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New Tau - Giant Fethin' Riptide with Missiles, New FireW and Stealth Riptide


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Well it sure looks cool in any event.  


360 points base does NOT make this an auto include, that's for sure.  I think if the Riptide is roughly the same cost as before, then i might find it difficult to fit more than one StormSurge in a list and very possibly none?  My thinking is that anything with assault vehicles is going to use them to immediately silence that huge amount of points and while i can afford that to happen on a Riptide, i am not so sure I can afford it to happen on The StormSurge.  


The D weapon is really the big draw for it but it's a mere 10" range!  So it's really there to keep big boys from charging it but smaller enemies will hardly care.  I like this limitation since it will definitely mute the cries of "cheese" from some people.


Its anti-personell punch (without stabilizer deployed) is very very good if a bit inconsistent.  That can already be emulated cheaper by other units.  So the only time its points seem worth it is 


a.  When being charged by a big boy.  

b.  After deploying its Stabilizers, against normal infantry type threats.  BAWOOOOOSH


ANYTHING that can get close to it is going to be as safe as you ever are in war.  Which is cool because this also plays to the whole "dont try to outshoot Tau Empire" maxim that has been true forever.  That is a fight most cannot win at range.  You MUST close in on the Tau even WHEN you are a shooty army.  it pays dividends.


I love this model though.  i mean that model is BEAUTIFUL.

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It terms of fairness, I think it's pretty decent. However, it is a HUGE "screw you" to Deep Stikers thanks to Intercept and can potentially spit out a huge number of shots per turn as long as you keep it protected. But in terms of how Lords of War appear in the game, I think this is actually a pretty acceptable choice- tough and strong, but not unkillable by normal units and not putting out so much firepower that it can't be dealt with.

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It terms of fairness, I think it's pretty decent. However, it is a HUGE "screw you" to Deep Stikers thanks to Intercept and can potentially spit out a huge number of shots per turn as long as you keep it protected. But in terms of how Lords of War appear in the game, I think this is actually a pretty acceptable choice- tough and strong, but not unkillable by normal units and not putting out so much firepower that it can't be dealt with.

yeah the points cost looks entirely justified nd yet its EXTREMELY melee inept so I think it is fine.  I think it will be a shock to the system on occassion to orks and horde armies though.  Yeesh.

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It terms of fairness, I think it's pretty decent. However, it is a HUGE "screw you" to Deep Stikers thanks to Intercept and can potentially spit out a huge number of shots per turn as long as you keep it protected. But in terms of how Lords of War appear in the game, I think this is actually a pretty acceptable choice- tough and strong, but not unkillable by normal units and not putting out so much firepower that it can't be dealt with.

Deep strikers from AoTI could take that BA angel's wing which is basically invisibility vs interception. It doesn't require the unit to be entirely JP infantry, either.

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Could take it, but no one does because it's sinking into a detachment that otherwise has very little use (as the Flesh Tearers one is the only thing most people run BA for.) Unless the new Tau book makes them overwhelmingly prevalent, there's very little chance anyone would bother.

Flesh Tearers can take it too. It's in the main BA book. The two army variant deteachments in Extreminatus (Blooded and Flesh tearers) are unique in that their unique wargear is permitted in addition to that in the BA book, as opposed to almost every other army variant which does instead.

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It still only protects one Unit, so doesn't do much to help full or heavy DS/Outflanking Builds.

Agree. Plus TAU can increase snap BS.


Still, getting 1 unit to land very close to the TAU lines without major interception losses would be very useful.

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How is this unexpected.  Has no one paid for an Imperial Knight?

Still haven't wanted one. I've certainly got a selection of spendy models, but those imperial knights are not really something I want for my armies.


I still don't get GW regarding large models, I mean, the bigger they make the model, the greater the selection of substitutes already exist on the market. Models like Imperial knights and the above TAU-thing, pit GW against actual toy stores, rather than just competing model companies.

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It is interesting to see GW sales slip from 2013 to 2014, my guess it will be worse in 2015. I have noticed less people investing in GW products. Harder for new people to invest in the hobby. I know I have hit the breaks on my my purchases, and though I will continue to play with what I have, my investment in new armies is over. I have other game systems now to enjoy.

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EBay is your friend.  It really is.


Paying retail is for the birds.  I am going to use the crap outta my contacts to get these wholesale because i dont hardly think its worth that much.


IN the meantime, I know there's a place in Everett called MUGU games that gives a constant 25% off everything GW so i mean, that is absolutely a resource for people who will be in the area and want to save significantly.  Pretty cool store overall, lots of selection and one of the biggest walla of GW stuff i have seen.  


Love this game.  Hate the prices.  I'm fortunate that I can afford the prices but as i have said 100 times before on other subjects, we need to keep the hobby accessible to the newest player and uber pricing things is NOT the way to do it.  It's plastic in the end, and while i know their ARGUMENT will be that other companies sell far less quality for more money, my argument is this:  You can't sell to people who won't buy.  Duh.

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