or even "Wait for the new codex to drop in a month".

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Look through the strats before and while making a list. If something is awesome and you want to use it make sure you have the appropriate models many are keyed to specific units. 

The plus to dice roll on wound is kind of amazing. I'd take plenty of extra little characters just to be able to support your units with those extra attacks.


With the changes in ninth for the order of attackers charging is great but the blood angles shoot really well. I'd lean into the shooting heavily but be ready to meet any enemy head on in combat. Your base troops will wound enemy transports on 4s! Anything that relies on toughness feels it when you charge.

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Another great thing about Blood Angels is that they are a close combat army that excels in getting into close combat without having to rely on things like Rhino rushes or Drop Pods. Descent of Angels (I believe that's the name) is an amazing stratagem that allows you to roll 3d6 when you make a charge with a jump pack unit (which may have had to have deep struck at the end of the most recent movement phase). Dropping in some Sanguinary Guard with various weapon loadouts and popping that Stratagem will reliably get an expensive, but very killy unit, into combat. Baal Predators will perhaps make a comeback with the Blast Rule and kitting them out with Flamers would be a great idea. Roll that bad boy into range of a mob of enemies and watch the unit melt like the Ark in Indiana Jones.  

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So sayeth the scriptures and writings put forth by the Ultramarines, the binary roll calls imprinted upon the holy reams carried by tech adepts of Mars and the holocordings stored by the High Lord's of Terra.

Completely invalidated by my inner 12 year-old that says JUMP PACKS ARE AWESOME AND TOTALLY BLOOD ANGELS pew pew pew boom aaaah


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47 minutes ago, PourSpelur said:

So sayeth the scriptures and writings put forth by the Ultramarines, the binary roll calls imprinted upon the holy reams carried by tech adepts of Mars and the holocordings stored by the High Lord's of Terra.

Completely invalidated by my inner 12 year-old that says JUMP PACKS ARE AWESOME AND TOTALLY BLOOD ANGELS pew pew pew boom aaaah


This, of course, is a perfectly constructed counter-argument. 

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1 hour ago, PumpkinHead said:

I know 9th is young, but should I focus much on heavy support or fast attack? Everything I can find is pretty much troops cause you have to, then elites and HQ.

I think a lot of the Internet "Hive-Mind" is still stuck in the old paradigm where Kill Points mattered as much (if not more) than Objectives. Hence, I think they're still fixated on Smash Captains and Elite Deathstars. I won't claim to be an expert, but my gut is telling me that 9th Edition will reward player who can figure out "Sweep and Keep" combinations of units. Something fast and punchy to get the enemy off of an Objective, followed up by something durable to hold onto it. 

In the context of Blood Angels, I'm thinking a Death Company / Sanguinary Guard / Assault Intercessors squad would be a strong "Sweep", followed up by Tactical Squads in Rhinos or Razorbacks / Intercessors in Impulsors to be the "Keep." All supported as appropriate by Chaplains, Librarians, Predators, and what have you.

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Agreed on all counts @Ish. Another thing to look at is the Impulsor/Death Company (with no jetpacks) combo. Impulsors allow your troops to disembark after the Impulsor has moved rather than having to have your troops pile out before moving most other transports. This would allow you to run up the board Turn 1 with your 14'' move (coupled with an advance if you so choose), and then drop off your Death Company after another 14'' move. This would guarantee a Turn 2 Charge that would coincide with reinforcements and another Jump Pack Death Company squad that has been yeeted up the board by the "Before the Game Starts Death Company get a free move" stratagem. Just spit balling, but could be useful. 

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16 hours ago, VonVilkee said:

The plus to dice roll on wound is kind of amazing. I'd take plenty of extra little characters just to be able to support your units with those extra attacks.

Also, that actually applies more broadly than it first appears. It kicks in any turn you get Charged, even if you were already locked in combat before that. So if your Opponent tries to bring reinforcements into the combat, you get the Wound bonus again, which is pretty brutal.

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I have 5 intersessions, 10 assault intersessions, 5 death company with jump packs and the sergeant with plasma gun and shield done. On the painting table I have 5 more intersessions with just red on them. 5 more DC with jump packs that have the black on them, 1 outrider with base colors, 1 captain with base colors, and 10 more assault intersessions with base paint on sprue waiting to be assembled.

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