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Can anyone make sense of the Sudden Death victory points? It looks like if you choose to kill a certain unit or hero for a sudden death win, the other guy gets to pick who that is.


Therefore, you finish placing models. I just keep going, and going.... and going, until I run out of space. Then you pick Assasinate or Blunt. I then pick a relatively tough unit (and I should have a wide selection of tough units to choose from) that just stays in my back field all day while I swarm you with everything else?


This would be particularly ugly with a shooting heavy army because they can concentrate their attack easily. I doubt anyone actually owns five hundred wood elf archers... but if they do, how do you win?

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Looks like some nerfing took place,,,well at least from what it would do in 8th edition.


Oh definitely. Obviously they removed the comparison of WS to WS, and they removed the comparison of STR to Toughness.


Now, you just roll to hit to beat the score on your model's warscroll. Then roll again to wound based on the number on your model's warscroll. Then your target gets to roll a save taking into account the attacking model's Rend value (if there is one).


So it's -similar- to old WHFB, but now your To hit and To wound rolls don't care who/what you're swinging at. It could be a goblin, or a Bloodthirster. (though some special rules for your target may apply).

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Can anyone make sense of the Sudden Death victory points? It looks like if you choose to kill a certain unit or hero for a sudden death win, the other guy gets to pick who that is.


Therefore, you finish placing models. I just keep going, and going.... and going, until I run out of space. Then you pick Assasinate or Blunt. I then pick a relatively tough unit (and I should have a wide selection of tough units to choose from) that just stays in my back field all day while I swarm you with everything else?


This would be particularly ugly with a shooting heavy army because they can concentrate their attack easily. I doubt anyone actually owns five hundred wood elf archers... but if they do, how do you win?


My understanding of it is like this.


I have 33% or more figs than you do.


If you pick 'Assassinate' as your auto-win feature, -I- pick a model in my army that you then have to slay in order to claim it.


It's worded a bit funny I think, but that's how I read it.


I.e. YOU are the outnumbered player, so YOU are looking at the chart, and the chart says 'The enemy player picks...'

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I (dkieft's brother) will try this (probably with dkieft) but there are a ton of other skirmish games I can play.


WFB was fairly unique, massive armies with monsters marching around the battlefield like Napoleons' armies all lined up in rows.


This seems a bit too much like everything else.  


So why would I choose it over Malifaux or even 40k?

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I (dkieft's brother) will try this (probably with dkieft) but there are a ton of other skirmish games I can play.


WFB was fairly unique, massive armies with monsters marching around the battlefield like Napoleons' armies all lined up in rows.


This seems a bit too much like everything else.  


So why would I choose it over Malifaux or even 40k?

Or Wrath of Kings or Warmachine, or Saga, or Infinity, or Mordheim, or Necromunda, or Empire of the Dead, or that Pirate Game Gav Thorpe wrote, or... Etc.


I'm calling it, and then I'm shutting up: It's a cross between baby's first war game and Magic Unglued.

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I'm so confused right now... So I can just take my whole minotaur collection, call them all Doombulls, grab a bunch of bretonnian knights (call them all Lords while I'm at it) and that's my army? I have an army of 30 Doombulls and 100 Bretonnian Lords... what the heck is going on?

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Because bro its GOING TO BE AWESOME!



I hope so, just can't see it yet.  There is even a bit of Herohammer in what I am reading.


D, you should bring out some of the old (or should I say, ancient) books and see if they even stole some of the verbiage, I swear I have read some of this before.

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scratch that: an engineer can work MULTIPLE war machines.  y'all are going to want to quit this game rrrreeeeallll quick lol


EDIT: if you thought cannons were annoying before.  oh my cannons shoot twice and get rerolls.  :)





.... really, they had to make dwarfs more 'gunliney'.... 'sigh' looks like im playing chaos mostly.

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If I have a unit of 30 or more Giant Rats, they EACH get 3 attacks and hit on a 2+.


