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Everything posted by WestRider

  1. Yep, the difference is basically just the time zones.
  2. But since you still have two open Heavy Slots here, why not go for it?
  3. Poison is all about volume of fire, which Venoms provide. Remember that a fast Vehicle like that can always fire two Weapons at full BS unless it goes Flat Out, so you're tossing out 12 BS4 Poisoned shots every Turn even while moving 12". If you're going that far, the Trueborn only add Snap Shots, but they toss on another 8 BS4 shots if you move up to 6", and another full 12 if you stand still. That's a couple of Wounds per Turn on anything with a 3+ Save, from Sister of Battle to WraithKnight.
  4. I doubt it. Mostly because I know a number of people in Australia who order their DVDs and Games from international sources, and are able to play them just fine. I'm pretty sure the regional restriction thing is pure marketing. As I understand it, it's a combination of shipping costs and historical factors from when the world was less connected and Australia was more isolated, combined with the basic principle of charging what the market will bear, and the fact that, like it or not, people in Australia apparently do keep paying those prices.
  5. It's not just GW. I've heard similar stories about DVD and Video Game prices, and I know for a fact from my last job that Quilt Patterns cost double there what they do here, and fabric is even worse. We'd get people ordering from Australia all the time, because it was cheaper to pay $50 or more in shipping but get the product at US prices than to buy locally.
  6. The Hemlock's Horrify ability ends up being really awkward to use, because you have to do it before you move, and even with the Flyer benefits, the thing is incredibly fragile to be leaving within 18" of an Enemy Unit for a Turn. WraithGuard, I've seen work well, but WraithBlades just get screwed by the fact that after they Disembark, they have to stand around for a full Turn getting shot before they can Charge. I've been very underwhelmed by their performance, the times I've gone up against them. The rest seems pretty solid, but I might tweak by, say, picking up one more Bike and splitting into 2x3 so they can hide more easily and claim/contest more Objectives.
  7. As I read it, if you Deploy something in there, you put the Escape Hatch down when you Deploy them, but if it starts the Game empty, the Escape Hatch isn't placed until a Unit moves in.
  8. Note that you don't get to place the Emergency Escape Hatch until the first time a Unit occupies the Fort. I've been messing around with that option for some Nid shenanigans, and that's a pretty big limiting factor in some situations.
  9. My favorite thing is that they've got all this awesome Super-Heavy Weaponry and then random Heavy Stubbers just sort of there because reasons. The models look sweet, tho, and the Rules seem reasonable at first glance. Might well have to stick a chunk of my tax return into one of these.
  10. The phrase "rather than rolling Armour Penetration normally" suggests strongly to me that it replaces the usual Roll. Since there are no other exceptions, everything else (like Cover) would work normally. The Strength value is for if you're shooting them at something with a Toughness value for whatever reason. Haywire works just fine on Buildings, as you use the Vehicle Rules when shooting at Buildings, other than where specifically exempted, and there is no exception for Haywire.
  11. Because the 50% reserves thing is part of the Reserves Rules, that means that that it is standard, unless something more specific overrides it, like some specific scenarios. The Webway Portal does not do that. What it does do is allow you to use the Reserves Rules, without any particular exceptions, in Scenarios that do not normally allow Reserves at all. It does not override or alter any part of the Reserves Rules.
  12. The Bull Snapper comes on a 40mm base, so should fit your purposes in that regard.
  13. ...Or re-enacting the Charge of the Light Brigade with my ThunderWolves. I'd be down with that.
  14. Not sure about Escalation, but I highly recommend Stronghold Assault, even if only for the updated Building Rules. They make more sense and work more smoothly than the BRB version. Honestly, it's a pretty reasonable book overall, except for the D Forts and some issues with Void Shields.
  15. And here I thought "double blind" meant you kept drinking after you were blind drunk. I've been doing it wrong all this time ;)
  16. Where do the Giant Chaos Spawn come from? Are those a Forge World thing? I want some :D
  17. Well, even without the Lord of Skulls, cramming all that into one 2K List just ain't happening, but there should be a number of ways you can put together a subset of it and get decent results.
  18. You can get some solid mileage out of a fast assault spam list. Three MaulerFiends, lord on Juggernaut with Spawn/Bikes for an escort, Helldrake or two, a couple of Helbrutes to help with AV12 saturation, a couple Squads of CSM in Rhinos, something like that. Blood Crushers with a Herald on Juggernaut would fit in there nicely as well, and a Skull Cannon wouldn't go awry. Deep Strike in some Bloodletters, take some Khorne Dogs in FA and maybe steampunk them up a bit. I haven't thrown in the Daemon Allies, but I've had fun with a pure CSM version. It's not top tier, but it's far from terrible, and it's got a lot of potential to make your opponent pay dearly for even minor slips.
  19. Ah, there we go. I was too drunk to dig through the books myself last night :P I think Pax brings up an important point about the purpose of the 1" restriction, given the fact that it is possible to be in an Assault with an enemy-occupied Fortification. The RAW doesn't cover, but that gives a pretty solid indication of the RAI extending in this case.
  20. Depends on how the Firing Points are laid out. I just tried it with my FSR, and could only get about 27 or so dudes within 2" of the Firing Point, and that was letting them edge up onto the bodies and rubble at the edge of the wall.
  21. Then without a specific exemption, what is the basis for them being able to get up there?
  22. It's only the dudes who manage to get within 2" of a Firing Point who get to chuck grenades in, so I doubt it would be the full 50, but that's still going to be a $#!^load of S3 Hits.
  23. There's a specific exemption allowing them on the Battlements, tho, right? Wouldn't that leave this functioning in the more general case?
  24. Thank you for the reminder about Grenades. I was trying to figure out how to clear a fortification without blowing it up the other day, and totally forgot that they worked like that.
  25. I figure this one is yes, based on the bit in the Embarking section on Pg. 78 about "If players need to measure a range involving the embarked Unit, measure from the hull." Seems to me like this would qualify as a "range involving the embarked Unit."
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