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Brick Bungalow

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Everything posted by Brick Bungalow

  1. I'd be down for some board game love.
  2. The best technique I've seen is to use fishing line to approximate the size and shape of the splash you want. Poke a few holes in the surface of the base and add a few strands and maybe a little loop depending. Then pour your water effects as you normally would for a flat surface, allow a few moments to let some surface tension build up and then tilt so that the liquid forms around the strands. It probably takes a couple practice runs to get right but it looks nice. The fishing line disappears. As with most accent type effects less is more.
  3. I appreciate a lot of detail and background. I mainly back kick starters out of a desire to further some project I find interesting. It's rarely a case of just wanting a good deal on some good or service. I appreciate insight into the process, motivation, future goals, influences et cetera. Also, we can stock some copies for you if you like. We do fairly well with comic books. I think a local, indie title would do well.
  4. Fire and Ice for the NES. One of the most challenging and elegant puzzle games ever created. I think games like this actually improve your intelligence or at least your capacity for lateral reasoning.
  5. Dallas Buyers Club tells a really interesting story that stands on its own. The two leads lost a dramatic amount of weight for their roles which is impressive but kind a movie cliche at this point. It's good that they did considering the story context. I thought the film did a good job of avoiding simplistic moral judgments even though the main character does not. It will resonate, maybe too closely with anyone who has ever had a dispute with a hospital about a sick relative. It motivated me to do some independent research on the subject matter. Good movie.
  6. It might be good for super glue and epoxy putty. I know stuff like that lasts longer in a freezer.
  7. A great writer and social activist. I'm thankful for her works and for her inspiration.
  8. I finally watched Gone Baby Gone the other night. A bit ham handed in places but very solid overall. Good character development. Effective plot twists. Some thought provoking moral dilemmas and a well executed closing scene that is worth twice about. I'd compare favorably with Shawshank Redepmption or Philadelphia.
  9. Hi there. We will be hosting the Ixalan Pre Release next saturday 1/13 one pm. The first six people to register will receive their $30 tournament pack for free. https://www.facebook.com/RGTClubhouse/?hc_ref=ARQW0mJItn0zUwkw_7PCIvx4ScbuhLNXGibhSdW3Ox2crVRCTOVv2JrclMtfOL94kFg
  10. I wonder if anyone else has the experience of reading a bad movie review and agreeing with everything but the conclusion? In other words everything that people didn't like about this movie was everything I did like.
  11. Gervais is next level funny in most everything he does. I laugh when I see the scene and I laugh the next day when I get the sub text.
  12. I thought it was an effective portrait of the character that didn't pull punches... the use of cheek pouches felt like a silly homage to old cop shows... get shot in the shoulder and blood comes out of your mouth for some reason. I was slightly bothered by some of the PTSD scenes. I'm not sure what the appropriate degree of realism/seriousness is for a comic book adaptation. It was effective in terms of advancing the story but it felt rather exploitative. Something felt wrong about depicting flashbacks and suicidal depression in a film that revolved around revenge and bordered on gore porn. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Still, I feel like the mini series format is far-and-away superior to the summer blockbuster movie in terms of exploring these characters. It was put together pretty well.
  13. I do love the OCD buzz of a properly organized board game. Every tiny token in its proper place. Mmmmmm.
  14. I got a new one called Mages of Mystara. It's an isometic Zelda type adventure featuring the ability to create custom spells. Pretty good.
  15. I'm late to the party but I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online recently and enjoying it.
  16. Ordinary boys, happy knowing nothinghappy being no one, but themselves
  17. For context, how many seats in this place?
  18. The khorne team would be pretty amusing if nothing else.
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