Of course, they still need 5+ to wound, but still... THAT is a horde! :)



Rat Swarms... you can have as many bases as you want in the unit. During each Hero phase, you get to add another base to the unit. Seems rather redundant. LOL

Yeah same with Night goblins 20+ more gets me a +1 to hit 30+ gets me a +2 because of sneaky goblins overwhelming enemy and stabbing them in the back! So how do we keep it balanced? 

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I think I have one more idea I am going to share here and bug out like Jim...


This will be a fantastic game to throw down with the kids with my massive amount of painted models and I might spark them to play more.  I am formulating how to trick them into learning the rules before the old man.


But even given the above I don't see the sales gain for GW, the old money is set in its ways (and still buys whole armies and expands its existing ones), the new money has too many choices (in all the other games that are similar, that may not require painting) and they might be stealing money from themselves if the 40k crowd likes this more than the current 40k.


I wonder if in a year or so WFB is reborn after someone jumps out a corporate window and how many of us oldsters will be around at that point to pick up our broken elfish spears to line them up again.

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I'm so confused right now... So I can just take my whole minotaur collection, call them all Doombulls, grab a bunch of bretonnian knights (call them all Lords while I'm at it) and that's my army? I have an army of 30 Doombulls and 100 Bretonnian Lords... what the heck is going on?

I am here with you! I don't understand how you build an army?? I can take all black orc lords I have 6 models, then two giants, and two Wyvern lords...this is really the only thing that right now is causing me to wait and see. I don't see how we balance this game? 

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scratch that: an engineer can work MULTIPLE war machines.  y'all are going to want to quit this game rrrreeeeallll quick lol


EDIT: if you thought cannons were annoying before.  oh my cannons shoot twice and get rerolls.  :)





.... really, they had to make dwarfs more 'gunliney'.... 'sigh' looks like im playing chaos mostly.


Yeah,thats nasty and all.


Until you meet up with someone throwing down dozens of small fast moving units.


Or how about the guy who brings 6 or so Nagash`s to the table along with a rather large bin of zombies to summon up each turn.


Yup,,its gonna get dumb pretty quick lol

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You think this plays like 40k? I mean, I guess they both have models and dudes in heavy armor. The mechanics seem just a BIT different though. I would say 40k has more incommon with WHFB 8th than AoS.


Well, AoS has super simple base rules far simpler than 40k


The most obvious 40k like change is going to skirmish, but beyond that you have the run move (just like 40k), the Charge (aka Assault) phase, piling in... etc.


Honestly if you think 8th was closer to 40k you are either on crack or just have no idea the difference between 8th and 40k. (Also, I know nothing about the newest 40k, only played up to the previous edition).

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Oh definitely. Obviously they removed the comparison of WS to WS, and they removed the comparison of STR to Toughness.


Now, you just roll to hit to beat the score on your model's warscroll. Then roll again to wound based on the number on your model's warscroll. Then your target gets to roll a save taking into account the attacking model's Rend value (if there is one).


So it's -similar- to old WHFB, but now your To hit and To wound rolls don't care who/what you're swinging at. It could be a goblin, or a Bloodthirster. (though some special rules for your target may apply).



They seem to have taken a hint from KoW on this as it streamlines gameplay,especially for new players.In the end the result is pretty much the same as if you were using the charts.

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It's a different dimension perhaps.  Maybe Sigmar fell through realities and has entered into a shattered realm where Chaos has not won.


I mean come on folks, they are giving you a chance to play with ALL your toys.


Isn't that what you always wanted?  The chance to make the list that fits the theme in your head, regardless of force org restrictions?


Maybe now I can make that army with the Ranger-General Sylvos Tahl'Veras the Huntsman,  leading his army of stalkers and dual wielding forest assassins. 


I can create that army lead by Dornatha the Verdant Rage and his handmaidens of the thorn.


I can play that army and not take 3 hours so my wife txts me at 10 asking me when the [big bad swear word] I am going to be home.

I mean seriously, embrace change and give it a shot.  Worst case scenario you lost a few hours of your life.  Hell I do that every time I take a [big bad swear word].

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