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Imperial agents and new canoness


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So what do we think, a compilation of existing rules, or will some new formations/rules/gear be thrown in? I'm really hoping the legion of the damned get either a way to arrive turn one or objective secure via their detachment!

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Much of this content is only available digitally at the moment, some of it is new, and much of it is updated.
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I'm expecting very little new contend, just a sourcebook of physical rules for some of the online-only 40k options. Would be nice if we got the Warhammer World SM additions in there too, but I'm not expecting it. 

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The thing is, when I added her to my cart, she was in stock. I looked at a couple other pages, then went to check out. I selected in store pick up, then entered in my CC info and address. When I reviewed my order, the address was wrong, and I had to go back and manually enter in my address again. Hit submit, and at the top of the page, I get "Order.Invalid.Stock" and "Sorry, that item is out of stock". WTF! The item was in my cart, and it was in stock when I added it to my shopping cart.


I fired off an e-mail to GW Customer Service with screen shots and my cart order reference number. There is no way that the software inventory system that GW uses doesn't actually reserve the item you want in your shopping cart until after you make the purchase. That actually makes zero sense at all. I can see it dumping your items if you close the connection with the GW Sales Server, or after a certain amount of time on idle. But this seems like a glitch or something.


I have my doubts that this will simply be restocked next week.

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Age of Sigmar has four broad factions called Allegiances: Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Order. Taking an army with the same Allegiance grants certain bonuses. Under each Allegiance are the various races- Chaos is all the Daemon armies and Skaven, Death is Vampires, Destruction is Orks, Order is Elves (both High and Dark), Empire... taking only models for a particular race pretty much allows you to take anything of that race. Within each race are sub-factions, like Khorne, Clan Eshin for Skaven, Ironjawz, etc. etc. Taking an entire army of a sub-faction gives bonuses to your army. Warscrolls are the description of each unit, and each unit has key words, like Chaos, Daemon, Khorne, Leader, Monster, Beast, etc. etc. Each time your whole army gets to a more specific level, you get more bonuses.


I expect something similar. Like say, Imperial as an Allegiance, and under the Imperial would be Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Inquisitors, etc. etc. At that level, you could take anything from any warscroll that had the word Imperial on it. This would probably grant you some kind of bonus, similar to what the Warlord Traits are now. From there, you could take Space Marines, and again, take any warscroll marked Space Marine, and probably get something like "And They Shall Know No Fear". Finally, you could take a specific chapter, like Blood Angels. And when your entire army has the Blood Angel key word in it, you get Feel No Pain or Crusader for the entire army. Note that you would also get the ATSKNF from being Space Marines and the Warlord trait from being Imperial Allegiance. Certain units, like say Sanguinary Guard, may have certain bonuses that may only apply if the entire army has the Blood Angel key word. Otherwise, they are jump infantry with slightly better stats. 

The only Force Organization will be "one HQ and two Troops", but only a few warscrolls will actually be troops, but if you take all Ultramarines of the 1st Company, then Terminators will unlock as troops. In this way, GW can give you free reign to play whatever (Unbound), or they can restrict the formations to make them far less then what they are now. A tournament could restrict a player to at least the third level (imperial, Space Marine, and a Chapter).

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No, it's fine. GW loves Sisters of Battle and really wants to make them good, that's why they keep releasing one crappy codex after another that gets worse every year. But any day now they are going to get a better model range and plastics and everything, that's why they put them in another half-a**ed supplement book for someone else. It's a good sign. 8th Edition will fix everything. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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It's a bad sign when GW reprints the entire codex for the first time in paper form right before an edition change, and then hypes the old miniatures. Does GW have piles and piles of Sisters of Battle laying around that this sale makes sense? No. Many of these models have been out of production for a long time. Now they are suddenly made available? They spent time, materials, and resources to bring these models back from the abyss. Why do that right before releasing a new Codex? Why do that if you have plastic models about to come online? It makes no sense, and goes against what GW has been doing lately. Surely, GW knows that if they release a new Sisters of Battle Codex in Jan/Feb of 2017 that changes all the models, they will face player backlash, from the people that jumped into this sale. I would have said this is exactly what GW would have done last year under Kirby, but with all the changes going on? The New management? Things have been turning around at GW, and this feels like a dramatic change back to the Old GW.

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